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Everything posted by TWP

  1. Hello, everyone! Not so long ago there was a Lego event in the Netherlands (Lego World in october). I always make a layout there, this year I also had a Hoth display. Because I wanted this year to also put some MOCs in my layout, I started at some. I hadn't initially planned to make this one, but when I took my Death Star planet set to move it, I just knew in a moment it would be perfect for an Ion Cannon. Because everyone was complaining they needed an Ion Cannon in this year's new Battle of Hoth set, I thought I would share it. It is very easy for everyone to make one, because besides some white stones you only need a cheap Tie Interceptor & Death Star planet set. I did this model very quick, using most pieces from the Home One Mon Calamari Cruiser set and the T-6 Jedi Shuttle. I am sure myself and many others can make this much better and accurate. so, enough talk, let's show some pictures: The fire flame was an idea of someone I know. Image without flame real ion cannon. it looks a bit whiter, though. Back: As you can see, it could be lowered very much. from above, with planet removed. Next: Micro Battle of the Shield Generator I built this today & yesterday to go with the Ion Cannon, because I thougt the Ion Cannon looked so alone, but actually I think it is more a separate MOC. anyways, here are some pictures: Complete battle, including shield generator, snowtroopers, Hoth rebel troopers, Darth Vader, Han Solo, tauntaun (from Battle of Hoth Lego game), Anti-trooper turret, Anti-vehicle turret, AT-AT (modded from Battle of Hoth Lego game), snowspeeder (recolored version of 4486 AT-ST and Snowspeeder). The shield generator without all the troops. the real one from ESB The two turrets. Personally, I really like the The modded vehicles. I think the AT-AT might have Anti-vehicle. looked better without the 1x4 trans-clear tile. The micro shield generator and Ion Cannon together. for a few more images and images of how they are built see my Flickr account. I hope you all like it! C & C welcome.
  2. I forgot to explain what the blue guy then could be. The blue could be clay, what the designers always use for new pieces of minifigures, just like they did with the Jabba on the prelims of Jabba's palace. So it could be an other random minifig. but now you're saying that Max Rebo is small, and did appear on the sail barge... maybe it could be Max Rebo. Let's hope the black minifig is Ree Yees, I always had wanted to see a Lego Gran. @cyberbricker, what do you mean with Newly Reformed Republic?
  3. I think there is no x2 or x3 under one of those clones, because Lego wants us to believe there are very much minifigs in a set, and placing x2 or x3 means that the row of minifigs will be shorter. Also, there are two Super Battle Droids included, and they are imaged twice, instead of x2 placed under one of them. It would be very strange if the clone suddenly has a x2 underneath him.
  4. Am I the only one who does not like a Max Rebo minifig? of course, I think he's cool, but useless without the other members of the band. Max Rebo was the only one of his species ever appearing in the star wars movies, right? Is he actually in the sail barge in RotJ? I would have preffered another skiff guard or gamorrean guard. the blue minifig at the prelim looks quite small, is Max Rebo small too? If Max Rebo isn't, maybe it is an other minifig? and the black minifig looks like holding a gun, maybe it isn't luke.
  5. Is it allowed to use stickers from sets on different pieces, or to make custom stickers or to paint pieces?
  6. I didn't saw a review, so I looked one, and I saw the stormtrooper has an entire new torso! the set itself isn't all that special, what you expect is wat you get. Something that suprised me was that the snowspeeder has controls both for the pilot and the gunner! The minifigs: the last two pictures are from the "old" pilot luke. so new torso, leg printing, face printing, other color hands... the only thing that is the same is the helmet. rieekan. Pics say enough snowtrooper. the last picture is the old one. It has of course the new printed black head. so new color hands and torso, printed at the front, and, unnecessarily at the back (but always welcome :) ) I have actually no idea what the by Only Sinner mentioned "ketchup stain" could be, does anyone know? credit of the pics goes to thebrickshow.
  7. I really like these projets, from the first moment I saw them on cuusoo. but it is very confusing that you made 4 different projects. it would be strange if one gets 10000 supporters, the rest not, and then you have a half cantina. I think you could better make only one project, with more bricks and less minifigs. Stick then as much as possible to your original design. with more bricks Lego lets you have more minifigs. to let it include more bricks for example you could include a brick-built dewback, some markt sale stands (similar to 7195 Ambush In Cairo), a speeder (no luke's landspeeder preferebly) or skyhopper, something like a antenna(like water collectors), and maybe something else. I know it is very hard for you to include less minifigs, but it is really not possible for Lego to include this many, many of which are not very appealing to childs, and they too have to make new moulds for. minifigs: I suggest not R2-D2 C-3PO, Chewbacca, and less aliens, because those aren't necesarry for a child to play the story from the movie. I suggest just 1 or 2 band players, greedo, han solo, luke, obi-wan, imperial spy, 1 or two storm troopers, cantina bar man, one extra alien (I suggest the one the arm gets cut off) this would require 9 to 11 minifigs (in stead of 21), and just 3 new molds (instead of 5) the rest of the minifigs could be in your universe packs.
  8. TWP replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    It would not make a great set. Or Lego has to make a big hight differene, Or the "big hole" will not be included, but why would you then only want the small house? Also, there is to little action involved (or Lego has to make the AotC version with some tusken raiders(that might be possible))
  9. Can I post a topic for the small category and large category, and choose after the deadline in which category I want to participate, so I can look at my competitors? or if that's not possible before the deadline decide in what category I like to participate?
