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Games Regulator
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  • Birthday 09/22/1994

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  1. I’m so sorry Classic_Spaceman! It was very refreshing to play mafia again! It’s a shame we couldn’t get more people, but next time I’ll try to frontpage it. I think I’m allowed to do it, but I’m not sure and I never have.
  2. Voting for the person not confirmed scum is risky, but I’ll trust George and we can vote out Susan tomorrow. Unvote: Susan (mostlytechnic) Vote: Eloise (Trekkie99) I’m hoping we’re right. If we’re wrong and there’s only one scum then we can vote out Susan tomorrow.
  3. Why did it take you so long to vote for Susan?
  4. I think this is a pretty obvious lynch... Vote: Susan (mostlytechnic) There must be some strange power role at play here that's announcing scum.
  5. That's some really bad reasoning. Vote: Eloise (Trekkie99) I don't understand your logic and to me it looks like you're just trying to get an easy lynch by voting for someone with a penalty vote using a flimsy reasoning.
  6. Hello! I'm not entirely sure who to vote for today yet, but I will again caution against people jumping onto a bandwagon with one of the people that has a penalty vote. Like this.
  7. I had to vote for someone and it seemed like a good enough reason. I'm wondering why you're so aggrieved by a day one vote. At any rate, we need to be careful today. With all the non-voters yesterday, it could be very easy for the naughty scum to jump on and lynch someone that's not so active that has a penalty vote already. This is a good theory considering there wasn't a kill last night. Nevertheless, in a game of five people, if there was a conversion, one wrong lynch today and the game is over. I think it's possible that there's only one scum still and they might have been thwarted last night. There could have been a block, or a protect, or a bulletproof vest, or any other number of things.
  8. With about 18 hours left, I'm not sure who to vote for. I'm not sure if I understand your reasoning here. I know voting is mandatory, but you can make up a better reason. I'm going to Vote: Scott (Tariq j) because he hasn't said much that I find helpful.
  9. Nobody has really talked about the mechanics of the game yet. Considering there's only five of us, how many scum do we think are in the game?
  10. What kind of a monster would steal toys?
  11. I'll participate! I'd suggest staying with writeboards, only because guests can have easy access to them after the game is completed whereas with Discord it can be a bit trickier, for transparency purposes.
  12. I'll make sure to front page it as well. I'm pretty sure I can do that now.
  13. Agreed! I'm willing to host another game, but I was hoping someone else could. It's been a long long time since I've actually played instead of hosted.
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