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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hello All Is there a way to use my Rebrickable parts available as a means to know what parts i can use in LDD? basically i would like a filter that says if i don't own the part then it shouldn't show up in LDD's brick palette. It sure would be nice if LEGO would continue developement of LDD or replace it with something better and able to use data from APIs on the web. DawnTreader
  2. Thanks Kalle I have tried to "just compile" a database from 32bit to 64bit. Every time you have used a Long Integer variable you need to convert it to a LongPTR in order to be compatible with 64bit code. It was the reason I gave up on running 64bit office. My Access databases were not going to easily convert and so I just uninstalled office and reinstalled 32bit version. If you were to try compiling LDD manager on a 64bit Access I am 99% certain it would fail and you would spend 1/2 trying to rework the VBA code to make it work before you became frustrated and decided it wasn't worth it. (You know the reason why, if you remember my offer from way back when. I attempted a conversion then.) Anyways...
  3. Correct me if I am wrong Kalle, but there wont be a 64bit version will there? I mean this database hasn't been updated in what? 3 years? besides the amount of work for a 64 bit doesn't justify it. trust me I know. I built a database similar to this and when I tried to convert to 64 bit it was a pain. there was so much code that needed to be amended and altered it became a nightmare. what you really should do is uninstall office 64bit and put in office 32bit. unless you are a database creator with a database that will be over 2gb in size or someone who needs super-duper excel functionality as per here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Excel-specifications-and-limits-ca36e2dc-1f09-4620-b726-67c00b05040f then it really isn't necessary to use the 64bit version of office. understand that the latest and greatest, especially when it comes to office 64bit, isn't always the best solution to a problem. if I had a computer that needed super speedy reaction to everything and needed super large hard drive space, super reliability and it all had to be super speedy I would have a few options: 1. set up my computer with a 960GB SSD, this is costly, although the prices have been coming down quite drastically. 2. set up a RAID with 6 1TB 7200 RPM drives so I could get mirroring with striping and array mirroring. if I had some old reliable drives that were kicking around and a motherboard and case to use them with I could do this pretty cheap. just because the SSD is the latest and greatest doesn't mean it is the best and most effective solution. I would still have to backup the SSD while the RAID array would be failsafe against up to 2 drives failing. and the SSD would also cost more, even if I went out and bought a few 1TB drives. anyways... the best solution to your problem is to uninstall office 64bit and install the 32bit version. see the reason I say all this? is because when I first had the chance to install 64bit office I did. I ended up in the same boat you are currently in. I ended up reading about the headaches of 64bit and even though I wanted the best, I realized that there were a lot of things that just wasn't going to be possible and that I would either have to give those things up or I would have to go back to 32bit. so please understand I am saying this from experience, go back...
  4. to use this in 64bit Access would require a major rewrite. Kalle might as well as redo it in a better place instead of the work to make the thing 64bit. 64bit also gives no benefit as far as this app goes. if this thing ever gets over 2gb in size then you are doing something wrong. just because there is a 64bit version doesn't mean that things are better because of it. almost any value that a 64bit Access application would have would be better served by moving to a more scalable database system like SQL server or MySQL. I think Kalle should webify what he built and either have his own site or talk with Rebrickable and work it in to that system. works good as is.
  5. Your model has a total of 878 bricks but there are only 167 different bricks. So you might have 17 tiles but there is 1 round one and 16 tile square. (or whatever type they are). Total Quantity and Total kind of bricks are 2 different things.
