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About Legoman31

  • Birthday 05/08/1995

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  1. 1. both 2. Individual 3. I have always been fascinated by the Gateway Arch. 4. Amusement park rides like roller coasters would be nice. 5. Space is the only evergreen theme that I know of that has not had a set above a 100 dollars. A model of the USS Enterprise would be too much to ask for I suppose.
  2. Due to increased tectonic activity in the year 2054, almost all of the earth is destroyed. With the tectonic activity came an increase in temperature however it is quickly overtaken by global ice age. With very little housing available, most of man moves to caves and live by catching fish ant trapping whatever they can. With a lack of food and supplies, some people try survive by stealing what they can and murdering anyone who gets in their way. If the cold doesn’t kill mankind, they will kill themselves. Brickshelf Flickr
  3. I think that is a great idea and very useful if someone could figure out.
  4. Thanks guys! As for the red, The base of the starfighter is red; though I will see what I can do.
  5. Brickshelf Constructive criticism appreciated.
  6. My Wii never has had any problems.
  7. I may be able to do 2 side walls filled with bunks.
  8. As usual Brickshelf Flickr
  9. Flickr (more info) Brickshelf when moderated. (more pictures)
  10. I got Kjeld's Business card and his autograph while I was there.
  11. I'm going to at least quadruple mine. Does anybody know how much more space they will get since they have the whole hotel?
  12. I had a dream last night that I saw the leaked pics of these.
  13. Blood, especially your blood.
  14. Houston, I think we have winner.
  15. Yes, there was. When LEGO first created the mold for Darth Vader's helmet, They molded it in red to see if there was any mistake in the mold. They chose red because it is easier to see the mistakes. That why you sometimes see pieces in red that didn't appear in that color in any set.
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