Mystery FREE Raffle!
Free stuff sounds good to me so i`m in
The biggest Prize Pool in AFOL fansite history?
wow that is awesome all i can think about is the barracuda it`s so great this something i have to subscribe to for like fifteeen bucks a month for the next twelve years?(is it true they are misb ?)
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
yes i agreee with alot of you that the color scheme is awful and this is a bad idea. but phoinix is right they turned rock raiders into a circus and they even gave us a ferris wheel. but one question i have is what is the weird helmet thing all the miners wear it doesn`t look very helpful and it doesn`t look like there is even a visor. the last problem i have(yes i have a few) is the rock creatures they are just horrid i mean they have stickers for eyes ! why do we need this, don`t we already have mars mission??
The Unknown Sith
you didn`t know that?! that`s hilarious by the why i like darth za`kraan(thats how you spell it right?
International Talk Like A Pirate Day
i missed it to last year but this year i wont be missin it ya scurvy dogs
My contribution to the 30th anniversary of the minifig
i must say that this is truly amazing i`m trying to work on something like this so this was very inspirering your also very lucky to get frontpaged
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
these look nice so i`d like to give them a home
San Diego Comic Con exclusive
this looks pretty cool it would`ve been nice to get but i guess i wont be getting 1 seeing as i`m not planning on going to san diego o well congratz to anyone who could actually get their hands on this(only like 500 right)
REVIEW: Awesome Quad Face-Off
that was an intresting race And i was split between the two until i saw whitefang`s reply and the fact you can use the sprinter as a militery thing(which you could do for both but sprinter just pulls it off better) and i like the radar on the back of it so i`ll have to go with the street sprinter. thanks for the nice topic brickster
The different prices on LEGO in the US vs. Europe
i live in America and I feel bad for Europeans because TLC refuses to lower their prices and in the USA they are actually raising the prices it`s not as bad as European prices but its still not as cheap as it once was and i assume they are doing the same in Europe another problem i have is wat joey lock said "If you send these views to they would proberbly throw this straight In the rejected pile..." ive tried posting these things on but they dont like you saying anything remotely bad about them which really ticks me off. so frankly i think lego should have lower prices everywhere in Europe in america in Australia and in asia or at least stop raising the prices everywhere :)
New City Set Pics for 2008
that horrible awful cruddy sea plane makes me depressed the coast guard HQ set is so amazingly good i thought lego was starting to perfect the city theme but now i realize all they have is a sub-theme thats good :( i dont think city will ever be very good so if i were you i`d buy coast guard sets while there here cause they might replace them with crap like this the truck thing is also horrible and i just dont get why we need a stupid sea plane if theres a coast guard??? it makes no sense at all
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