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  1. @ Gifinim : Thx for the link, hadnt heard of the site bricklink. Seems like the set is listed for that price but hasnt sold yet. In the past there havent been any similar sales, neither on ebay. @TheBrickster : sorry for not following the strict forum rules, didnt know where to post the question. I thought you guys would be excited that somebody found a rare lego set and is willing to sell it for the right price...
  2. Hi, When i was a kid I had the lego trainset 7740 which was given to me by my grandparents. Apparently they had gotten it thru a savings action and as it turns out they had received two sets back in 1980. One of the sets was given to me, the other one was placed somewhere in a closet and was forgotten till this weekend. So now i have the lego 7740 train set in a sealed box. The box is a little bit faded (colors arent as fresh as they used to be) but is in pretty good shape for its age. I also have the adapter 7864 in its original box with plastic still around the box (so even the box is still protected). Although my grandparents have given me the set for my future son (my girlfriend is pregnant) i realise that it is very rare and must have some value for a collector. So my question is, if im going to sell it, how much is it worth? Because of its rarity its hard to figure out a correct price. Where is the best place to sell is? Do i just put it on ebay or what?
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