Everything posted by Crownie
TMNT 2013
I'm not sure what the chances are of TLG creating a Leatherhead figure if this first wave sells well, but after today's episode, I'm willing to buy them all two times over if it'll increase the chances... (Hey, I can branch out from castle, right?)
Questions and Concerns for TLG
Funny you just posted this - I just opened up my King's Castle (#7946) and one of the instruction books as well as the sticker sheet were pretty badly mangled. If a set has any stickers at all, I think a plastic bag with cardboard backing should be mandatory. Production wise, it might cost more than replacing several hundred customer sticker sheets, but as a customer, I find it incredibly irritating. I think in terms of providing a overall positive experience for their customers, it'd be worth the extra production cost for LEGO to implement. The difference between the white and clear stickers is something I've only recently become aware of - mostly through Huw at Brickset. I can't imagine it's a cost issue - maybe they're in the process of phasing the white opaque ones out? I've read several posts by people on this board who scan their sticker sheets and re-print them on clear sticker paper, but I'm a bit too apprehensive regarding the long-term resiliency to try it myself. I think I'll stick with the official LEGO ones. (No pun intended.)
The Hobbit movies discussion
I kind of agree. I do notice though (and maybe I'm getting old), but in general I tend to enjoy movies more when I watch them at home. I was a bit overwhelmed with everything - I think it could've been great as a single 3 -hour film instead of only the first of 3 installments. There's a reason most movies don't attempt to adapt books page-by-page. The switch from 2 films to 3 set off all the alarm bells in my head, and I admit to going in a bit apprehensive. Perhaps the 48fps had something to do with my overall impression as well? I can't say I'm a big fan at this point, though I did get somewhat used to it after 30 minutes. The 'Riddles in the Dark' scene - though a bit long itself - was definitely the highlight for me, though. I don't consider myself a huge Gollum fan necessarily, but Andy Serkis nailed it here. So awesome.
Legends of Chima 2013
Retail tradeshow? This display is fantastic! Chima doesn't appeal to me as much as some of the other LEGO lines available, but this promotional display case definitely makes me wish I liked it more. (If that makes any sense.) Oh so inner model geek is going nuts!
- LEGO 6285 Black Seas Barracuda Wallpaper - in sizes upto 2560 x 1600
"Licensed Themes are more expensive." Is it true?
Nice Marmot - thank you for chiming in! Those discussions you linked to look very interesting. I still tend to think in terms of 'price per piece' - most likely because it's an easier way to communicate ideas regarding set cost, but it's amazing to consider just how complicated LEGO pricing structure really is. A lot of food for thought.
- LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Your LEGO plans for 2012
I think I might second that...
LOTR & The Hobbit 2013 Set Discussion
Leaving set specifics for a more general overview: Does anyone else get the feeling that this summer wave of LOTR will likely be the last we see? I keep seeing this smaller wave of 4-6 sets being released along with a somewhat small wave 2 for the Hobbit in the winter(now that Mirkwood and Barrels have been taken out of the release). Maybe half a dozen sets for the last summer Hobbit wave in 2013, and then nothing. I guess my gut feeling is that the Hobbit movie isn't going to be all that well received. I'm sure it will recoup it's production costs no doubt, but I'm not sure it will be the surefire hit that many are hoping for. I wish I had some sort of concrete evidence to present, but really it's just my gut instinct. A bit depressing really. Also, the large amount of LOTR sets still on shelves across the country seems to indicate that - at a retail level anyway - the sets are not selling as quickly as hoped. I'm not sure the release of the Hobbit will increase the sales of these sets as many have speculated. I'm keeping my fingers crossed in any event, though I'm a bit afraid to set my hopes too high.
"Licensed Themes are more expensive." Is it true?
My schooling background is in industrial design, and you are right on. Molds really are incredibly expensive to design and manufacture, especially for high-quality injection-molded plastic runs.
"Licensed Themes are more expensive." Is it true?
This is very interesting. I've heard people say before that Australian prices are based upon what people are willing to pay - I wonder if that's a factor? Are licensed products as a rule harder to get a hold of or something? That seems like it'd be a bit strange. Maybe it is just that they know people will ultimately pay more for a licensed product. I'm a little ticked off on your behalf just thinking about it, though. So perhaps what seems to be 'equal opportunity pricing' in the U.S. doesn't necessarily hold up overseas...
Your LEGO plans for 2012
I quite like that, glendo. Seeing it put so simply is a great reminder - I have a lot more LEGO this year than I did last, and I don't want to get so far ahead of myself that I forget to enjoy everything 2012 has brought me - like an account on Eurobricks!
"Licensed Themes are more expensive." Is it true?
I started this topic because I'd been reading a lot of complaints regarding the cost of licensed themes compared to their unlicensed counterparts and hadn't been able to find any reasoning for it here in the States. I did some quick data work consisting of the average price per piece of 9 different LEGO lines released in the year 2012. The results were as follows: 1) Dino at .146 cents per piece 2) Star Wars at .130 cents per piece 3) City Mining at .128 per piece 4) City Forest Police at .121 cents per piece 5) Lord of the Rings at .115 cents per piece 6) Super Heroes at .115 cents per piece 7) Friends at .109 cents per piece 8) Monster Fighters at .105 cents per piece 9) Ninjago at .104 cents per piece This list brought up 2 good points: 1) Star Wars really is expensive, and could rightfully be responsible for tarnishing the price point of licensed themes, and 2) Themes with large molded pieces (i.e. Dino and City Mining) are inherently more expensive due to the specialized large molds created for them, which is why they appear towards the top of the list. Other than that, plus or minus .04 cents doesn't seem all that huge, though when you realize that it's per piece, it might have a bit more of an impact. UPDATE: Several people from other countries have chimed in (see below), and it seems that elsewhere in the world, licensed themes really are more expensive (in some cases, ridiculously so). It seems that TLG prices products at what they think people are willing pay, not necessarily what seems fair. So those licensing costs accrued by TLG? Are apparently passed on to the consumers, but only consumers in specific countries. Other thoughts?
