Everything posted by TWP
Updating Your Minifigs
That's great, but all those are quite expensive :/ Thanks for letting us know though! Been looking for those imperial symbols on arms for some time, but I guess I should try applying decals or so...
SW: TLJ set reviews taken down from YouTube
For the people not aware, LEGO has replied on Jangbricks video: LEGO 4 days ago (edited) Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we are sorry for any issues that this has caused. We value all our fans and creators around the globe and all that they do. In this instance, there was an error with our retailers releasing products before an agreed upon date and not with our fans sharing their excitement with their communities. At the LEGO Group it is critical that our product release announcements are kept confidential for both the company and our partners. In support of this, we have a process involving both internal and external partners, for handling instances where products or information about products reach the public prior to the official launch date. We realize and appreciate that some postings are made in good faith, and purely out of the interest for LEGO products. Unfortunately, it isn’t always possible to distinguish the time when take-down requests are sent. When something like this happens, we are forced to limit the damage by having the content removed immediately. We acknowledge that in this case the error was not on our fans, but on our retail partners, and for that we apologize. We thank you all for your understanding and for being such great fans!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Yes. The Death Star is a rather easy build, almost only plate & brick stacking.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
In the Netherlands they are doing a big sale on many sets of Rogue One and other sets too, discounts of at least 50-70% on sets. I asked the store manager and he said they were told by LEGO to clear shelves for Force Friday II. So I expect a lot of the sets to be retired soon too in other stores. Most of the sets are already out of stock btw (as expected). (Shops: Intertoys/Bart Smit/SpeelgoedNL and multiple smaller stores) Sets affected are: Battle of Takodana Carbon Freezing Room Encounter on Jakku FO battle pack (old one) All Rogue One and some TFA buildable figures (70%) Resistance Transport Kylo's Shuttle Clone Turbo Tank Krennic's Shuttle Rey's Speeder Kylo's Shuttle Tie Striker AT-ST Imperial Hovertank Captain Rex's AT-TE Eclipse Fighter Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike Poe's X-wing U-wing FO-TIE The Phantom Rebel Trooper Battle Pack Krennic Shuttle Microfighter Imperial trooper Battle Pack Couldn't resist these discounts, bought Krennic's shuttle (€53), Microfighter (€5), 7x Imperial trooper battle pack (€9), Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike (€18), Hovertank (€21), Carbon Freezing Room (€16) and got 2x free Jyn Erso Constraction with it. Wanted some more sets but most where already sold out :(
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
ooh where did you get the battle packs for that price?
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Ah, I have the visual dictionary, will read up about them in that. You sure blue squardron flies y-wings? I can't recall if they fly them in the movie, also in Rebels it was made clear that the Y-wings were for Jan Dodanna's unit, who had control of red squardrons
Updating Your Minifigs
Oh, that's a very good idea what you did with the Mon Calamari. Is the one on the far right supposed to be a Calamarian behind the controls in RotJ? For some reason, I do always feel the Mon Calamari in Lego don't look fat enough. They don't capture the spirit of the character well enough IMO. The one in the Complete Saga game did much better I think. Those tank troopers look quite nicer, but too bad they're less accurate. I also love the design of these minifigs.Are there any dual molded arms with Dark Bluish Grey on top? That would make a great Tank Trooper Commander! Oh I really like those rebel minifigs! The dual molded legs fit quite well. The ammo pouches seems a bit strange, they're double... ;) Need to add the tiles to my Moroff too, thanks for the tip! Looks neat, wish Lego made a battle pack with the Sullust troopers!
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I always have my Lego packages delivered at my parent's home, cause that's where my collection is, and I had not been there for a few weeks, so when I arrived there was lots waiting for me that I had ordered The latest TFA Millenium Falcon. Waited quite a bit before buying it, not really interested in TFA but the design improvements on the Falcon seemed reasonable. Got it from some people, the bags where all still sealed but they messed the box up with tape. I don't care too much, it was quite the bargain at €80 :) Rogue One Y-wing starfighter from Amazon for €45. Only build the cockpit yet, but quite impressed with it's techniques! Too bad Moroff didn't have more screentime though :/ Got some microfighters too, mostly for minifigs and parts, €6,66 each. (And the seller was really nice and gave me a free Lego magazine with Kanan Jarrus fig, and a donald duck magazine. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one) 2x y-wing, 2x u-wing 1x krennic shuttle 1x tie striker My Blue Squadron pilot collection is quite increasing... I now have 8. Wonder if there are even that many in the movie :P
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Anyone know how long the Rogue One AT-ST and Hovertank will still be on I'm looking to buy a second one of each, but don't know when I should strike, wait for a bigger discount and accept the risk of them selling out or buy them sooner? Yes, I did also recieve these pieces extra. Usually when I recieve weird big pieces as extras I check Bricklink to see which extra parts are present to verify if I had not made a building mistake :)
EB Xmas Raffle 2016 - Your ideal Snow entry thread
I recieved my prize also, I was quite surprised, as I thought manatees are big and heavy, but I just got a little package. Turned out that surprisingly there were actually Lego minifgs inside! Thanks a lot CopMike & everyone else who helped make this possible!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis "the wise"?
