I really want to make decals but I don't know how! I already did a post on this and ImpirialShadows told me to look at a tutorial and if I was still confused to make another topic. I'm still confused! Please help me!
What's Your favorite level in Lego Indiana Jones the Original Adve
I don't know, I eat pickles a lot!
Hi i am Oli212lego
Hi Oli! :vad
James Bond
If TLC ever made James Bond sets what sets should they make?
What's Your favorite level in Lego Indiana Jones the Original Adve
ROTLA: Opening the Ark TOD: Battle on the Bridge LC: The Grail Temple
I looked at Mosana's Tutorial, but It didn't really help me.
I really want to make decals, but I don't know how. . Can anyone show me how?
Desert bombing!
I like the explosion the best.
What's Your favorite level in Lego Indiana Jones the Original Adve
I'm getting the game tonight and I just want to know what your favorite level is. Sorry about the title!
Review: 7627 Indiana Jones - Temple of the Crystal Skull
Is the small room with the crystal gem supposed to be the "Artifact Room"?
What Indiana Jones minifigures should TLC make
Thanks for replying. I tried not to make a giant list so people can share their thoughts
Batman theme in 2009
A Harvey Dent fig would be awesome Mr. Zsasz (torso: an open blue shirt with tally marks) and Man-Bat
What Indiana Jones minifigures should TLC make
Well, here's my list: Mac Oxley Toht Dietrich And Sallah What's your's?
Doris has finally here!
I love your humor!
Doris has finally here!
DORIS HAS LANDED. TAKE HIM TO YOUR LEADER! Just Joking! I've been a guest for years and now I'm a member. This is so cool!
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