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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. 4estFeller replied to Si-MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Good thing you extended the winners to top 6 instead of top 3, I just barely made it. :P Thank you everyone who spent some of your precious votes on my entry, and thank you Simon for hosting such a great contest. :D
  2. 18. CamelBoy68 - 1 point 19. ROOK - 2 points 20. Mark of Falworth - 1 point 36. harton - 1 point
  3. 4estFeller replied to Si-MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    8. The Parrots will conquer the world! - jedi1984 - 1 point. (Because pirates. And parrots!) 14. The Boundless - Lego Junkie - 1 point. (An awesome ship, even if he is a dirty rule-bender :P ) 16. Froghead - Yatkuu - 1 point. (Microspace!) 36. The Source of All Ants - Ryclen - 1 point. (I just love the idea of an underground factory churning out armies of ants.) 50. Momo's Machine - CarsonBrick - 1 point. (Love the colors and whimsical feel) Would have loved to give several of theses multiple votes, but alas I had the vey difficult task of choosing what to do with only five. Good luck everyone!
  4. 4estFeller replied to Si-MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    41. Deployment Island - commanderhawk - 2 points 62. Factory Defense - Darkblane - 1 point 83. Dark Shadows Over The Colony - Mr.Brickman - 1 point 91.It's The End Of The World, Not The End Of The Universe - Brlcko - 1 point
  5. I haven't been following the other contests, but I guess about 95 MSFC entries.
  6. Very original concept, I like it!
  7. I like all the different levels, ramps, rooms, and platforms on this model, makes it feel like a Micro Machines playset.
  8. 4estFeller replied to Darkblane's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Really nice, great photography too.
  9. Excellent, lots of clever parts usage.
  10. 4estFeller replied to Scootercide's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I was waiting for someone to do TRON. I was going to try it myself, but TRON is so hard to pull off in LEGO, especially in micro.
  11. 4estFeller replied to 4estFeller's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Thank you everyone, much appreciated! I took a video demonstrating the light-up function. (I added a link in the entry post.)
  12. 4estFeller posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Invasion! Main Shot: I used two light-up bricks under the explosion for a "glow" effect. Check out the Light-up function video. Alternate View: The Ship:
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