Coffee bar and shop under construction
That lamppost is designed by Jasper Joppe Geers.
Coffee bar and shop under construction
I'm finishing some exteriors first and start on the interiors next. I had 5 modulars which are 99% ready (outside) and then it was summer . So now I'll finish them, adjust the exteriors (thanks to some comments) and build the interiors. I hope it will rain and snow a lot
Moc: To the mountain
I can't say more than the other members. This one is just.. beautiful. It has a lot of positive vibes! (the use of the ice cream )
Coffee bar and shop under construction
Hello again, The second modular 'under construction'. A combination of darkred and tan and - off course - a grey roof. I received usefull comments on the bakery, so please if you have suggestions for the 'coffee bar and shop'. Feel free! This one was gathering dust for some months, because the roof and windows on the second floor were tricky. It is constructed with a lot of jumpers, so at the end nothing was matching. It took me yesterday some time to close the roof with the 2x2 tiles. I did some work on the groundfloor interior, but that's just WIP . Anyway: comments are welcome! TwoKnightsBicycle More pictures on:
MOC: My home town 'Maclean' NSW Australia
I really like this idea! It's original, well build and you can compare the houses very well with the original ones. Congratulations!
Bakery under construction
Thank you for the comments. It's true: it IS very gray. I suppose it's because I wanted to avoid too much colours this time (compared to the art deco house). But indeed: when I look back on it: it's too much of the same. Mmm work to do. Regarding the large windows: it is indeed the idea to have some 'action' there. Hence the large windows on the ground floor and the large one on the first floor.
Bakery under construction
Hello everybody, Nice weather = less Lego. But the summer is gone; so back to action! I want to share with you another work in progress. The outside of this bakery is ready. Now I’ll have to start on the inside. The only part that is a bit more complicated, is the horizontal line with the castle windows on their side. The construction is held together with some bricks that are upside down. But before I go there, perhaps there are some nice comments and suggestions to create a nicer facade. Thanks in advance. TwoKnightsBicycle More pictures on:
TwoKnightsBicycle - modular houses
The inside is empty for now. I don't know yet what I will build there. I'm not planning to make LDD files or instructions. I always start with a box of bricks and see where I go from there. The art deco building is actually very straightforward as you can see on the pictures. I added some pictures where it's 'dismantled'.
WIP: Brewery (MOD: Brickcitydepot Commercial Building)
I like this one: it has a good 'vibe' with the combined colors. I especially like the way that you could add so much functions of a brewery in a rather small space.
TwoKnightsBicycle - modular houses
Hello again. This time I’m sharing two “inbetweenies”. First of all a ‘Work In Progress’. It started when I was thinking on a way to get rid of my 2x4 pink bricks. The only possibility I saw was to build a house with horizontal or vertical lines in it. And secondly I was wondering whether you could combine the modular concept with an almost complete SNOT facade. Hence some experimenting. I brought this together in about half a day and put it aside afterwards. But after a couple of months, I’m thinking to finish it in due time. I really like the idea now and want to rethink and detail it. It will take some time, but I want to change the doors, perhaps the windows, build an interior and a roof with some airco units etc. So I have to think on furniture, tiles, decorations. Another wild idea is to make a Fifties café in it (with some cars from Cars as decoration). We’ll see… Anyway here is the “WIP Art Deco House”. As you can see I did some experimenting with the concept 'modular': More: Another “inbetweenie”. One of my houses stood a bit lonely at the end of a row. And I had some collectible mini figures without a real purpose. So therefore I made a small fountain with a new species. Here I present you “The Carrot Goldfish Fountain”. A bit sad that you can't see the carrots below the transblue plates that are the goldfish on the picture. All comments are welcome! TwoKnightsBicycle
TwoKnightsBicycle - modular houses
Indeed: after seeing Jaspers houses up close, I finally decided to go for the modular houses as a theme! I think he has influenced a lot of people over here! By the way: thank you everybody for you feedback. And thank you Cecilie for blogging me!
MOC: Dutch Mansion
I especially like the second floor. Great job!
TwoKnightsBicycle - modular houses
Well.. I ran out of tiles so the solution was: "the floor is being repaired". Hence the power saw...
TwoKnightsBicycle - modular houses
I presented myself in the 'Hello, my name is'. Here it's back to business . The first MOC I want to share in detail is the "MaesHouse". I wanted to create a house where I could use some SNOT. The aim was to have a groundfloor with a look as if it is made in wood. Therefore I decided to go for a repeated 4 stud window. I also wanted to use some lettering. Therefore the M is seen beneath the windows. On the second you can understand why the M was choosen. To make it more realistic, I added a craftsman who is repairing the construction. There are three doors. One of them leads directly to a staircase. The owner can go directly to the first (and second) floor. Let's go inside! The groundfloor has a shop and a toilet. The idea was to have a 'red carpet' for the clients. It took me some time to find out the construction for the staircase (I had nine studs wide). I wanted an 'old iron' look. You can also see the inside of the toilet (this part of the wall is removable). You can't see it clearly, but behind the stairs are a safe, cooler and champagne bottles. OK. Let's go to the first floor! There is not much to tell. You can see the groundfloor, there is some art and the floor is being repaired. And the second floor. I had some work on the bed (6 studs width, while I had only 7 studs space). Everything is in orange/yellow and so on. The owner clearly wants to compensate for his serious business on the other floors! All comments are welcome! You can find more pictures in this set: TwoKnightsBicycle
TwoKnightsBicycle - a new modular builder
Hello Eurobricks! I'm an almost 40year old builder from Belgium. Happily maried, two kids, building since I'm born (more or less). It took some time to find my Legoway: but now I'm convinced that Lego modular is my "playzone". Star Wars, Technic etc are all gone and I collected a small collection of bricks to built my fantasy (not based on anything that exists in reality as far as I know) I quit building for some years in my early twenties, but started again appox ten years ago. This is my latest creation... ...but before I made this shop, I had to find my Lego-destination. So, this is my story so far... (My apologies for this long post: I'll make them shorter from now on. ) Chapter one "Before the modulars came to town" The kick start after my dark ages. Bricklink was nice to know and the "Hogwarts" idea of Harry Potter triggered my creativity. Red and Tan were the favorite colours. My friends declared me insane when I ordered some thousand 2x4 green bricks... Build in a rather straightforward way. I added the train station recently. I didn't know about AFOL, SNOT and other strange abreviations Chapter two "Mmm those modular houses are lovely" The Café Corner brought me to the idea to build separate houses. Easier, since the Harry Potter town is all connected and this is rather frustrating when you want to change something. But it was not yet in modular style and it is not possible to lift the floors... Chapters three "The modulars are in the house" I kept the Harry Potter part, but everything else is 'demolished'. Heavily impressed by Jasper Joppe Geerts modular houses, I took the road of the modular concept. The first one was a music shop, the second one a café. But I didn't take nice pictures yet. The music shop... And some work in progress. Actually a lot is changed since I took these pictures about two years ago. Chapter four "A more qualitative picture says more than a thousand words" And so we're back on the house of the first picture. After a while a decided to make better pictures of my latest: a shop with Egyptian antiquities. The owner lives on the second floor. I decided that I'm ready for Eurobricks now . Conclusion: I hope to add some more chapters and wish you all the best Comments are off course welcome. It's a hobby so we can learn a lot from each other. More in this flickr set: The next plans: I want to do some small rework on my older houses and take better pictures. And finish them... And perhaps an Art Deco house... and and... TwoKnightsBicycle from Belgium
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