  6. Has there been any updates to this script or the possibility of uploading a list of parts to PaB?
  7. If someone were to make you a table of the left and right versions would that help somewhat? :)
  8. Hello Superkalle I have 2 questions for you, first is there a new version on the way? Second, could you add a feature for the next version? I would like a way to load a model and then take all the pieces and reverse them. For instance, in order to make my LEGO city work together better am trying to get my 60047-1: Police Station to match up with the 60004-1: Fire Station. The garages are opposite each other when I put them facing each other. So I thought it would be great if I could load the model in LDD Manager and tell it to horizontally flip all the parts but keep the station design exactly the same. Then the garages of both the fire station and the police station garages would be able to both hit the "4277477: Lego-Tf,32X32 Crossing" properly. Do you think that is a do able feature? I think that for the police station it would fine, but if you were to try and flip something with left hand and right hand parts, for example wings that are not symetrical "4143180: Left Wing 6X12", then you would have to cross reference the right hand part to replace it with the left hand one. Basically I figure if there was a way to calculate the coordinates and "reverse" them you should be able to reverse the model. It would sure be nice if there was a way to do that without having to do it manually. DawnTreader
  9. 40097 – 2014-04 – Helicopter Theme: 2014 – April Mini Build Known Inaccuracies:-none Download (LDD 4.3.8 – Brickset 1392)
  10. 40098 – 2014-05 – Dragon Theme: 2014 – May Mini Build Known Inaccuracies:-none Download (LDD 4.3.8 – Brickset 1392)
  11. So... SuperK... Since there is another update to the parts, should I send you the DB I have? It is mostly working the way I wanted... but there are something's that I have been banging my head over trying to fix. The image overlay system is somewhat broken in the DB I am still trying to fix up to send you. I had wanted the Picture to appear on the main form rather than a popup and I have been unable to get it to work. Or should I just cut out the parts that I really think you should add, like loading a folder full of LXF files into the database, and send those?
  12. Hi and thanks for the tips... but I had read the rules and I did use other posts as inspiration. Although I thought the rules said that the maximum size was 512x512, I didn't realise that it was based on the model size, maybe I didn't read that part carefully. I did forget the Bold, sorry about that. Why is the Post editor so hard to use?
  13. Here is my first contribution to the long list of Official Sets in this thread! 30230 - Mini Mech Promo - Theme: Galaxy Squad Errors: part 6013082 is not available in LDD, replaced with 2654 part 6029733 is not available in LDD, replaced with 76382 part 6023888 is not available in LDD, replaced with 3626 30230.lxf Enjoy!
  14. I know the exact reason that the problem exists Superkalle. I can send you code to fix it. We have emailed a bit before you and I, you might remember my question about source code and working a bit together on a few ideas that I had. While I was trying to fix the problem I also decided that my best route would be to use LDD Manager 1.10, because I was able to get into the code and decode it, to create my features and then send you a copy in hopes that you would be able to include those features for everyone else. As I poked around to try and fix the OBDC problem I noticed that there were some redundant bits of code and things that might be made more efficient by looping or reorganizing it a bit. I am by no means an expert in Access, but I have been building Databases and reporting systems for around 7 years for my current employer, along side what my normal duties require. If you would like I can send you by email the code that I found which caused me the problem and which was carrying some redundant bits, as well as the solution. Don't bother. Until more people are using 64bit then 32 and until there is more reasons to, there is no reason to do this. I was working to update to 64Bit compatibility and every step of the way there was something that broke. It might be more logical to start fresh and make a 64bit verison from the ground up, at least as far as the VBA code is concerned, but again there is no real useful reason other than size and that it is the latest greatest tech. When? If it is a few days then I wouldnt be in time with the features I was Hoping to send you. If you don't know then I will keep plugging away.
  15. Actually I have had a bug that is plaguing me in Access 2013 with LDD Manager 113. Every time I click on the check for opening the brick thumbnails I get an ODBC dialog box. no matter what I do at that point, selecting something or canceling it, I get a thumbnail form that shows a blob of dotted grey. when I close the form I get a error dialog. At first I thought it was my computer but after opening an older editable version I found the same problem and corrected it. Has anyone else had the same problem with the thumbnail form? Additionally you don't want to even try opening this with Access 2013 64bit. There is no hope for compatibility there. Is there another version of LDD Manager due anytime soonish?
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