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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Mahtion

  1. Nice find! Kylo has unmasked face print, looks like sith eyes too. 409 pieces and comes with 2 Stormtroopers, one with what looks like the heavy cannon on the heavy gunner stormtrooper. Only wished Lego made one of them have the heavy gunner torso like in the bp. Also the set is quite nice almost council of elrond feel. Cannot wait until the inevitable Takodana d2c set. There's box pic of Leia ship aka Resistance Transport. That has 646 pieces and shows the landing ramp in the middle as most speculated.
  2. I didn't even pay attention to the missing Kama! That is annoying, maybe it can be bricklinked? Otherwise maybe I reconsider purchasing the FO Snowspeeder set instead.
  3. Nice changes but tie fighters including special forces have green laser cannons. Don't fall for Lego mistakes. ;)
  4. Ditto! Also you can get 4 snowspeeder microfighters and get 4 Snowtroopers for same price of the oversized snowspeeder set from last wave. Win win.
  5. No idea how a rehash torso and legs with a repainted third Xwing Resistance helmet and possibly new face print constitutes as exciting. Not to mention a rehash of the Snowtrooper. I'm glad I can't see these pics since Lego should have given us an Elite Tie Pilot and Ello Asty instead.
  6. Great job! What's your next SW mini house? :)
  7. I'm thinking FO Snowspeeder is better because you get an officer pauldron and getting 3 or 4 micro snowspeeders will just make me want to have the system scale one. Also Maz looks great. Bring on more TFA lego.
  8. Looks like Lego is combining elements of Takodana and Starkiller Base. Following the trailer stuff, Rey should be in Takodana as well since we see her there shooting at Kylo. Maz should definitely be included with the only Lego set showing off her castle so far. That leaves a couple stormtroopers or FO crew (jk) for the Battle part. It would be strange to have Kylo unmasked but I wouldn't put it past Lego since there's no lightsaber duel set and no word of Starkiller Base getting a set anytime soon.
  9. FO Heavy Stormtrooper. They have been seen in promo art.
  10. An Ello Asty Xwing Pilot with the Xwing Microfighter would be great but then it would be a printed alien head since a new mold would be unlikely in a Microfighter. The Snowspeeder Microfighter is silly and we have plenty of Snowtroopers from the Snowspeeder set. As others say an Elite FO TIE Pilot would have been so much better. Also the Command Shuttle in black is great, good job! Im starting mine soon.
  11. I agree! I want to make one just have to get a bricklink parts list to trade out for black and then the red windshield. Hopefully the black parts list won't cost me as much as the official set.
  12. I'd rather have a Starkiller UCS or D2C than another Death Star.
  13. That's the only distinguishing feature are those stripes. I'm hoping Lego makes a Tie microfighter with the correct Elite Tie Pilot. Not hard to print some red stripes I would think.
  14. Wave 2: Phasma, Constable Zuvio, Poe Dameron, Guavian Enforcer Wave 3: FO Tie Pilot, Resistance Soldier Wave 4: General Hux, FO Snowtrooper, Xwing Pilot Ello Asty Unknown Future Spring Wave: TFA Old Han Solo
  15. Well I'm not seeing a need to bricklink Finn anymore but old Han I may still have to as they are only character minifigs I'm missing. Just2good can you say if Maz is in this set considering it's her castle? Also does Kylo have new torso print or face print and is his saber the same?
  16. Not if he doesn't have his expensive molded helmet and or has an actual Adam driver face printed. Very excited if Lego gave Kylo a better torso print!
  17. How interesting! Thanks for the info just2good. I wonder who the reprint could be? If we are getting Finn then that leaves a few other choices. Most of us would have gotten Rey since she was in two sets, same with bb8. Kylo some of us skipped on but sounds like Lego wouldn't include him in another set unless somehow changed printing or missing the helmet. Maybe it is Kylo or Han?
  18. Leia has complete wrong colors unless she wears alternate suit. Resistance soldiers finally with the helmets in the same flip up and down style as the Hasbro Black series! The bwing looking ship makes me excited for designs we haven't seen yet. What Hasbro says makes sense now that we will be seeing much more designs from acts 2 and 3 of the movie closer to and after release. TFA Luke here we come for next year. Is it possible that the pirate transport was mistranslated as resistance transport? Or that this set is really the heroes battlepack?
  19. Yes that's a great suggestion! Didn't think of that possibility. He's too minor a character to be included randomly whereas Leia would be more welcome.
  20. Hmm the leg print looks legit Lego design. Could be custom but looks like something Lego would do. Not sure which rumored set Ackbar could belong to since he's not involved in either potentially.
  21. Yes let's not discuss anything. Anybody got some rumors? No.
  22. ST is priority, more stuff to come and Lego knows this. OT and PT will be the side projects with catering to the SW fans belonging to the old guard. It's time we reinvigorate the franchise with new blood. Wait until TFA releases and becomes one of the highest rated SW movies since ESB. Then we will see the emergence of a far more relevant and relatable universe. Don't believe me keep in mind ROTS had higher reviews than ROTJ. All that's needed is to topple ANH or ESB so the ST reaches eternal acclaim. Lego and Hasbro will focus almost all efforts on ST merchandise when this inevitability becomes reality.
  23. Add my vote to Ello Atsy! He is really cool and I hope we get plenty of new aliens in the Lego waves to come also PZ4 droid too. Exciting time to be a SW fan with a new trilogy of characters on the horizon.
  24. ^^^ Could be a number of gangs, the set would likely be a bunch of random characters we have discussed. Which main characters included is another question.
  25. Download the instructions and bricklink the parts in whatever color and substitutions you would want. It would be cheaper than the official set and more than likely fall cleanly within your budget.
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