Everything posted by Dennimator
Looking for old motorcycle body and pulley wheel
Sorry, I don´t need any straight arms. I´d gladly take that Battle Droid off your hands, though. Do you have any other SW figs you don´t need? You mentioned clones?
Looking for old motorcycle body and pulley wheel
Yeah, I do. I also found the gray wheel. So.. you have any battle droids? As I said, I need as many as possible, so if you want something else for battle droids, don´t hesitate to ask me.
Looking for old motorcycle body and pulley wheel
I have those motorcycle bodies in white. How many do you need? I might have the gray wheels, I´ll check now. I´m actually currently looking for Battle Droids, as many as I can get, so if you could trade me some, that would be great. Are you looking for something else?
Extra Minifigures
Actually, I think they were just being ironic...
Eurobricks Event 2010 in Billund.
That new... addition is a Swedish joke, were you even aware of that? Thanks. Although we´ll probably stay a little longer on the sunday, go in the park a little, buy things that I have missed ( ) and then leave in the afternoon. Nothing is set in stone though, but if it will be, I (and probably the rest of my family as well) wouldn´t mind some company..
All important information about
As for now yes. Or, more like 3½ (my sis are only 13).
Looking for Henry Jones Sr.
*taking offer* Nah, seriously though, if things don´t work out with Natman8000, PM me. However, unfortunately I only have Henry Jones.
What Daniel needs
I´m on it! EDIT: Do you have the link to instructions or somerthing of what you are building? Might be easier for me to check the parts from an instruction rather than going through that huge list.
Rebel Fleet troopers and Scout Speeders wanted
Last time I checked, my local store had 1 Rebel Scout Speeder left on the shelves. If you want it, I can check if it´s still there and get it for you.
All important information about
FYI, "Joint" is a marijuana cigarrette... Don´t give us Swedes bad reputation!
Eurobricks Event 2010 in Billund.
It has always been "sweatheart", sorry.
All important information about
No, we´ll probably split up (I with some other members, and my mom and sis in a girls´ room (?)). I wouldn´t mind staying with some Swedes as I know the language better than English, but I´m fine staying in whichever room you put me in.
MOC: Ladies' Night at the Palace Hotel Ballroom
Excellent! I haven´t seen the movie, but this sure looks chaotic (in a good way). As for the building... ...Indeed,"Stunning" should be the best word to describe it. HUGE, nice details, ingenious design. Nuff said.
MOC: The four things a man needs
Hahaha! This is so true! ..Er.. I mean... Anyway, love the MOC with all the small details and the humour as well. Great work!
What Daniel needs
Checked! I have all the parts sorted out now. PM me for further details.
What Daniel needs
I can sell the pieces to you. I think I have all of the pieces, although I´ll double check now.
Eurobricks Event 2010 in Billund.
No, I´m saying I want to come, although my mom want me to not want to come, knowing that as I know that I will do anything to stop her from wanting that I don´t want to come, including pretending to not want to come, so that she will think I don´t want to come and change her mind into wanting me to come. .. Yeah, that sounds just about right.. I think. You´re right, this is very confusing...
Eurobricks Event 2010 in Billund.
No, no, no... You´re mistaken. Yoda is a Jedi. You are Sith. That´s why we Jedi teenagers exist, to stop the Sith you from building a galactic empire brain-washing me into the Dark ages to stop taking me everywhere.. *shudder* Hey now, it was a mistake..
Element of the decade?
No offense, but.. Boo! I personally don´t like tht piece at all. It´s big, oversized and ugly, and just looks wierd. On cars, that is. It´s great for windows, but as Element of the decade? Naah. My vote should go to the cheese slope as well. It has greatly changed the way of building MOCs and improving sets. Nowadays, as you say, there´s hardly a MOC without them. Cheese slope On!
- Brickshelf up, down..who knows!
- Brickshelf up, down..who knows!
What Daniel needs
I think Edlund bought them all, so did he tell me. Or am I wrong?
Accident in my Lego town
- military MOC: US Navy F-14A Tomcat
Well, I´m no purist, and you´ve done a great job with it.- LEGO message boards
From "Discuss Star Wars Facts here" Another one, from the same topic: That one is just stupid. And that was only the 1st page! - military MOC: US Navy F-14A Tomcat
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