Well, as far as I could realize, there was only one fig with the normal male hairpiece, in this case it was Han Solo. There was a pilot-Luke, but not an Endor or Tatooine version. It's the same with the stormie and the imperial pilot, I don't know which one was displayed, but there must have been only one. Otherwise it wouldn't have worked.
Behind the briks
Well, although it was uploaded today by the Lego Company, it's already well known, as we know it since June. When it had been published for the first time, the whole community was excited because of the two "new" battlepacks in the background. Today we know that they are the Hoth BPs that are already sold. Nevertheless, the movie doesn't deserve an own thread. ;)
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
This pic should answer your question: I also expected a more accurate carbonite block, in which Han would be totally integrated, and not only fixed to with his hands. This carbonite block doesn't have anything to do with Lego as we know it, nor do Grievous or Boba. It somehow makes me feel old and sad, when I see that the toy we love is turning into Hasbro.
REVIEW: 8083 Rebel Trooper Battle Pack
It is real, the scene with the ice cutter was filmed, but never shown in E5. Here is a pic, it was shown in the "2010 discussion-thread":
ARC-170 Review on Youtube.
Well, it's fine that we can rely on legoboy to be the first who reviews the new sets. While I was looking through your reviews, I actually noticed a big mistake in the ARC review, you named Kit Fisto "Greedo"! There's a slight difference between them: I can't unterstand why you complain that there are only 3 blasters in the Snowtrooper Battlepack. One rifle abd one short blaster for the snowies (which you name stormtroopers) and one for the commander. The pilot uses to sit and to navigate the cannon, so there's no reason for him to take a blaster with him. Nevertheless, it's always great to get a closer look at the new products, keep on reviewing.
CCD7's CD/OHP Marker Clones
Well, there's nothing to add. I could never treat my clones like that, especially the pilots. I mean, they cost like 15 Dollars, also ordered on on BL, whereas it doesn't really matter if you colour 8 normal white troopers. They look good, although I couldn't do this to my clones, I'd regret that, need to say that I'm also only a collector, so I don't care about playability or how they could look in a certain area.
The Visual Dictionary
I got it today from Amazon an found a pic of the new Hoth rebel and his helmet:;postcount=88 Looks very detailed, you even have the possibility to put the glasses the way you want. On my pic, they are fixed on the front, but you can also fix them in the two holes below the position you can see on this pic.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Yeah, I have also noticed he's too long. Doesn't surprise me, as he's also taller in "real life". And you must remember, that the head with the hood has to be higher than a normal minifig head, because of the unusual shape.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Don't forget that he's a spy! But the minifigs are all shown on the top of the box, and as the pics are very blurry an prelim, he might seem clearer, when we get the real set in december!
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
It definitly is! You're brilliant, haven't noticed the legs and the flesh face before! Seems like he is holding something in his hands, probably a "phone" to call the Imperials! Thanks for sharing your catch with us.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
As we do already know them, they are not new to us. Those sets have been discussed on the last 10 pages, so we are not surprised by the video. Thanks anyway! I suppose that the video was made after the producer found the pics here at eb, so...
8038 The Battle of Endor
Amazing review, convinced me to order the set for 70 (!) Euro at I'm impressed by the AT-ST, which looks much better than the 2007 version, because of the way it's built. The legs and the cockpit look much nicer, maybe because it's only made for one fig, as the 2007 was, but the new one has less space for the driver. The bunker is not that nice, TLC could have made better, but then the price would be as high as the 130 Euro of the Calamari Cruiser. The figs look nice, haven't got a Leia yet, so this special offer is a great chance to get it.
[MOC] What if ... ? #1
That's great, put a smile on my face. I really like the idea of a DS tree. Maybe Vader could have used his lightsaber for cutting it. Can't wait for the next numbers.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
It doesn't look as a Taun Taun to me, as it seems way too small. If you compare a Taun Taun with a Wampa, their heads do both have horns, but the color doesn't fit. If you have a look at the body, the Taun Taun has a longer torso, whereas the Wampa does neither have a tail nor a long body. Where is the tail? For me, it's relatively clear that's not a Taun Taun, but a Wampa. In my opinion, the grey sticks seem to long to belong to a speederbike. I am also confuse by the black spot that is located next to the snowie in the front. On the left side of the creature's head seams to be a tube, as we know it from the Echo Base from 2009. I do also see a black satelite dish. In the rebel BP, it seems as if the speeder has a roof, with something on it. some black cables or anything like that. I am still looking forward to finding out who the orange rebel is. Thanks for the pics Commander KimT, I need to get this book, the figure is awesome, so detailed. Really unusual for Lego Star Wars, isn't it? Greetings from Austria!
Custom Republic Gunship
Wow, great job! Which piece did you use for the bottom of the commando area, it's quite a nice idea!
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