Everything posted by Crownie
DC Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
What? I'm crushed.
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
[MOC] Mercedes Benz from The Lost World
These are great! (I wish I could say the same about the film... )
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
I'm consoling myself with the thought that the Raptor in the Dino Defense set looks like Kenner's Electronic Raptor, while the new one looks more like Kenner's regular 'Slash N' Strike' release. (Nostalgia for me.) It's like I'll have both! (I never did get the electronic version as a kid - it was between that or the electronic Dilophosaurus, and who could resist that frill?)
Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
So how does the new Dilophosaurus fit into all this then? And I have to apologize guys - it's partially my fault that we got a JP-accurate raptor. I broke down 2 weeks ago and bought a brand-new sealed Dino Defense Headquarters set (yes, it was expensive) partially because it includes the most (until now) accurate Raptor to the ones in the first film. I'm going to have a lot of Dinosaurs come summer...
- Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
I'd take a chest-up Brachiosaurus before a Spino myself. Or even a Trike re-release. Just to get some herbivorous Dinos in for a change. (But that Spinosaurus does look really awesome...) And Grant and Tim with a Ford Explorer? Throw in a Raptor in the original color scheme and I'd be in heaven. Though I'd still want 3.
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
- Jurassic World 2018 - Rumors and Discussion
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Regarding Release Dates? I couldn't find anything after looking through the past couple of pages; I've noticed some people in the US are finding the Man of Steel sets available at Walmart already. Does anyone know what the actual 'street date' for release is? I can't imagine I'd be lucky enough to find them at my Walmart here in the NW, so I'll just wait until I know they're out.
LEGO Castle 2013
I'm finding something off with the blue used for the Lion Knights. It reminds me of the almost 'neon' coloration of the minifigs in the 2009 Pirate line. Perhaps LEGO is having trouble mixing their colors again - or they're simply not using enough dye. The plastic could be showing up a bit...transparent? In any event, it's amazing how enticing those CGI backgrounds can apparently make things... Seeing the sets against white isn't very flattering.
- LEGO Castle 2013
- MOC: TMNT - Classic town style
TMNT 2013
You make some good points, however I'm referring to the general reviews the vehicle seems to be getting. A lot of complaints about stability and problems with assembly.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Not unless it will be a Comic-Con reveal? I'm not sure, but I haven't really seen much hype for any Fall movies yet.
TMNT 2013
I'm finding the posting in this thread to be rather lackluster. So...I'm hoping to contribute something worthwhile. Firstly, the new Nick show has been greenlit for season 3, so the future appears bright at the moment for a potential long-term license. (This is assuming that LEGO has good sales on these sets and didn't shoot themselves in the foot with the Shellraiser. ) Secondly, and perhaps more exciting to some, are these awesome LEGO videos. Seriously, I'm surprised these haven't cropped up anywhere else! (Or I'm blind, lol.) Mikey: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Raph: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Leo: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Donnie: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Enjoy! NOTE: Obviously, my embedding skills need work, but the links work for me - let me know if you have trouble.)
Official fonts
That's fascinating, and while I don't find any of it particularly surprising, it's always interesting to read the 'nitty gritty' design specifications that companies have for every little thing - whether they produce it themselves or it's made by a third party to promote the brand. The Bionicle example makes perfect sense given their target market, and you're right - it doesn't seem to be as much of an 'issue' in more recent years; the LEGO brand has gained quite a respected following (Which will hopefully continue, despite the gnashing of teeth and doomsday predictions by those opposed to the latest UCS release. Or should I say 're-release', ). If you ever do get your hands on that file and feel comfortable sharing, I'm sure many in the community would find it a great - well, intellectually stimulating at least - read. Thanks for the info, Aanchir. You've got a great brain for this!
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