Hello, I'm a new member.
I joined eurobricks today (almost yesterday at the time I posted this), after almost 3 months of only reading the forums.
The first time I saw the new 2013 droideka's I didn't know what to think about them, but I thought buying the sets was a very good way to get some droideka's with entirely the same design. Too, I thought the droideka's don't look very hard to build, so I started building them, while wondering why not someone did that already, though even some official minifigs surfaced for sale on ebay.
I spent some time figuring out how to post flickr pictures here, but it didn't work, mainly because some kind of rights at flickr pictures, and because there was only a how-to-post-pictures-of-brickshelf tutorial at eurobricks.
The minifig is complete and all colors are right, except the trans-blue sensor, that should be trans-red. I thought I don't own that piece, but it turns out being in the malevolence.
I actually like the lego droideka very much. My only complaint is that its arms aren't attached to the middle, and because of that it is missing something there. (see http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Droidekapromo.jpg)
Destroyer Droid in rolling position. Usually, one would roll it like the first position, but then it will not roll all that good. Preferably, you detach the three legs, turn them the other way around, and then fold it. this makes it actually roll very good, and that does encourage some clone-bowling (very addictive). (If some would like a short video about the destroyer droid rolling, I could upload that.)
Comparing the 2013 with the older ones. left to right: 2002, 2007, 2011 and 2013 version.
I don't own yet any other droideka's then the 2007 version, but I managed to build some not-color-accurate versions, only to compare their size.
I think the best one yet in appearance is the 2007 version, but it is a bit oversized and it rolls not good because of its legs.
I think the 2013 version is the bestest at other points, it's wel sized and rolls very good, and they do, if you get used to them, look okay too.
Comparing to several minifigs in size. As you can see, it is sized quite well, and it even looks good between your other droid forces.
So after all, I think we can be positive about this one, and I encourage everybody to make one themself to, before judging it.
I will try to make & photograph a sniper droideka soon.
(note: the squares at the back of my simple photo studio are 1x1 cm)
(note 2: I hope my English is good enough, and if I made a terrible language mistake please make that clear, so I won't make it again.)