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  1. Well, luckily LDD is pretty easy to use and very intuitive to learn, so there's probably not much need for an elaborated curriculum: Knowing the basic control elements will enable the kids to experiment on their own and just use their creativity. You should presumably start by simply starting up LDD, next explain the distinctions between the different modes selectable on the startup screen (basic mode, mindstorms, extended) and then the respective control elements. For the latter please have a look at the online help, on Windows computers usually located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\LEGO Company\LEGO Digital Designer\Help\en-manual\en-manual.html": It briefly describes the mouse controls, camera controls and the different toolbar icons. When showing the hinge and flex tools, LDD gladly crashs, so you should train the kids to save quite often. If the kids finally know how to save their creations, you can optionally start teaching some advanced building techniques like scaffolding and snot. You definitly should show them how to use templates and groups, as soon as the models acquire a certain size and go beyond "simple". Apart from that, let them just play.
  2. Hopefully I am wrong, but I guess that a new LDD version will not show up before the release of Windows 10 somewhen this summer. I have to admit that this is pure speculation and not based on any proven facts whatsoever, but if I was a software product manager, I would wait until Windows 10 is RTM, and release a new version when I can be sure that it will work on Windows 10 as well. Taking these facts into consideration I do not expect a new LDD update before the end of August. So enjoy the summer and come back this fall... ( -- or enjoy the winter and come back next spring if you live at the southern part of the globe).
  3. Well, first of all, your screenshot does not show up here, only "Posted Image". Next, Win10 is still sort of beta and LDD not tested on Windows 10 nor approved for it: See the "Operating System" paragraph in the "Minimum System Requirements" at http://ldd.lego.com/en-us/download . Thus you can't expecet LDD to work seamlessly, if you try to run it on Windows 10 nonetheless. Moreover, it seems that a Geforce 630 GT is not really supported to run under Windows 10 Preview, since there are no suitable drivers available (http://www.nvidia.co...nd.aspx?lang=en ), not even beta drivers. So please do use a system that meets the minimum requirements: Use a supported Windows or MacOS and a graphic card with appropriate drivers compatible to at least OpenGL 1.1.
  4. When I saw that image without reading any text, I thought "Cool, someone made a Citroën 2CV!" So I was a bit puzzled reading that it shall actually resemble a VW...
  5. We all know that size doesn't matter, do we? No, seriously: LXF files are nothing but zipped xml files, along with a png preview image. What makes LDD crash is not so much the size of these files, but the amount of polygons it has to render: Many bricks result in bigger XML, thus in a bigger LXF file, while polygons do no necessarily correlate with brick count: A synonym for "polygons" is "studs". And there are little parts having more studs (= more polygons) than a 48×48 baseplate. And if your file has as many as 32 of it, it is no wonder it will crash. although its brick count and thus its file size is relatively small. Similar issues have been discussed here on-again-off-again: See for example here and here and here. So how can you fix it if LDD won't open that file any longer? You can try the following approach: Make a copy of your LXF file, rename its extension to "ZIP", unzip the zip file and open the contained LXFML file with a simple text editor like Notepad or whatever text editor you prefer. You'll see typical XML content: Look for a <Brick>-section with a "designID" of "4186" and delete or uncomment everything from the opening "<Brick>"-tag to the next closing "</Brick>"-tag. The "refID" may vary, but a "designID" of 4186 indicates a 48×48 baseplate. Save the file in your text editor, re-zip it, rename the ZIP extensions back to LXF and check if LDD still crashs. If yes, repeat the steps and delete some more baseplates.
  6. Do you use LDD on a PowerPC Mac? The version 2.3.20 is the last one for PowerPC Macs. Although it is still offered for download, it's out of support and won't get any further (brick) updates.