  10. If you like the newer figs, then just buy them. You can then get rid of the old ones, or just put them in a minifigure display case (like me). Many of the new figures, e.g. the Luke Skywalker above, are so good & complete printed that there is a very small chance that they will update him for the next 10 years. The only reasen why they could update him, is for a different face expression, but of course you don't need him for that small change. A "real" update of this minifig could only take place when Lego desides to print arms and legs, just like minifigs more often have leg prints, in stead of the older ones. more changes possible over years: more detailed eyes (like they recently did with the pupils), other mouth, printed hands, other hands (with molded fingers). but I think it takes very long before they make those changes.
  11. Not exactly the image I looked for, but you can se this person did something with the legs, cutting them halfway.
  12. I've seen that before on some flickr account, but I don't remember which one. It looked very fun!
  13. okay, I think I might agree with you on that you won't see fingerprints and the re-apply smudge-thing. I also started to think that the white ones are easier to get more details on, and maybe that chrome print might be the reason. but I really need(ed) to replace some stickers of the 6208 B-wing fighter (2006), because they almost fall off the plastic. (I could post some pictures of that, and the other issues here), and the edges of the stickers in the 7676 republic gunship(2008) also are loose in the edges. the stickers of 7256 jedi starfighter and vulture droid(2005) even have got many cracks. maybe that aren't a load of sets, but remember that ealier on Lego set didn't include much stickers, and I don't have very much of the older sets, and the some old sets I had owned, I sold. so a sticker can get loose in about 4 years, but with intensive child play, it could be faster. maybe Lego has already solved this problem (is possible in the between years), but if they didn't, they could certainly investigate the matter.
  14. great review! and the obi-wan face is new, rex his face isn't. I think we can say the flitknot speeder of Dooku is the same, apart from color scheme.
  15. I am sure it is already tens of times mentioned, that stickers have some problems. first, sometimes the sticker sheet is folded, and then the stickers won't attach good anymore. I had this problem especially with the 7964 republic frigate, all the stickers are actually loose. the nice thing some sets have is that they include a carboard and a bag. I understand this might not be possible for small sets, but at least the stickers can be put in the building instructions. Though many AFOLs already mentioned stickers begin coming loose, especially the white ones, Lego still puts white ones in some sets! I really don't know why they are doing that, can somebody explain that to me? I too would be very pleased if there was an official Lego sticker service, where people could order or print new ones. If this already exists, I am sorry for mentioning it.
  16. I don't know if it is already mentioned, but I think baseplates are too big to put in those little boxes.
  17. Wow, nice! I am still doubting whether to buy the set or not. Those minifigs are soooo great! also me loving those new flick-fire technic pieces those stickers look a bit strange... the canons look like pointing out towards eachother.
  18. TWP replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I discovered another place in the Netherlands where the 2013 sets are available, a slight bit cheaper then retail price. you can check out yourself at better resolution and quality at http://www.toychamp.nl/F_kerst/f.html go to the 13th page these are shown, there might be more sets available in-store. they also have got this offer, buy each €30 star wars, get free planet set. someone liked to see a HQ picture of the umbaran HMC at least the face of the umbaran can be seen better.
  19. Did any one else notice that on the box of the AT-RT the sniper droideka is surrounded with a deflector shield, though wookieepedia says it was not equiped with one? http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sniper_droideka
  20. I don't know if this is the right place for this question, historic themes doesn't seem to have a topic for general questions. I think many of those winter Hobbit sets could look great between some of my star wars collection, maybe I can convert the 79003 an unexpected gathering to a yoda's hut, the 79004 might look great in my tatooine-jabba the hutt palace, 79002 attack of the wargs would be great as tree in Endor, 79001 escape from mirkwood spiders might be good in an Umbaran forest... but because I'm a star wars collector I don't want to pay even more for lego and pay the full price for those sets. and becaus I don't need the minifigs, I can consider to sell them. Does anybody knows how much I could get for those minifigs, and how much the sets would eventually cost me?
  21. TWP replied to Yooha's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Wow! those possibilities with a LotR advent calender seem endless... much more handy stuff than with star wars calenders. I think it will be good for lego to make a LotR one next year in stead of star wars.
  22. TWP replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Why do you pay as much if you could get them much cheaper elsewhere, not in Bart Smit/Intertoys/Blokker
  23. TWP replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I think I don't really understand it... why 72/164? 164 entries, 3 prizes every day, 14 days, so 3x14= 42? are the prizes won randomly (with good luck), or the bestest moc of a day gets the prize? Anyways, thanks CopMike for the raffle!
  24. If this hoth set is really a "big battle pack", it would be great if Lego could make one of those every year, starting next year with battle of geonosis, then battle of endor, and all those other big battles... The two snowspeeder pilots on the second hoth base piture could mean that luke has got a two-sided face, one side with visor, other side without.
  25. TWP replied to CopMike's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    finally found out how to upload images from flickr. Initially, I didn't want to participate, but I did either way. so, here it is: more images: http://www.flickr.com/photos/77259875 @N05/sets/72157632113968765/with/8225246048/ This is either Hoth or Tatooine, because of the tan baseplates. "presents": It's a trap! just when Admiral Ackbar likes to take his cup of thea, a megnanism is caused, and the gun will fire! Leia chats with Padmé over her new cellphone Snowtrooper got a nice Hoth playset Darth vader a Hologram of his destroyed Death Star Darth Maul got new legs C-3PO: R2, why are you looking so pale? Santa Yoda is a bit of drunk... imagine what he would say? Because Boba Fett was jealous at Boussh, he got a therminal detonator. Santa Amidala is eating turkey with Jarjar, who doesn't hope the turkey is full of salmonella, which causes him to die? R2-D2 cuts of TC-14's head and carries it to Luke (Episode II Geonosis Arena!), so the tree has a star And of course Han-ta Claus in Falcon sleigh with wookiee deers to give presents! Hope you all like it!
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