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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. May I ask how the minifigs' legs, like the Sir Francis Drake ones, stay in the minifig? I've been trying to recreate them but to no avail ;) Your help would be appreciated. Thanks ^^
  2. Thanks Dillon!
  3. OMG! Wow. I have lurked on this site for a while but never been inspired to make anything in about 3 months. You just inspired me to get back into building with this amazing MOC! I really really really love the minifigs' legs and the boat sail, incredible! Thankyou! Edit: By the way, what are those pieces you put for the feet of the awesome minifigs called? I have seen them before but I don't know the name. I would like to order some on Bricklink ^^ if you could help me that would be great. Thanks =)
  4. This makes me so happy. Oh pirates. How I missed you. I have to get a job
  5. Count me in! :D
  6. I really like the tan pith/ tan legs combination. But that's just me. My second fav would have to be the white pith/white legs.
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  8. Oh my gosh that looks so totally awesome . Great job. And yeah, I think the face decal could use a little tweaking but I still think the decals are the best I've seen of Dark Knight. So good job SirNadroj and Vidgamer.
  9. Wow, the hair came out great. Looks perfect. Nice paint job, can't wait to see how it looks with decals!
  10. My name's Tyren, real name Matt. I've looked through Eurobricks Minifig customization section a few times and I loved all of the work in there so I decided to join. I like all Lego, but mostly the medieval/castle stuff. I love classic lego and my favourite helmet is this one: Nice to meet you all.
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