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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Mahtion

  1. Why not Sidon Ithano for May the 4th? He's certainly more unique than Guavian Death Gang.
  2. Finalizer, Cloud City or new Falcon. Any of those are good choices. I don't want a UCS star fighter or ATAT.
  3. Interesting idea to combine OT Deathstar and Rogue One. I just don't see a UCS for Rogue One before TFA.
  4. How can you be so sure? Do you know when Luke would be coming.
  5. Vaders Tie Advanced is confirmed as a Rebels set because it comes with Ahsoka. I doubt a faithful OT Trench Run set would include a character exclusive to the animation.
  6. It's only $60 at Target. ;)
  7. Actually the smaller build could it be an A-wing considering the original set was only $25. That could fit with the $100 this set requires. Tie Advanced with Awing.
  8. Awing was too cheap to include Ahoska. Not surprised she would be included in a set at least $100.
  9. So if Ahsoka comes with Tie Advanced will the other build be a smaller ship or shuttle for Ahsoka? Also I wonder if the Vader included will have Rebels style helmet with red eyes?
  10. Wow how unexpected! A rebel blockade runner would have been better than an old worn out repurposed At-te. Vaders Tie Advanced is also strange. So cheapest set for new Vader is Final Duel. I do wonder what other build could be the Tie Advanded and how many figs. Maybe a new Tarkin?
  11. Doubtful considering how Lego is still using the wrong color and design for Kylo's Command shuttle in the polybag. I do hope though considering there's talk it could be smaller and therefore more accurate in shape. The wings especially need to be reimagined.
  12. The set is expensive when I already have Kylo from the Command shuttle set. I just need Finn but do I really need Maz and two FO Stormtroopers I can get cheaper? I like the build though and having a face for Kylo is nice.
  13. So officially this Friday will be two weeks from NA release of the movie. Does that mean no more spoiler tags when that momentous day arrives?
  14. It's debatable if it's better than Episode 1? Seriously a movie derided as the worst SW movie critically with the only rotten score on rotten tomatoes. That's sad when you compare one the highest rated movies 95% to the lowest placed at 52%. I never said it's perfect but that's ridiculous to say it's placement is even on par with the prequels. ROTJ had way more pacing issues and boring Ewoks than anything TFA could offer. And rightfully TFA is critically cemented on par with Empire and A New Hope.
  15. It was almost perfect. I had a smile on my face most of the movie and the feeling of exuberance! So many emotional points in this movie you will feel joy, hope, relief, dismay, sadness and disbelief. It's on par with Empire IMO. I didn't expect to feel so much from this film but it pulled on all my heart strings. The comparisons to homage or remake are insulting honestly because even the small moments that echo A New Hope are not the focus of the moment and the circumstances different. I would go on to say that to reduce this movie to unoriginal homage is to be disingenuous.
  16. Wow it's been basically confirmed we are getting a Snoke polybag and everyone is too busy complaining about the cost of Lego. Seriously??
  17. Snoke as the "FO General"? Also Resistance Troop Transporter is 11 cents per piece which is fair but for 200 pieces less at 409 the Battle of Takodana is admittedly quite expensive at a staggering 16.4 cents per piece. So to be fair the entire wave is not inflated just the one set that happens to have 3 main characters: Kylo, Maz and Finn.
  18. Starkiller Base is fun but Takodana is better! Much more colors and minifig variety. I hope the first D2C will be Maz Castle.
  19. Good to know, now it makes sense. Thanks for making that connection. Hopefully the real list shows up this month sometime.
  20. Also a Resistance base without Pz-4co?! That seems behind silly to imagine the missed opportunity and it's just filled with so many soldiers like the other sets that it makes battlepacks redundant.
  21. This seems fake because the resistance base at 700 pieces couldn't possibly fit poes xwing. Sorry and 13 minifigs in a set less than $200 doesn't make sense either. Also Yodas hut is a huge wish list item already making this harder to be credible. It's true some of these weird decisions sound like what Lego would do but the minifig count in comparison to piece count makes it sound incredible. I am highly skeptical to say the least.
  22. This is true. Ackbar is likely in charge of New Republic Fleet and comes as reinforcements to assist Leia's Resistance.
  23. He could have gotten his leg bones extended a la Gattica. I'm sure he could have gained a good 4-5 inches from advanced galactic surgery.
  24. Wow I just realized no one in Resistance Troop Transporter has leg printing! Oh wait ackbar does nvm :D
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