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  1. That can be found here: Adam Tucker Radio Interview. It's very nice.
  2. Good evening! I've read this forum for a while, but after reading this thread, I decided to join. When I heard about these sets I had to order them immediately. I'm a huge architecture buff, and I love Lego, so this seemed like just about the perfect intersection of the two interests. Anyway, the comments in this thread have been pretty disparaging to me. First, the John Hancock Center and the Sears Tower are the two most famous Skyscrapers in the world, and until some of the newer Chicago buildings are finished (Trump and the Spire for example) they are the symbols of Chicago. Here are the wikipedia article links for those of you so inclined: John Hancock Center Sears Tower Now for the sets. They are really unique builds. I know they may look like a pile of bricks, but they are, in fact, very well thought out models. They make great use of the 2x1 plates for setbacks and other architectural touches. Below are a few photos I took of them. Please excuse the quality, it's a good camera, but bad lighting in my kitchen. The biggest complaint I can agree with is the price, but even that is minor for sets that are this limited and this unique. There is also a shot below showing the next 2 models from the manual. They actually have a photo of both buildings built in the manual, and they are instantly recognizable. Anyway, if anyone has any questions about the sets that these photos don't answer, please let me know. Oh, one last thing, the name of the building is actually printed on the brick, it's not a sticker.
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