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  1. Micronian replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    HoHoHo! Also found some at a TRU near by! (San Rafael, CA): Time to start building that squad of Galaxy Marines: Can't say I'm too impressed with the insectoid... All those parts are going straight to the project bin.
  2. Micronian replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Another new picture ---> http://www.flickr.com/photos/61839591@N08/8434377672/in/photostream
  3. Micronian replied to hjmediastudios's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I wonder if there is some limitation to how many projects get approved per review period -? The fall 2012 projects are all pretty strong contenders, so I would hate to see the SandCrawler lose because Curiosity got produced. If the Space 'Gentlemen' (LOL) were up against Curiosity, I'm not sure who I would root for. However that would be good news for this project (seriously, Purdee Pete?? wtf???) With only 4 projects approved in 4 years, it's hard to figure out what TLG is thinking.
  4. Micronian replied to hjmediastudios's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Sadly, I don't think we're going to hear anything about the results until June. Don't forget the results from the Fall review still have to come out (go Curiosity!): Summer 2012 Review: ------ COMPLETE - Back to the Future DeLorean - EVE Online Rifter - The Legend of Zelda - Modular Western Town Deadline: June 4 2012 Results: December 20 2012 Fall 2012 Review: ------------ in progress - UCS Sandcrawler - Thinking with Portals - Curiosity Rover Deadline: September 3 2012 Results: March 19 2013 -? Winter 2012 Review: ------- in progress - Purdee Pete - Space Troopers Deadline: December 3 2012 Results: June 19 2013 -? Spring 2013 Review: - Exo Suit Deadline: March 4 2013 Edit: Forgot Exo Suit had been approved for next review
  5. Micronian replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Thanks for the kind words guys! Still staggering out of my dark ages, so I don't really know what I'm doing Yeah, I bought a bunch of Hero Factory sets hoping that I could find some good 'insecty' looking parts, but this is the best I could come up with. It seems like the HF ball-joints are the only joint that could support that much weight. Would love to see what other people come up with for their buggoid mods. I think the original designs are great, but there is definately some room for improvment that's not limited by Lego price points! Here are some views of the head: Click here to see a bigger version --> LINK
  6. Micronian replied to hjmediastudios's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I can't wait for TLG, so I started assembling my own squad of Galaxy Marines: Just need those polybags to be released, and we'll have an army in no time!
  7. Micronian replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Love to see what you come up with! I took a crack at modding the legs on my Star Slicer to make him more mobile: Also tried to give the exposed buggoid a little more protection with an enclosed cockpit. While I was at it I made the mouth more 'chompy'.
  8. Micronian replied to CM4Sci's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Just wanted to say, I love the new Galaxy Squad theme! It actually got me back into Lego after 25 years! There's an epic inter-species war vibe, that every other Lego space theme up until now has been lacking. However the whole Power Rangers 'squad' thing feels a bit limited in scope, and also doesn't satisfy my army-builder impulses. I'm going to have to ditch the 'squad' and expand it out into the Galaxy Force. I'm thinking something like: Green: ground forces Blue: space forces Orange: spec ops? Red: janitorial services (seriously though, I can't think of what to use red for...) Also those 'robot side-kicks' don't do anything for me. Lego mini-figs are too blocky already. It's just too hard to distinguish between 'humans' and 'androids'. I think Lego robot side-kicks should look like this or this. Luckily you can replace the useless gundam heads with normal CMF heads and add another trooper to the platoon. As for the vehicles: The Vaporizer is going to have to become an APC for a squad of marines. It's 'mighty mech' is no good by itself, so needs to be expanded into an entire unit. The Obliterator I'm not sure what to do with.. maybe it becomes a gunship? Or a dropship? The swarm interceptor is fine as it is, but we're going to need to need a squadron of them now, with different load-outs and sub-types. Anyway, sorry for the random rambling - just throwing out some crazy ideas for my first post.
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