Everything posted by Darth Malgus
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If the UT-AT rumour is true that would be a nice little ROTS order 66 nod from LEGO. Plo Koon microfighter/ARC-170 and Ki Adi Mundi with this. Hopefully Bacarra and a couple of Marine Clones. This would be a great buy.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It's a shame that TLG built a set based on the Black Spire novel tie in and won't build a Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor set, especially when the Mantis and Purge Troopers are so cool.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Next year could be the calm before the storm as 26, 27 and 28 are supposed to be movie years. I suspect Lego have held back on some sets to see what LFL have on their plate show/movie wise. I'll gladly take a Mantis set though.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Interesting to say the least, think I'll need to see pics before I settle on it one way or another... Not too sure about the MF, feels like they should've rolled with the deleted scenes ROTJ characters on it.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
He went in hard on that review, he is not wrong though. Amazing how they give you what you want in terms of sets yet miss the mark in execution. Shrunken set here, no back printing on Ahsoka's T-6, poor minifig execution (2 clone commanders that aren't accurate at all, no kamas while other sets have them), I hate to say it but TLG need to seriously reset their department/team heads here. Also their mining print person, clearly not enough research being done here.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
With you on the Chewie figure. Ahsoka sets look like a really solid wave, still not Rogue One solid, but damn close. Shuttle needs a wider cockpit piece, nice to see it retains the rotation element. Having a 2 pack is nice, hope they continue with it, the red and yellow are interesting colour choices, nice to see some colour in the SW universe again.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The E-wing and X-wing have some similarities, perhaps the person on reddit has just got it wrong... One can hope that they have. An E-wing would be great, better if they were from Rogue Squadron or Wraith Squadron as a further nod to the EU.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Captain Vaughn would disagree...
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I think you have no hope of getting those obscure EU characters (unless you read some of he old X-Wing series or the dark horse comics). It would have to be Disney approved, they won't greenlight sets with figures like that in it, not when current IP could fill the space.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I'd like to see the Mantis and the crew, perhaps a battle pack like the one above and one from Jedi Survivor with the Bedlam Raiders. That would cover off both games in 3 sets, 2 small and 1 big, same love for The Old Republic. You may get this from the Ahsoka show as here was clearly and E-Wing in the trailer. None of the figures you mention really make sense, SF - 181st Tie Inteceptor, YI - had the SSD buried on Coruscant, not to mention her red uniform. Think it comes in Ahsoka if it ever comes.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I agree, different levels of affordability. Nowhere near the same scenario.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
No Legocon this year, so this will most likely be the best bet to get the waves previewed.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I found the irony laughable too, pretty sure I mentioned a few pages back that LB seems to say what he heard only after its been commented on elsewhere. I'm beginning to think his vids are only after we've debated it here for a few pages.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
So pure speculation on arithmatic is the reason behind a Gunship, and balanced sets between 2 anniversary collections. Since 1999 when they first started, there has never been any real connection or balance to releases, some movies and TV shows have had more dominant waves or an additional waves. There hasn't been a balanced number of sets from any recollection.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I was eluding to this a few days ago, the is nothing to stop anyone saying they knew something after the fact. No one knew about the episode 2 set from the Mandalorian... certain people know a lot and can't say anything, others speculate on YouTube, I wonder if it's just click bait, surely there isn't money in it for them. The set seems to represent that scene completely, they may switch the minifigs. How nice would a tie pack be, Moff Gideons from season 1 and the Interceptor and the bomber from S3
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Loved what I've seen, glad it strengthens the summer wave, not walking back my disdain for some rumoured sets, a welcome surprise nonetheless. That darkasaber mould is beautiful, as is Bo Katan's minifig.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I watch LifeBricks YouTube clips and I'm not so sure that he is as informed as he claims, I could be wrong but anyone who says things along the way as 'I've been told this by my sources', 'I've known this for the past x days', etc... may just be fishing in the same pond as we all are. I have more respect for those who put it out there and are more right than wrong. Those who just troll as typically easier to spot.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Bet they don't and let the medal piece do the work for the designers
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Great a 3rd iteration... lego really dived in for the second half of the year. So many choices and we this...
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Games as source material, I think a majority would be hankering for the ship from Jedi Fallen Order... Don't need a remake of the 2017 one...
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Love to see the BP with Mimban helmets and shields, that would be great.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
"Ho ho ho ho ho" Jabba the Hutt
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think if Lego are going to make moulded animals there are some I'd put in front of a blurrg. Personally I'd like Bantha as it's in PT, OT and TBOBF
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
What in the TLJ could you possibly expect to see that hasn't been made?
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
People were getting the Saturday, all over social media. I picked 1 up.
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