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Banned Outlaws
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  1. Doris replied to Doris's post in a topic in Minifig Customisation Workshop
    I really want to make decals but I don't know how! I already did a post on this and ImpirialShadows told me to look at a tutorial and if I was still confused to make another topic. I'm still confused! Please help me!
  2. I don't know, I eat pickles a lot!
  3. Doris replied to Oli212Lego's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hi Oli! :vad
  4. Doris posted a post in a topic in LEGO Action and Adventure Themes
    If TLC ever made James Bond sets what sets should they make?
  5. ROTLA: Opening the Ark TOD: Battle on the Bridge LC: The Grail Temple
  6. Doris replied to Doris's post in a topic in Minifig Customisation Workshop
    I looked at Mosana's Tutorial, but It didn't really help me.
  7. Doris posted a post in a topic in Minifig Customisation Workshop
    I really want to make decals, but I don't know how. . Can anyone show me how?
  8. Doris replied to PSPguy's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    I like the explosion the best.
  9. I'm getting the game tonight and I just want to know what your favorite level is. Sorry about the title!
  10. Is the small room with the crystal gem supposed to be the "Artifact Room"?
  11. Thanks for replying. I tried not to make a giant list so people can share their thoughts
  12. Doris replied to IceMan's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    A Harvey Dent fig would be awesome Mr. Zsasz (torso: an open blue shirt with tally marks) and Man-Bat
  13. Well, here's my list: Mac Oxley Toht Dietrich And Sallah What's your's?
  14. Doris replied to Doris's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    I love your humor!
  15. Doris posted a post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    DORIS HAS LANDED. TAKE HIM TO YOUR LEADER! Just Joking! I've been a guest for years and now I'm a member. This is so cool!
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