Everything posted by Metallic11
EB Xmas Raffle 2017 - Winners per day calendar
Whilst I was unable to check if I had won anything, those are some great prizes, and I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year! Well done to everybody that won, and thanks CopMike for hosting this event again!
EB Xmas Raffle 2017 - Your ideal Christmas tree entry thread
Thank you for hosting this event yet again! Happy Holidays! My ideal Christmas Tree would be your typical tree surrounded by large presents, complete with decoration and a RC track going around it.
EB Xmas Raffle 2015-Your ideal Christmas tree - Winners
Sadly, I wasn't able to win this year, but well done to the winners! Either way, hope you had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
EB Xmas Raffle 2015 - Your ideal Christmas tree entry thread
Wow, I haven't posted in a long time, but you simply can't miss the raffle, can you? My ideal Christmas tree, is your traditional tree, but with loads of presents of course ;) Not sure if this entry will count because the tree isn't the main focus in this picture, but if a re-take is needed, so be it ;) As We Approach Christmas by Metallic11, on Flickr
EB Xmas Raffle 2014 - Your Ideal Christmas Gift entry thread
Sadly, I didn't win this year, however I must say well done to those who won, and those who didn't, like me, unlucky. Anyways have a good Christmas and a New Year!
EB Xmas Raffle 2014 - Your Ideal Christmas Gift entry thread
A post in a LONG time. But thanks again for the raffle CopMike! I'd like a new lens for my camera, preferably a Macro lens;) by Metallic11, on Flickr
Lego Rancor for Trade
I'd be interested, but I don't have any of you wants sadly:( The only figures I have from there is the Hazmat guys but I'm keeping them:(
EB Xmas Raffle 2013: Now on!
I'm proud to say I received mine yesterday! Very happy! Thank you once again!
The 'Build-a-Minifigure' towers in stores
Recently, when I last went I managed to score some nice stuff such as: - 3 Lois Lane Figures. - Doc Brown Head from the BTTF set. - A few Luke heads from the Rancor Pit and the Ewok Village sets. Great find on the Leia torso though!
Trading My EB Advent Calendar Raffle 2013
I won prize E, and as much of a good prize it is, I'm just not much of an LOTR fan, but however I'v been trying to get a Legolas recently so if anybody would like to trade my set apart from Legolas for Prize C apart from Tor-An, then FM me :) Thanks
EB Xmas Raffle 2013: Now on!
Can't believe I won, I'm super happy! My favorite LOTR figure is Legolas so that's amazing I got him bu the rest are a bit meh but it's better than the TMNT prize or the Lone Ranger one! Just found out I won prize E, despite not being my most wanted prize category I'll take it and maybe get a trade for the Super Heroes prize! Anyways thank you!
EB Xmas Raffle 2013: Now on!
Just seen the other topic! Them prizes with them odds , hopefully I get one! Well done to the raffle winners so far though!
EB Xmas Raffle 2013
Very late but I managed to get one in ;) ! Thanks for the raffle! Them prizes though! LEGO Christmas Snow Trooper by Metallic11, on Flickr
Lucky LEGO finds
Nope, however I am a Liverpool supporter That's a steal of a price, why can I never get amazing deals like that!
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
I have to admit the figures are fantastic and they all have great detail but on the other hand I have to say the attempts at some the sets are dreadful especially the Utapau BP. The LEGO designers seem to have put all their effort into the figures but their set designs are simply lacking... However Grevious' bike is rather nice along with the interceptor!
Lucky LEGO finds
They are both steal of prices, great find! I really like 9497 as it's definitely one of my favorite LEGO sets and 79006 looks like a sweet set, and is actually on my want list! ;)
- Clone Wars Commando Boss and Commando Fixer
Which set should I buy?
I'm on the edge at the moment to decide between the two below after discovering they are nearly half price so around £20! 1. Z-95 Headhunter 2. Colby City Showdown Or is there another set which I could wait until it's discounted? I personally like the Republic Class Fighter which came out last year from The Old Republic series if that helps! Thanks :)
Collecting VIP points in a LEGO store
This would also be the case within the UK, and they will use the same method as above; your email address...
Horror Stories - Lego you bought off flea-bay and BL
Personally for me, I have only had a minor problem buying a figure on eBay and receiving another LEGO figure instead of the one which I wanted, although I rarely shop on eBay, and on Bricklink no problems but I have only made 2 orders from BL
- "Nebulon-B" minifigures
The Joker1s Stuff For sale, Jor-el, CMs, Star wars,ninjago, Caslte and
Interested in: CMF Rapper Beatbox & Microphone & Hat LOTR Merry Jor-El Sealed Kithaba I'v got SW and other CMFs
RaincloudDustbin Trade Thread...
Well I'm only interested in the Gold BA M16-AGL but I understand my stuff isn't enough for just that gun, would you have any SW or and Camo BA? I also have Asaja Ventress's head but would only trade her with her torso and legs...
RaincloudDustbin Trade Thread...
I have a Dark Grey IJ Suit Torso, Several Blue Police Torsos and a Eomer head... Thanks
- A Necessary Bond
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