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Eurobricks Knights
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  1. Well the window columns are white lightsaber hilts, and you can see the leaf elements used on the trees. If you look at my Flickr, you'll be able to see high res images which you can zoom in on to see more specific elements.
  2. Nope, not officially, as far as I'm aware.
  3. Thanks! Yes I worked from pictures and videos to build it. The scale was pretty much determined by the need to use the 1x4 arch brick for the windows. I decided to build it back in 2019 but didn't get round to starting until last year, so I used the intervening years to stockpile bricks I knew I'd need, like white bricks, leaves and slope bricks. I still needed to place 90 BL orders though, for about 21,000 pieces. I knew what I was getting into, although I don't think I expected it to use quite so many bricks! No I don't build digitally. I did create a floorplan though, so I knew where the walls would go and where the outline would be! I don't have any close-up pictures - the photos I have were taken at Bricktastic on the Friday evening! I'll try and take some the next time it's out on display at a Lego show, but that's not likely to be for another few months or more now.
  4. No, it's similar to microfig scale (the Games figures), although that wasn't the specific intention.
  5. For the past 7 months I've been building a model of Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany, which is now finished! It measures 161cm long, 90cm wide, and is 98cm tall. I estimate it uses between 75,000 and 100,000 bricks, but I honestly don't know for certain. It took me over 600 hours to build, over the course of 7 months, and will be on display at Bricktastic in Manchester, UK, this weekend. For transporting, it splits into 7 main sections and numerous smaller sections - towers, courtyards, roofs etc. There are 246 trees on the build, each using an average of about 60 pieces. The slopes are purely brick-built and contain no large rock elements. The base took me about 5 months to build, and the castle itself another 2 months. There are dozens of interesting techniques contained in it which I used or came up with to get everything looking as good as I could, including at least two techniques which I've never seen before. My collection of white elements has been utterly decimated by building this, despite stockpiling them for a few years. Likewise a number of other elements, notably 2x4 bricks and leaf elements. I also placed over 80 Bricklink orders, for a total of over 20,000 pieces - a third of which were parts for the trees. I started planning the build back in 2019, but then life happened, and it wasn't until last year when I was able to really start on it. The build has forced me to reassess (upwards!) how many parts I own, as my collection is still substantial, despite the use of most of my white elements! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but in the meantime, enjoy the photos! There's a few more on my Flickr album here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jamiedouglas/albums/72177720306259874
  6. Hi! Firstly, I took this train apart earlier this year, so it no longer exists. Secondly, I removed the tilting mechanism from it after the first run or so, because it simply didn't work. Well, it tilted the train, but the bogies derailed in the process. Basically, I had cheese bricks on the bogies up against cheese bricks upside down on the underside of the carriage, and the idea was that as the bogies turned through the corners, the cheese slopes would push against each other and tilt the carriage. As I say, the mechanism worked, but it unbalanced the bogies and resulted in them derailing. As I couldn't find a fix to stop them doing so, I removed the mechanism and tilted the track instead!
  7. My spreadsheet differentiates between Plain, Printed, 'Factory' and original Prototype figures. So if you don't collect the 'Factory' ones, you can still see what else you can collect. Likewise if you don't want to 'wipe' printed figs, you can see which ones you can get plain :)
  8. This is getting silly now. Some of those are apparently different shades/formulations of satin, so it'll be never ending. I mean, what are some of those colours even called?
  9. There's a few City figures with Vibrant Yellow torsos too, although the arms are only in Monkee Kid for now.
  10. Interesting, Brickset says it was released in Feb. I guess that must be when preorders went live.
  11. Thanks, yes I noticed that this morning, somehow it had passed me by! I'll add it to my spreadsheet as soon as I can. Oddly, BL still haven't got the set in their catalogue, despite it being released back in Feb...
  12. There's a number of Transparent legs and arms in the Ninjago sets: Trans-Light Blue, Trans-Orange, Trans-Red, Trans-Yellow, and Trans-Dark Pink has the left arm and right leg. I've updated my spreadsheet with everything.
  13. Plain Coral legs and hips are in the new City Passenger Train #60337
  14. In terms of whether Coral legs will ever appear in an official set, I'm afraid the answer is probably 'who knows?'. They have until the end of this year to do so though, as it's fairly likely that Coral as a colour will be retired at the end of this year - victim of a 'four years and gone' rule which Lego seems to be applying to new colours.
  15. Hopefully they'll do another with the colours inverted!
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