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
Hello there! That bounty hunter battle pack is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one! It will make a nice addition to my collection. Not sure if i will buy many of the other sets, but I will probalbly just Do it. I have a bad feeling about the TFA wave. When the Rogue One wave released last year, I thought that was where the fun begins.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Got a nice Bricklink order, containing Asajj Ventress and 30x Hoth Rebel trooper (€1,60 each!) amongst some parts. Really happy with the order c:
- [MOC] Resistance Transport Microfighter
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
[PRESS RELEASE] 75144 Snowspeeder
Looks like a very nice design, but not going to buy it probably. I do need the pilots though, I hope I can pick them/their helmets up somewhere for a decent price!
- 73 replies
- snowspeeder
- star wars
- ucs
- hoth
+3 more
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[MOC] Fighting for Scraps
Yeah... but with all of the scrap parts so close to eachother... or so... I don't even know anymore what I meant
EB Xmas Raffle 2016 - Your ideal Snow entry thread
I'm really hoping for a Star Wars pack... there has always been a Star Wars pack. I don't think there will be a complete Doctor Who pack, last year there was already one like that.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Seems very inconvenient
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Thanks. I don't even need faster shipping. I have patience Yeah, I know of the Brickset thing, but I use (French website but it's easier)
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Prime just gives faster/free shipping right? Or are there other advantages? (cheaper sets?)
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Yes, good catch. I saw a lot of the other droids too, like R3-M2 from the polybag, but also droids that have been refitted with body/dome. Totally agreed! I've also been re-watching Rogue One yesterday night. Movie is 2 hrs, but it took me 3.5 because I kept pausing it xD Some things I discovered, amongst others: - Krennic's Death Troopers in the first scene seem to magically switch positions, first they are standing no pauldron-pauldron-no pauldron-krennic-pauldron - no pauldron - no pauldron, in a close up shot after, reversed. - Not all Death Troopers have the extra visor, guess we'll need a new helmet mold - Death troopers are appearently scared of the dark after they follow jyn's footsteps into a cave but do not decide to look further. (I didnt want to deliver critic on the movie in this post, but after thinking about this, it kinda bothers me. Wouldn't they have turned Galen's home inside out to search for Jyn considering she's so important to Galen?) - The front and back two wheels of the juggernaut/Clone Turbo Tank are smaller then the 3 in the middle. Also there's a door in the back. - The landing gear of the U-wing doesn't fit inside it at all xD - The interior bridge of a star destroyer has changed once again, and I still haven't figured out how it's supposed to look like. It seems it was totally insymmetric in Rogue One, and the extra controls in the back area have been left out. Also, the floor color/pattern has changed. - The Imperial Star Destroyer models have been somehow altered so the universally accepted bridge fits in it now. It still isn't a perfect fit with the angles, and it looks like there's a bridge under it too now... - I spotted the Ghost in even more shots now, it's all around. - There seem to be no hangar doors in the Yavin temple now anymore. - All temples on Yavin foor are differently designed, different shapes. - The Imperial Officers on Jedha seem to wear trenchcoats similar to those that weared by the First Order - The stick of Chirrut Imwe seems to be pretty powerfull, considering everytime he hits a stormtrooper white bits and parts of the helmet snap of xD - The Hammerhead corvette in Rogue One has an extra engine compared to the one in Rebels - Stormtroopers still cannot hit, Death Troopers can, unless you say that you're one with the force and the force is with you. - The craft in which the Death troopers are delivered and that looks like a Tie Striker (which are supposed to be restricted to Scarif) does also appear on the trading outpost in the Ring of Kafrene - Suddenly commander Melshi is dead. I don't know how, but they suddenly show a shot of him dead and then quickly zoom away or so. - It seems the upperstructure on a Star Destroyer is infinitely less durable then the rest on the hull. - Appearently, in the Star Wars universe, you can't fly at all with 3 out of 4 engines. That seems pretty weird, but is defendable. A normal airplane could fly with 2 out of 4 engines on earth. But yet, 3 times a single engine gets damaged and crashes the whole ship. - The entire battle the Tantive IV is in the hangar of the Profundity. It seems kind of weird in the battle, but of course it's purpose becomes clear later. - Actually, Darth Vader should have been able to stop the plans from escaping, as he could just have put his saber in the last door. Also, when they detach the Tantive IV, the shot after shows Darth Vader seeing it escape with stormtroopers directly following him (where did they come from? but a minor issue), but he's on some sort of platform that leaves me confused where the docking port of the Tantive could have been. - In the mirror of the windscreen of the Tantive IV you can see Rebels piloting, dressed the same as those in Rebels with those glasses. - When Krennic's shuttle departs from Eadu, the engines almost blow Jyn of the platform but the body of Galen is not affected at all. That said, I really enjoyed watching the movie again
[MOC] Fighting for Scraps
Looks nice! I like the half-ghost part, it looks nicely detailed, too bad you didn't build the whole thing I like the concept of the build, it's nicely executed but it doesn't look really believable. But it's SW Rebels, it doesn't need to be ;)
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Bought some sets from, since recently they have free shipping to the netherlands from 30€ or more. Duel on Naboo for €23 Desert Skiff set for €31 The 2nd Phantom for €31 The two battlepacks from the recent wave, €13 each. Sets are all great, happy with them for this price. Also, I bought the Rogue One visual dictionary, which is a great book IMO, it exceeded my expectations! For the Y-wing and Scarif bunker battle, I guess I'll wait till they're on a bigger sale.
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