Hello all :). I registered today, just to say, that this is totally awesome and i'm following it :D
I am not a fan of lego, and haven't built nothing since i was a kid. But i am an all time aviation lover, and a humble Pilot Student. To all the people saying that this machine won't fly.
The physics that are behind powered flight apply in a very similar way to any aircraft, regardless of size. Still, you HAVE to be wary of the weight, for with that wing profile (shape) you get a small wing area, so the plane will either have to be very light OR fly as fast as it's regular size counterpart.
If he gets:
a) The correct shape and angles of the wings.
b) No play in control surfaces
c) Enough structural rigidity as to prevent excessive wing flex under positive G load
d) A good CG position
e) Scale weight in relation to the real-life counterpart. 28.59Kg (about 63 lbs) is the theoretical maximum: square root of (weight of real life plane / scale). but for good results you shouldn't exceed half of that (14 Kg or 30 lbs) because if everything was scaled you would need 91 lbs of thrust wich i doubt two props that small can provide.
I, as an aviation lover, and pilot student, have faith in that this machine WILL fly as long as Carsten manages to bring the model to the above mentioned conditions, wich i'm sure he has the ability to do.
Cheers :)