Your LEGO plans for 2012
I returned from my Dark Ages in 2012, so I'm afraid I didn't really have any plans - I just bought what I thought looked awesome whenever I had money. Not really the best approach, so one of my goals for 2013 is to be far more organized and funnel my LEGO spending into several specific areas. I've even drawn up a spreadsheet, lol.
- Christmas List
Stepping out...
I'm actually in negotiations right now to start work next week for a local marketing/advertising firm. It's part time, but should work out really well as they have the time and ability to train me - both in software and in the marketing industry itself. If nothing else, it will expose me to plenty of other types of jobs, and who knows I might find something I like even better. As long as I have funds to procure LEGO.
LEGO Castle 2013
This is killing me - I was just looking at buying the original Kingdoms Castle,and now I wonder if I should wait. If I do wait and the new castle turns out to be different, I imagine the aftermarket price on the original will be even higher and I'll end up paying more for it. There's no good answer for this one. I wonder if ending up with both would really be so bad?
Stepping out...
Maybe I jumped around a bit too much ; I never actually made it into the design field professionally, though it sort of looks like I might end up there again - just not in an entertainment capacity. I did do several internships at the time, one of which was with a company developing a mobile/traveling Wild West theme park/resort. Sadly, it never ultimately went anywhere, but I thought my concept work turned out fantastically. Would've been really cool. Thanks for the warm welcome!
Your ideas for new Lego history themes
I would actually like to see TLG revisit the Vikings Theme from 2006. They've come a long way since then, and I think they have a better idea of what works and doesn't work in terms of playset design. I'd dispose of the reliance on technic parts and use some of the more current building techniques created for Lord of the Rings. Mix in several different types of dragons using the Fantasy Era mold as a base, and I think you'd have a pretty awesome theme on your hands. Okay, so I just watched "How to Train Your Dragon" again, and it's got my mind swimming with possibilities.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Very much so, except I kinda thought the added headgear on the green one would go very well with some chains, buckles, ect. and a saddle for the Witch King. (It looked good in my head, anyway...)
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Do you think we can expect a Fell Beast to be released? I keep looking at the Dragon from 7048 Troll Warship, and thinking 'if you were only in black...' If LEGO still has useable molds for the pieces, you think it'd be an easy enough character to manufacture - I imagine even those castle fans who aren't necessarily fans of Middle Earth would be enticed. (Of course maybe I'm the only one who really misses the Fantasy Dragon enough to fantasize...)
[WIP] Mini medieval diorama
Oh my goodness! Can I shrink myself and live inside? This 'ultra-detailed micro' style of building is still kind of new to me, but I really like the direction you've taken the house in. The fountain out front is an especially great touch.
CCCX Knight's Challenge Redux
Wow, I really love this. Its a perfectly-sized vignette without being too overwhelming, and your tree - Your tree is fantastic! (As is the patterned tile-work behind the throne(s).) You even kept the colors of the factions similar to the original; you really paid attention here, and it shows. What a fun set this would be to build! Good luck!
Stepping out...
Hello everyone, I've been a visitor to this website for many months now, but just recently have worked up the courage to register. I thought I'd introduce myself here before I jump right in and start randomly participating in message threads, though. A bit of background: I grew up in the 1980's and my introduction to LEGO was through Classic Castle; the first set I have memories of owning was 6077 Forestmen's River Fortress. My family wasn't able to afford a lot, and I think that remained my largest set until I recieved 6075 Wolfpack Tower in the early 90's. A couple of smaller sets, probably half castle and half pirate made up the rest of my collection at the time. In middle school, I spent a lot of time with my 6th-grade neighbor, who's parents were able to afford purchasing the majority of Islanders and Dragon Knights sets for him. You can only imagine the battles we used to construct. My interest in LEGO waned more and more in High School, though the release of the Egyptian Adventurers line got me to purchase a few of the better sets. (Those were SO awesome.) At the time, I was heading off to design school with a focus on themed entertainment (primarily theme parks), so I did spent several afternoons pulling old LEGO out of the closet to reconstruct portions of the Pirates of the Caribbean Ride. Graduated with honors, but life threw a couple of curve balls and the LEGO was lost - along with most of my aspirations as a theme park designer. I got involved in other pursuits (Moving, work, more school), and had entirely forgotten about the brick until I came across the new Fantasy Castle line. In a burst of nostalgia, I requested the King's Castle Siege for my birthday; my mother amusingly wasn't even phased by her 25-year old son wanting LEGOs. Curve ball number two was thrown, and I went through a pretty tough time involving some life-changing health concerns and once again, all LEGO (the whopping one set) was lost (This time to medical bills, lol.) Come 2012, and the release of LEGO Lord of the Rings once again kick started my interest in LEGO. I started spending a lot of time online, dicovering several incredible websites (including this one) comprised of fellow AFOLs who were just as excited about the toy as I was. They say the 3rd time's a charm, and it certainly seems that way - it's been over a year and my interest hasn't waned one bit. I've been able to collect quite a few sets in the past year - several milestones were re-purchased MIB including 5988 Temple of Anubis and 7094 King's Castle Seige (the set I loved so much I named myself after it, lol) - as well as many current sets (LOTR, Monster Fighters, CMF's, ect.) If you made it this far, congratulations! This will probably be the longest post I'll ever type; hopefully it wasn't too boring. I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone else and I'm very glad to have found Eurobricks!
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