  7. There are several issues with different parts concerning connection, collision and geometry: The geometry of the 98100 2×2 Round Slope Brick W. Knob is somewhat inaccurate: If you put a connector peg like 43093 or 6562 all the way in the 98100's cross hole, you can't attach the result to a technic brick like 3700 due to a collision. If you, however, pull the peg out a bit to avoid that collision, the 98100 won't attach smoothly to the technic brick: There remains a tiny gap between the 98100 and the 3700. It seems as if the cross hole of the 98100 is not stepless and the step increment too big to achieve convenient results. See set 40146 for an example. Of course you can circumvent that issue by doing some scaffolding magic with parts like 2540 and 48729, but the behaviour of cross axles and cross holes in general should be not that obvious coarsely descrete, but at least pretend continuity. By the way, the appearance of the pegs 43093 and 6562 could use some overhaul with regards to sharp corners: Donate those parts some more polygons to make them look more realistic! In LDD, both parts are indistinguishable. In real life, however, 43093 has some friction elements 6562 has not. And on both parts the cross axles are softly rounded and by no way form a 90˚ angle at the end like they do in LDD.   A pair of snowshoes (11187 but also 30284) put back to back should fit into any knob or hollow stud. See for example set 10246.   The bricks without pin 3005, 3065, 3066, 3067, 2453 and 2454 have incorrect collision boxes since they do not allow any parts in their inside, even if there would be no collision. So you can't for example put a 85861 under any of the aforementioned bricks and put any of the following parts through it: Shafts, light sword blades, sticks etc. like 87994, 30374, 4095, 63965, 3957, 30064. There are, however, some exceptions: 3755 behaves correctly, presumably due to its open studs. The same is partly true for some bows like 3307 or 15254: They allow sticks inside their bow, e.g. as needed in set 6259, but not inside their studless parts left and right of their bow. The half bows (2339, 14395, 76768) on the other hand have collision boxes being too strict and thus preventing constructions valid in real life.   The cream on the pie 93568 is both stainable and has a decoration surface.   Although it has no stud ontop, the cupcake 97784 a.k.a. M4 misses a connection point on the top side and should accept round 1×1 plates like 6141 or 85861 inside it. See for example set 3184.
  8. Admittedly it's a bit tricky. Please try the following approach (it shouldn't make much of a difference if you use the Windows or Mac version of LDD): Place a 3176 so that there is no interfering part near it. Make sure its studs show upward. Take a small part such as 6141 and put it upside down into the hole of the 3176, so that the stud of 6141 shows downwards. Put a 58846 (with the corner stud next to the X hole) onto that 6141: It will auto-align to 0 or 90˚, even if you had rotated it to 45˚ before. When it is attached to the 6141, rotate the 58846 to the appropriate 45˚ angle. Delete the 6141 and put instead a second 3176 ontop of the first 3176: It will attach to the 58846 if the angle is exactly 45.000˚. Then clean up and delete the first 3176, so that only the second 3176 and the 58846 finally remain.
  9. Although I was busy recently I finally found some time to update the 42030 Volvo L250F Wheel Loader Model A to the most recent brick version 1564.2 by adding the big bucket. Two motors, however, are still missing.
  10. 40146 – Lufthansa Plane – Brick Based Promotions Non Themed – Year: 2015 (LXFML-File, LXF-File) LDD 4.3.8 Brick version: 1564.2 (click for larger image) [Brickset][bricklink][Peeron][Lego.com] Remarks: Prints and stickers are missing (plane) or substituted with similar decorations (minifig torso). The face, however, should fit. The colour 309 Silver Metallic is used instead of the missing Silver Ink. Although the inventory lists a 3624 Mini Cap, the building instruction rather depicts a 12895 Hat No. 3: Uncertain, what is actually correct, I stuck to the inventory. Collision error in step 12: 98100 2×2 Round Slope Brick W. Knob won't attach smoothly against 3700 Technic Brick 1X2, Ø4.9, there remains an ugly gap.
  11. That might be due to the fact that this link is half an eternity old (or rather four and a half years): It sometimes happens on the internet that links get outdated or no longer work when sites are abandoned. And www.nolberger.se seems to be pretty abandoned currently. You might try the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, but the Wantedbricks1.1.zip file is not archived there and thus can't be downloaded there. Maybe boost your post count a bit and as soon as you are allowed to post PMs, send one to Anders Nolberger and ask him directly if he is willing to fix that link or if he has good reason to remove that program: If it is several years old, it maybe doesn't even work anymore with the current LDD release. Meanwhile give the LDD Manager a try, as it is a program with a similar purpose.
  12. First put the 58846 upside down and its stud in the hole of 3176. To being able to do so in LDD, temporarily remove the 4216, rotate the 58846 to a perfect 45 degree angle and put the white 4216 back in place. If you think that was difficult, wait until you'll build the roof shells (books 2 & 3): If you are not super-bulldog, you are likely to get lost in despair -- I at least got almost. And remember to save often, as LDD will probably crash abruptly.
  13. That does not have to be much of a problem: You can install Windows on a Mac, as described here. And you'll find free test versions of Windows here.
  14. Do you happen to use the Internet Explorer? Because that sounds similar to the stuff discussed here. It seems as if the IP.Board software and the IE still do not get along well.
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