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Everything posted by N8thanAshley

  1. ^ Off topic!! Not as funny as a statement like that on a LEGO forum, no! haha COME ON lighten up!! Don't take your LEGO interests so seriously!
  2. Haha Grow a pair!! You've said nothing to convince me any different. Yes, I monitor the aftermarket sales of the falcon, there's is about one a week, average, but I don't need to monitor it, it's nothing compared to the original sales, and the original sales were abysmal, it's widely known. I cannot predict the future you're right, no one can, but, they won't make another 5k piece falcon for $500, that is a fact! I don't need to predict the future to know that. That is an interesting thought, and makes some sense to me. Just like these luxury car manufactures selling x10 cars at $1.5m each and only covering their costs, but bringing enormous, money can't buy attention to their brand and the rest of their range! .....I'm shaking in my boots, waiting for the wrath of brickdoctor!!
  3. That would be amazing, I'd like that too, but unless it appears in the new films it'll never happen
  4. Nope, no confirmation, not even a strong source, just wishful thinking!
  5. A UCS falcon anywhere near the scale of the original is never goin to happen. A few aftermarket sales is no reflection of the thousands of sales that would be required to justify a rerelease of a set that didn't sell the first time around at $500. It was too big and too expensive then, and at today's price per piece it would cost $700+ The SSD didn't sell at considerably less. The village is selling, the Death Star sold well, and why, because kids want them, not just 'mature' collectors. They'll continue selling the falcon for years to come I imagine, especially once it makes an appearance in the new films, but with 5k pieces? I don't think so!
  6. You're joking right?! You think they'll rerelease the MF for less than the SSD with 2k more pieces? I don't think so, haha $800+
  7. Do you guys really think LEGO will sell a set for £500+?
  8. If a new MF is anywhere near the size of the original, and judging by the going rate of these large SW sets, it will cost £500($850)+ VERY unlikely!!
  9. eBay: 7191 Sold - £800/$1,200 18th Feb OUCH!!! I know they've gone for A LOT more in the past, but will anyone ever pay that for an original over the rerelease again? That's surely gonna hurt when the buyer realises its been rereleased? Will anyone ever pay that much again for either? Not for 10yrs+ I don't imagine! Does anyone think the original is more valuable than the new one?!
  10. It'll be very different I imagine, it'll open up and be 'playable' like the second Death Star offering if they do one, and obviously tailored more towards kids at a far lower price, and lower part count. LEGO will additionally be VERY busy creating a multitude of other new ships from 7-9, not to mention the additional spin offs. If the leaked rumours/posters are true the Falcon will likely be crashed in the new film, removing it from 8-9, but there's always the Han Solo spin off to consider. Harrison's resign is still a rumour! (Although likely!)
  11. I think the X-Wing looks great, an improvement over the original, I am however very disappointed. I like many others want to see new sets. I don't own the X-Wing, if I wanted it, I would've bought it, personally, it's not to my taste, I'd like to see more offerings that are, more choice. There are an infinite number of other possibilities crying out for the treatment. I'm convinced now they've opened the door they will begin rehashing them all. I may buy, build and resell as I have done with many of the sets. It doesn't look like I'll be able to continue doing so without losing money. I have been watching monitoring the great influx of X-Wings that have been appearing on EBay and selling for less and less. I would hope that the vast majority of buyers will also be in the know and not get robbed for the sort of premiums we have seen over the years only a month or two before the new set, OUCH!!! The Falcon however? I doubt it! It's too big. It didn't sell before at 250, it'll likely be more like 550/600 now, and the SSD isn't selling either, at 350. If they do another MF it'll be much smaller. Who has the room for these things at that scale anyway?!
  12. OK will do, but I must say, unlike the SSD, the Millennium Falcon really lends itself to being mounted this way, with a removable centre section in its underside allowing very direct, easy access right up in to the central structure of the ship. I just built a huge, solid custom platform out of LEGO for the ship to sit on, securing it to the frame with Technic Arms & Pins where possible, reinforcing it with metal brackets and then bolting the whole lot together. If anyone has a 10179, I'm certain you can picture exactly what I am referring to when you remove the gun turret and look down inside the ship. With its flat bottom the SSD would not be so easy to do using the same technique. I'm not certain there is a section you could remove in the base allowing you to insert a solid platform in the same way and connect it to the ships central core in order to effectively spread the load. The other bonus of working with the MF is that it sits away from the wall on its legs, accommodating the need for the TV Stand/Platform/Struts/Supports etc It would be a huge challenge to get the SSD to sit flush!
  13. haha Cool, I think! Thanks
  14. Where did the little R2 & 3PO come from?! :$
  15. You're right Doc, I don't think any other angle would look half as good! I was originally planning to mount it straight! I'm so glad I didn't! I'm so happy with it, but man, it was tough trying to get the spacing right at an angle! I used a TV mount too Bob. The smallest, flattest, cheapest, simplest I could find!
  16. I'll have to change the orientation but definitely looks better the other way up.....
  17. Haha! I thought I might cover the wall behind it in LEGO to replicate the surface of the Star Destroyer. theDeanoRama: I thought if there was enough interest I might share a guide, it would be very easily replicated, I am not particularly handy!
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