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About Crownie

  • Birthday May 23

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    Pacific Northwest
  • Interests
    Books, Design (both Industrial and Graphic), Halloween, History, LEGO, The Real Ghostbusters


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  1. Thanks!
  2. So are we thinking April 1st release, or May?
  3. No - I just hated that part. (And I don't think it was the film crew's intention to imply that. They just wanted one big enough to eat a Great White. No serious, involved plot point - just another scene-stealing gimmick. )
  4. Some exaggeration? That thing was ridiculous! (I could care less about the Mosasaurus as well, but I know a lot of people are really fixated on it.) I'm just jonesing for more information on the original film's anniversary set(s). I already know I need multiples. Need.
  5. I feel strangely - glad - that I have no interest in the Mosasaur whatsoever. I found that whole part of Jurassic World kind of irritating, actually. I guess that's more money for me to put toward 'Classic Jurassic'.
  6. These are great! (I wish I could say the same about the film... )
  7. And I present to you: LEGO + Kenner + Jurassic Park = Brilliance.
  8. I'm consoling myself with the thought that the Raptor in the Dino Defense set looks like Kenner's Electronic Raptor, while the new one looks more like Kenner's regular 'Slash N' Strike' release. (Nostalgia for me.) It's like I'll have both! (I never did get the electronic version as a kid - it was between that or the electronic Dilophosaurus, and who could resist that frill?)
  9. So how does the new Dilophosaurus fit into all this then? And I have to apologize guys - it's partially my fault that we got a JP-accurate raptor. I broke down 2 weeks ago and bought a brand-new sealed Dino Defense Headquarters set (yes, it was expensive) partially because it includes the most (until now) accurate Raptor to the ones in the first film. I'm going to have a lot of Dinosaurs come summer...
  10. Wow. I'm in this thread out of curiosity (I can't afford to start collecting Harry Potter as well), but I have to say this was a fantastic page that covers everything. Thank you for posting!
  11. *hyperventilates*
  12. How does it differ from the original one? I'm not sure if I'm more excited, or not....
  13. I'd take a chest-up Brachiosaurus before a Spino myself. Or even a Trike re-release. Just to get some herbivorous Dinos in for a change. (But that Spinosaurus does look really awesome...) And Grant and Tim with a Ford Explorer? Throw in a Raptor in the original color scheme and I'd be in heaven. Though I'd still want 3.
  14. Gah! Leaked pictures that I cannot find! Must be patient. Must be patient. Any other illuminating tidbits from those of who who've seen this picture? What price point do you think it'll be? I'll need 3 of them, so that's a pretty crucial detail...
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