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  1. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Sorry to break up the discussion, but... Sorry, Refia. :P
  2. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
  3. Hydrobius replied to AllanSmith's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Despite my initial reaction to the line (which wasn't that great); those new pictures are making me re-think my decision not to pick any of them up. To tell the truth, I think I might just get Von Nebula/Rotor... on sale, of course. They're both pretty appealing, as far as recolors/pieces goes; and I see a lot of potential for them as actual sets, were they to receive the proper modifications... and here I'm thinking that, because Bionicle is ending; LEGO wouldn't be getting any more of my money. So much for that. :P Furno Bike is the only other one I'm interested in; again, because of the insane amount of recolors (Orange Bohrok faceplate!? Metru Red Mata Foot?!); and the build... which, surprisingly; is quite nice. All of the others are completely overpriced, in my opinion; as well as too simplistic for my tastes... even the dropship, while visually appealing; costs way too much for my liking - or my wallet's. So, I'll have to see about getting a good deal on those two (three, maybe) and go from there. Overall, HF isn't terrible, IMO; it's just... lackluster.
  4. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    I'm tempted to say those are rocks, but... I don't know. We should ask Bink where the photo came from; because if someone put that up by accident... :P
  5. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    I'll probably do a little bit of shopping, yes... still need the Bahrag - and I have the money! - so I'll have to see about grabbing them new (hopefully) after I exhaust my album list. Maybe Kohrak, too; considering he's the only Bohrok I've been unable to rebuild (never found the parts for him...) I might make a move for some of the more recent stuff, too; should I have money leftover - I still want Ackar, for all the recolored limbs; and maybe, maybe Skopio, if he's really as great as people say it is. That's not to mention the gold-mine of MOCing material it is, too; should I ever decide to scrap it... Other than that, I really don't have any 'big' holes in my collection; and if there are, they're occupied by sets that I really don't want. IE: Bohrok Kal, various Visorak, etc.
  6. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Last time I checked, he's still in trapped in yet another alternate dimension; trying to bargain with a GB for his freedom. Same GB that was imprisoned because he was cursed by the Ignika, BTW... Who wants to bet that Vezon+GB will join the fight in ROS, as 3D Brickthing pointed out? XD
  7. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
  8. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Spoiler'd, just in case.
  9. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
  10. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Maybe, maybe not. You have to remember, BZPower has built up quite the following over the years... there's a lot of people who won't want to let go that easily. Plus, Greg even threw out the possibility of continuing the story there (he said 'if it ended'), so I'd think the majority of the focus would still be Bionicle. Though I'll be waiting to see the reaction when Greg finally confirms it... And, to Kuzc050's point - this year really does feel tacked on now. Once again, Greg mentioned that next year was supposed to be Valley of the Maze Stuff, so you know they condensed everything again... my question is, what caused it to implode like this? I was - we were - under the impression that it was one of the best selling lines for the company. I'd bet $100 that, if decline is the reason, it started with the Phantoka. Why? Just a feeling. Still, as everyone's said, it's sad to see it go. Bionicle's been a big part of my life for what seems like forever; not anticipating new sets, and not anticipating new storyline, is depressing indeed. It may have really started to unravel as of late, but it was still Bionicle. And now, that's gone... Like I said - now we just wait and see how they do with the replacement. Assuming it's a company concept, that is.
  11. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    That's until you see the replacement line. XD I dunno... while it's certainly interesting that it's ending, I'm more concerned about what'll be in it's place than anything else. Assuming they keep some of the basic building components, this could finally mean new Torsos! Limbs! Heads/Masks! Weapons! With much more variety than in past years, anyways... The only other thing I'm really hoping for is that, if all this is true, they keep the stories separate. I don't want this to start getting so convoluted like Bionicle did this year; with the Bara Magna tie-in and all that... really, it's a fresh start. There's a boatload of potential; maybe even the possibility of a focus on higher age groups, we'll have to see. (Feel free to shoot me for my noobish optimism)
  12. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    Indeed it is. I'd get a quote from the OGD, but I'm lazy. The teaser is OK, I guess. You can't really make an 8-piece set 'epic', IMO, but at least TLC tried. I'll still pick him up, if only for the mask and the feet, but they still haven't grown on me.
