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About GandalfofHoth

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    Star Wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    D.VA and Reinhardt

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    K-Pop, K-Drama, Overwatch, Smite, Graphic Design


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  1. Yeah, totally agree there, I hadn't even heard about this until I saw this post, guess that shows how good of a fan I am. I hope they get a full season out of Kickstarter, but I don't think they will, but maybe I'm just being a pessimist. I hope this makes it back on TV somehow, but I'm happy enough we're getting 3 more episodes.
  2. Wow, very nice MOC, reminds me of the 2002 Jedi Master Yoda sculpture a little bit, but maybe that's just me. I agree with others that this should be an actual set.
  3. towards
  4. Me too. I like the "floor" it has neat textures, I agree the wall could use some more texture though. The turret and X-Wing are nice as well, but maybe a TIE Fighter or two could improve this. Overall nice work.
  5. Nicely done! The hilt looks very sturdy and well made, hope your set does well.
  6. unlike
  7. armour
  8. Great MOC, it has a really clean minimalistic vibe that I love. The slope work is fantastic as well, makes the desert look so much more believable.
  9. Zapped
  10. Leonard Nimoy
  11. Well, I hope the big reveal at NYCC isn't Angry Birds, because I for one will be avoiding that theme. Maybe we could see some DC Super Heroes BvS sets there, but DW I think will have a stand there. DW, I would suspect, will be officially revealed beforehand because I would suspect Lego would draw a bigger crowd (ignoring AFOLers) from a established theme, than DW, a theme that, if you aren't following Lego closely, you may not know exists. I think they want to make this a big deal in the UK as well as the US, and NYCC, though it would definitely have a response from the UK market, I would guess they'd get a bigger response from the UK audience if they released it with DW itself, but that's just my guess. The NYCC reveal is a possibility, but I sure hope it's not what Lego does.
  12. Burn him at the stake! It's fine, like I said earlier, I think it's most likely to be revealed with DW, so when you said the 1st I was a little surprised. Now if the set isn't revealed with DW, then I'll start getting impatient, let's hope that doesn't happen.
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