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Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by Dennimator

  1. Not necessarily. There are many alternatives, feel free to pick one : (Note: Goat not necessary.) Even if Boney would kick you out of the car, there´s possibilities:
  2. Whoa! This is my fav of the series as well, mostly for the hair and pompoms. So, how did you get these? Why does that line sound familiar... Ooh, can you please throw some at me too?
  3. What about trading phase I clones for stormtroopers? I curreently need as many stormtroopers as I can get my hands on, but don´t need my phase I clones at all.
  4. Nope, that´s my plan - first spend all the money on LEGO and then get Roadwalker to pay the food at the park. Maybe it´s not too bad to have her with me (ok, ok, it´s the opposite. Details... ) to the event after all...
  5. Thank you very much. What was the total cost (just to confirm)?
  6. Hmm... *stares at Metallic Silver bricks* But what about the two first bricks? The ones with the logo and "Eurobricks Event 2010" on them? Who will take care of those?
  7. I´d like 2 as well please, if there are any left. Thanks.
  8. I think he means that we can choose a colour of our own taste. However I still would prefer if we did it something like last year (all are the same colour and like, taken care of by one person, and then we pay them when we get there) if it´s possible, as it would be much more "event-y". Is this possible, or is it too late to suggest it now?
  9. I´d of course like the extras as well. I can´t believe I forgot to mention them... So to sum things up, the whole package for me as well! Don´t you dare...
  10. Hahaha! This made my day! I have to agree. Noone but a "cOMPLEX tECHNICAL bionicle pART dESIGNER nERD" could ever understand that...
  11. I would like the top 2 bricks, if a whole badge is not available. However if it is (and if it isn´t more expensive than last years), I´d gladly take a "whole" magnet (i.e. 4 bricks). Thanks! ..So?
  12. Yes, I know. I probably won´t buy much else in the LEGOland (as Denmark is even more expensive than Sweden), so don´t worry. I will be able to pay you.
  13. I´d like 2 as well please!
  14. +1 for Perterz, thanks again!
  15. Could you please get me 3 of the 7595 Army Men, one 3833 Krusty Krab, one 3838 Lava Dragon and one 7591 Construct a Zurg? Thanks.
  16. I have alot of light gray roads I don´t need. PM me with details of which ones you need (curves, straights, x-roads, t-junctions and how many), and We might be able to work something out.
  17. A store near me have the discontinued 7991 and 7990 in stock: Their price is the retail price, 20 EUR, but as they are discontinued, I thought I´d post it here. There are only one or two left of each (as of yesterday).
  18. Wtf? Monkey army - Get ready to attack! Where did you get all those?
  19. Dang, I missed those 1 x 8 tiles... Where were they?
  20. Ah, now I see why you .
  21. A store near me has the 8259 Mini Bulldozer for 7 EUR . Also, I can offer my custom lightsabers (see my sig) for 2 EUR each to all eventees. And, let me finish off with a request; Do anyone have a Rotta fig? If you do, please say what you want for it.
  22. EDIT: After a quick look at the finances I see that I probably have to pass on this. I´m very sorry.
  23. Does the surprise involve a certain box you had under the exhibition table?
  24. This one is official, but the Kjeld one isn´t.
  25. I´d like the 10029 Naboo Fighter then.
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