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Wild Zontar

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Wild Zontar replied to Ronan Nissen's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Wow thats a cool lego creation of Wall.E!
  2. This is my pic of my desktop i have. I googled it becasue i couldnt upload the actually thing
  3. Wild Zontar replied to MattZitron's post in a topic in Community
    Heres My sig-fig/avatar sorry for it being big
  4. Very nice trench It would be a great place for your troops for to take cover in. Huray for History Channel!
  5. My favorite is the Black pilot in the Stormtrooper battle pack. Gives me lots of MOCing ideas
  6. The wardrobe is a very innovative technique. I must remember to do that in some of mine upcomig vignettes.
  7. Wild Zontar replied to Vader's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Wow these sets look amazing! I like the coast guard bike the best.
  8. Wild Zontar replied to Shacala's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    MMmmm. Deliciously good lego cake I wonder why someone stoll an ewok not one of the other charaters
  9. Very cool. I like the Bathing suit on the guy on the right.I never knew the guns could be used as a super soaker
  10. Very intresting battle report.Can't wait to see more! Good thing the droids lost not the mercs
  11. Nice Vig and story its really good. Maybe Jack Should make a bomb and blow up the building
  12. Wild Zontar replied to JSN's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Now Thats quite a city that you got there! Kinda reminds me of Tabletown. Keep up the good work
  13. Thanks for the review very much Jim! Sooner or later I'll have six sets of this.
  14. Wild Zontar replied to PSPguy's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I have city named bricklynd Id like to add if possible. My city Bricklynd (still need to add more pics)
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