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  1. Efferman - Below are the instructions for the pushrod assembly on the front; Hopey - Yeah, there are 6x 5L halfbeams (+OOO+) on the front suspension;
  2. Hi Rener, I can confirm that there is a working steering wheel in the cockpit, although it is a rather tight squeeze to operate it. I guess thats why they linked it to the HOG-steering.
  3. Please find below the photos of under the engine cover, power features, alternate model & front right suspension.
  4. Morning all, I managed to complete the model last night, about 5 hours build time! Really pleased with the size of it, much bigger than I expected. Size compared to 8263 - Snow Groomer Size compared to 9394 - Jet Plane Size compared to 10220 - VW Campervan & 9390 - Mini Tow Truck Along with my other F1 models If you would like photos of specific parts I'll do my best to upload them. Andy
  5. Not sure I've got time to build this tonight, here are the photos of the box and parts list. Only the instructions for the F1 car are included in the box, the Racing Truck instructions are downloadable via the Lego website, however, as this is such a new model the instructions aren't available online yet. Andy.
  6. Hi shadowhearth, I'll put some photos on here once I've got it built (if I can work out how! Guess I can link my Flickr photos on here?) I'm planning on building both models probably starting with the F1 car. I've got a couple of other models to compare the scale, I'll include these in the photos.
  7. I picked this set up this afternoon from Argos, paid £79.99. Hoping to start building it tonight! Looks like a great set, judging by the wheel/tyre size it's going to be a good size and weight.
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