Hi All, first time posting in this forum.
I have to say that from the preliminary pictures that the Sail Barge looks a tad disappointing although potentially getting Ree Yees and Max Rebo would be good additions as the would fit in well with the throne room set anyway.
Personally, I think another Gunship wasn't needed although from the figure list this seems to be from the movie and not the CW series, at least that is one positive. It would've been nice to get an upgrade on the Slave 1 (Jango's), perhaps that may be the UCS set this year.
Interesting that there appears to be very little ROTS listed. I wonder if this is a result of the 2 movies being released this year instead of the 1 per year the Lucas mentioned previously, I imagine the Disney acquisition had something to do with this. Perhaps we will get some ROTS updates in 2014?
I am a fan of the Old Republic sets as I read the EU so any more sets from the game would be welcomed from my perspective.
My thoughts anyway.