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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Boshuda21

  1. +1 tomdobs55 +1 Adreva
  2. In response to above PM issue, you need 10 forum posts before you can PM. Just FYI
  3. That's cool. I didn't take it as that anyways.
  4. I too just realized this coming back to it and seeing it in the historic section. I originally posted regarding the Shelob attack kit and got carried away.
  5. Picked up a Shelob set at Target for 16$ for my son. Not sure how much of the purchased Lego I can convince my wife to let him have for Christmas, but he'll get it all at some point. Here is the complete list of stuff I picked up for my son's Christmas gift. Shelob attack Mirkwood elf Uruk poly bag Frodo poly bag Other non-historic theme acquisitions... Pre Vizla's starfighter Ninjago Jay's starfighter 9442 Imperial V-wing Sebulba pod racer w/ globe Anakin starfighter 9494 Republic striker fighter TIE fighter 9492 Droid escape Pretty much every Ninjago polybag from 2011 and 2012 Edited to fit the historic theme more.
  6. I saw about 6 packs of the Elf at the Emeryville CA TRU. I picked up a single pack. No Gandalfs to be seen.
  7. I have a 4.5 yr old son. He is a crazy Star Wars fanatic, especially the OT. He loves Lego. That being said, as much as he would love a set like the Death Star or the Malevolence, my observations are that he does better with multiple smaller sets. Here are the reasons 1) Most kids under 5 have trouble building a set with 100pcs let alone the death star. While this may seem trival because you plan on putting it together, be prepared to deal with repair jobs on a daily basis. 2) My son likes a wide variety of characters so the multiple set option can fulfill this requirement. The downside is that certain main characters like Vader are hard to come by in smaller sets. 3) Smaller sets like ships are easier for them to handle and have more playability. 4) My son uses his extra pieces and builds bases for the mini figs anyways so he is happier building a base to park his ships. then again, the reverse is also possible. 5) Kids tend to look at quantity as being more important than size. Show a kid 100 pennies vs. 8 quarters and I am sure most of them will pick the pennies. I think the same holds with toys. As for the City Lego option, well I know my son wouldn't complain, but he would prefer Star Wars or Ninjago or LOTR if given the choice over City. That's a matter of his personal preference though. That being said, I know for a fact that there are a lot of playability things built into the City themed buildings (like the police station).
  8. I'm a molecular geneticist. Many labs in our building buy pre-loaded tips and thus have tons of boxes left over. Many times we'll go through several boxes in a day. These are from molecular biosystems, ARC soft tips that fit the Rainin pipettes. As to the comment about wanting drawers, there are clear advantages to a more modular storage system. The main one being, if you build in an area farther than an arms length from your storage area, then having boxes that you can carry to your build area is useful. Also boxes can be stored on a shelf system, which would allow for a drawer like set-up, but keep the modular nature of boxes.... but to each his own.
  9. Here are three of the boxes each with different sized blocks in them.
  10. I use clear and colourless plastic boxes that we use for pipette tips at work. They are 7cm x 12.5cm x 8cm and have hinged lids that lock. The boxes stack nicely on top of each other. They are great for all pieces except large amounts of larger/longer blocks. Best of all we throw tons of them out = free. If anyone is interested let me know and I can try and hook you up.
  11. My son watches the series and I have only seen a couple episodes, but I have read that the Lego ninjago brick line (I think it was on the Lego brickset site with their list of 2013 sets) has been discontinued after 2013 and is to be replaces with Chima. Given that, I suspect the show will also coincide with this. I am not sure what the motivation is behind this. Ninjago is extremely popular with young boys. They all go nuts over it. Then again, Lego has made a number of decisions that baffle me over the years.
  12. OK,I now see in some people's signatures they have links to their collections and creations. thanks
  13. BTW, where is the appropriate place to post our own original creations?
  14. I scanned the Riddle set at TRU today and it said BOGO on it. So they do qualify. I think they only 'mainstream' Lego series that didn't qualify is Ninjago and that is listed directly on the posted sale sign in the store.
  15. Hmmm, looks like I need to go to Gamestop. I'd like to get the game as well. Maybe I will take my son for leverage. :)
  16. Sacramento is a little far for me to drive for these. I might consider trying the Lego store in Dublin/Pleasanton, but still that is a good 25 min drive on the highway for me. Over the past couple years I have seen very limited poly bag sets here. Last year I was lucky to snag a couple star wars sets and the lego kingdoms one, but typically the only ones that sit on the shelves are the Lego city sets. Other than that they seem to be hard to find in the Bay area stores that I go to as if you get one chance and then they are gone. I'd definitely be interested if anyone could pick up some sets at cost+shipping to help us less fortunate out. :)
  17. I have not seen any of the Hobbit or LOTR poly bags at Target or TRU in the Easy Bay (SF, CA) area, however TRU did have a number of different Hobbit box sets on the shelf (Riddle, spiders and set with Gloin in the barrel). I am wondering if I missed the window for the poly bags or if they are just coming here late....??? I'm really keen on finding any or all of these sets for my son so hopefully there will be some good news of them showing up around here.
  18. I'd be happy to post some of my works as well as my son's. And yes the Bay Area being California.
  19. Hi all Just found this site whilst looking to score some LOTR and Hobbit sets for my son. I'm a long time Lego fan for over 30 years, but now mostly work on pieces commissioned by my 4yr old boss. :) cheers all
  20. Hello, I know I am new (actually trying to find the polybag sets is what brought me here), but I am interested in a number of your sets for my 4 yr old son. I am interested in the following. I'd send a PM, but I don't see the feature readily available. I live in San Francisco CA, and can pay by paypal. Uruk hai poly bags 30211 x1 £2.50 each Frodo poly bag 30210 x 1 £2 each Cole training boxed set 2516 as new complete £2 Blue ninja and snakes polybay 30085 x1 £1.25 Blue ninja and skull trap polybag 30082 x 1 £1.25 White Ninja and secert daggers stash polybag 30086 x1 £1.25 Black Ninja Car Polybag 30087 x 1 £1.25 Set of four opened poly bags models complete but no bags or instructions set no 30080 White ninja glider 30083 red ninja with dragon 30082 ble ninja and skull trap and a skelton helicopter £2.50 (just to confirm, the 2.50 is for all the sets for for each set?) If you are willing to sell to me please let me know what the shipping will be so I can factor that into my decision. thanks
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