  13. Hydrobius replied to RoodakaHK's post in a topic in LEGO Action Figures
    1a. Did Brutaka know the information Tren Krom was transferring? I ask because of how he said: “Tren Krom must do what he set out to do,” and don't know if he knew exactly what that was. b. If not, was TK's message to Mata Nui significant enough to trigger a 'change' from what Brutaka would expect? 2. I believe you said Mata Nui lost a lot of memories due to the makuta virus used against him, however according to Brutaka, the Makuta seemed to be suffuring from memory loss as well, will this be explained/can you explain it? 3. Was the message mainly about the Ignika and golden armour and additional details, or was that just a side note to something more important? 4. Could you please cover how the barraki and TSO are doing with their plan before you conclude RoS? 5. is the reason Teridax hasn't interfered with the goings on in RoS yet: a. Tren Krom is protecting that area (which wouldn't be difficult as, unlike Teridax, it's something he has experience in) b. he's distracted by other goings on in his body (but you'd think he'd notice) c. he knows, but he's waiting d. authors licence e. a combination of these f. something else (please state) 6. When will Mata Nui receive the message, In the comic? 7. You said the equipment was communicating to the Ignika, what was it's intended use? 8. do you read the talkbacks for the story serial news stories? if not, you should it's really valuable feedback, like your own personal focus group, I'd kill for feedback like that. 9. You said Axonn and Brutaka teleported, was that Brutaka's makuta powers or something else? 10. can you give a hint as to why it's Tahu who get's the golden armour? 1) I think Brutaka could take a pretty educated guess. 2) Simple. The Makuta never knew what Mata Nui knew. They didn't need to. The nature of their creation would spur them to do what was needed to be done. 3) No, that was the focus of the message 4) Yup 5) Makuta does not see any of these beings as threats to him. The only real wild card is Tuyet, because he is not aware she exists in his universe. Watching their puny efforts is just amusing to him. 6) He won't. It's not intended for him, it's intended for the Ignika. 7) It was intended for communications 8) Sometimes I do, yes. 9) No, that was his Makuta powers 10) Well, Tahu has always sold the best in any year he was offered as a set, so it makes sense to make him the focal point of the story. From the OGD. Now I COULD just be nitpicking, but... that last question there certainly seems to point in the direction that 3D Brickthing mentioned. I'm more concerned with the fact that he said 'focal point of the story' than anything else; and that tends to make me think that other sets wouldn't be as important, thus related, SO... Point of rant = perhaps they do wrap it up before the summer... if they're going to. I don't think TLC would market a Star over a Canister in terms of importance, no? ...or maybe I'm just completely wrong and overreacting. Ah, well... XD
  14. I have the book, and it says Agori. To quote it: "Tuma had another weapon in his arsenal about which the villagers knew nothing. One of the Agori had betrayed his people. He was feeding information to the Skrall, and then from the Skrall to the Bone Hunters. The Hunters would use that information to strike where it would hurt the Agori most: their caravans and their resource-gathering sites. The result was that the Glatorian and Agori... " Bottom of page 77, top of page 78. The paragraph goes on for a while, but without a doubt, confirms it's an Agori. Seeing as I just got it today, I really liked it - much more... emotional aspects in it than a lot of the past ones. Metus and Gelu even refer to Gresh and other trainees as 'kids'.
  15. Yeah, I'm a little late (again... ><), but I just watched the trailor with the voice actors. This worries me. A lot. That, and Berix's voice is... oh boy. Well, on the flipside, Ackar's voice was perfect - literally how I imagined it to sound and everything. Gresh... well, he's OK. Never expected him to sound great anyways; he's a young rookie. Still in love with Mata Nui's voice, though - sounded a little stiff, IMO, in the clip, but whatever... it's Michael Dorn. :D
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