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Sigolf Brimabane

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About Sigolf Brimabane

  • Birthday 03/06/1993

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  1. It measures circa 72 cm :) I have almost finished the third 48x48 baseplate that will be added to the castle. I'll see if I finish the whole thing during summer.
  2. Very tasteful texturing. I like it. :) The soldiers look good as well.
  3. Thanks for your praise! :) It's actually based on Fushimi Castle. I have some interior but I have no pictures of it as of right now. It's a hassle removing the floors. x) I wanted to go for a full interior but gave up halfway because it wasn't going to be structurally sound. I'm pretty satisfied with the roofs! :) I guess maybe the dark grey base of the castle looks a bit simple. But I think it looks alright. I'm not going so much for texture. I kind of like the lego look. :)
  4. Hi there! Long time, no see. I've been inactive for a couple of years, not posting or anything. I haven't stopped building LEGO though, so I present to you my latest MOC! It's a Japanese castle, as you can see, inspired by a certain real life castle (can you guess which one?). Sorry for the shitty pictures. I don't really have the tools or know-how to take good pictures. I might try to take some better pictures eventually, but for now I just want to share my MOC with you guys. :) It's not completely finished since I want to expand it by adding more baseplates, but this section is done. You can remove a couple of the floors but it's kind of a hassle.
  5. The redcoat admiral also appears in 6263 (Imperial Outpost). Edit: He doesn't have epaulettes or a feather in his hat there though, so not sure if it counts as the same figure? But he has the torso, head and hat at least so it's essentially the same figure.
  6. This is close to perfect :) Love the fort!
  7. Really nice work! :)
  8. Arrr, this be awesome, matey! I hope no pieces were damaged in the process : P
  9. Love the classic style! I want to build something like this myself, but only using the classic colours (yellow instead of tan for sand etc.). The size of it is perfect. :)
  10. Proof that raised baseplates work with modern bricks as well Det ser meget pænt ud!
  11. I just bought a Skull's Eye Schooner on an auction site for 1090 SEK (roughly €120, $130). It's missing one big flag, the gold coins and according to the seller "one small grey and one small red piece". No instructions or box. It's got the sails, and hopefully the printed panel as well (there was no pic from the rear). There were also two extra 2009 redcoats. Will hopefully get it by thursday. I will have to start putting more pictures up here. I totally forgot to put pictures of the Renegade Runner (with box and instructions + poster) that I got last year. Hope the money was well spent. Also, I just took apart and stored away all my pirates sets apart from Caribbean Clipper and Black Seas Barracuda. I simply don't have the space for them all S:
  12. My brother and I only had the Egypt sets and just one or two of the smallest sets from Amazon, Dinon Island and Orient. So nostalgia says Egypt. But I always loved the colours of the Amazon sets and the dinosaurs of the Dino Island, so it was a difficult choice. I loved the Dino Island world in LEGO Racers 2. :)
  13. Ah, sorry. That offer was more of a joke anyway, I don't have the money for an SES.
  14. That sounds like a really nice collection. Skull's Eye Schooner, Imperial Trading Post, Imperial Flagship and Forbidden Island are especially nice sets! I guess you could try to sell them on ebay. For individual parts I suggest www.bricklink.com, but it takes a while to learn how to use it properly. There are a lot of stores on there, and it's all about finding the place that has the most items for the lowest price x) There you can also see what your sets might be worth on average, but I guess if you want to be sure to sell them, you should put the price down a bit when you auction them out. Edit: You are more than welcome to sell Skull's Eye Schooner to me if the price and condition are right ;) That's one of the quite many sets that I miss. But it's number one on my wanted list among the missed sets. :)
  15. There should be a super-superlative form of "awesome" to describe this x) The æsthetic is extremely good!
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