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Heir of the Chronicler

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Hey, folks. I used to frequent here halfway regular a few years back, but then the dreaded RLS took over and I've been, well, out of the loop, as it were. Would like to get back into the groove and maybe stay awhile again :) So, 'bout me, 'bout me... hm. I turned 20 last month, an' I've been a Lego maniac all my life, having grown up mostly with Pirates and Adventurers. In 2001 I got the first Lego Bionicle comic and was sold from there, remaining a loyal (if vocally dissident!) fan for it's entire run. Few years back I opened up a Bionicle customization shop, "Vakama's Masks - Forge & Foundry", which eventually died off as real life laid claim to me. But, if there's any interest left, I'd be open to new business. Never felt right about drifting away from the community like I did. Anyways, here's to bein' back! Take it easy, all. - Heir
  2. Everyone, The 'Bionicle Heroes' soundtrack was ripped from the game by our member Clonie. As I'm a connesuer of Bionicle music, I have them, and, with Clonies permission, am going to put up an open-source pack with the themes ASAP - both of the full soundtrack, and my personal picks for a 'Bara Magna' soundpack :) Now, many of you will remember me as Lord Admiral Helden Ravensdorn; my old account got eaten in the most recent server transfer. Anyway, those of you who remember me will also remember me as a fanatical critic of Bionicle. I'd just like to say that I haven't felt this kind of anticipation since the buildup to Bionicles 2001 launch. I'm honestly looking forward to this year, and see echoes of what drew me in back then in this years lineup. - Heir
  3. As you well know... Toa Hagah = Toa Valan Brutaka = Naladwor Axonn = Nomir Dorn
  4. I'm with Diver. Those animations gave the Vahki character :-D
  5. You sound like Bonesii :P I'm sorry, I should take the advice of a BZPer who is a member of the "Target Audience": Anyhow, I've vented, so... goodnight. (Oh, and as someone who has collected Bionicle for 7 years and has an entire shelf and three boxes full of them, I don't think you can say I "hate this line" ;-) )
  6. I'm jus' gonna ask Jinzo to delete this for derailing :P Sorry.
  7. There. Spoilers. And just because its successful does not mean it is not made with 80% distilled fail. You know what I mean, Jinzo. - Heir
  8. Yet even Ghost cannot save this toy line.
  9. While I, like many of you, will wait for final pictures before giving it an or , I can tell you right now that green + neon orange + shoddy technic construction + white and blue figures = BAD, BAD omen. (For sets, at least. As someone said, probably great MoCing mines.) - Heir
  10. Grievous, not to get in another flamfest with ya, but please tell me how that is an "awesome" color scheme
  11. Haha, very nice! :-P Been to Antietam myself. Nice place, if perhaps with a gory history The blood in the river and the fire are innovative, I must say! - Heir
  12. Hello, all! I've always liked Alpha Team... I drooled over the original series sets when I got their launch issue of Lego Mania Magazine. Unfortunately, I could never afford to buy any of them, and the following two (poor) installments to the series pretty well dulled my interest. A while back, I found a couple of the original sets at a yard sale. That, coupled with the new "Agents" line - which I feel is kind of a watered-down AT, taking the "secret agent" cliche to a new level - prompted my imagination earlier today. So, I whipped this together, an' I thought you guys might like to read it. I recommend listening to while reading to get in the "mood". Its from the Iron Man soundtrack. Hope you like it. Didnt know where to put it, so please move as you see fit. - Heir P.S.: I'm "Lord Admiral Helden Ravensdorn"; Heir of the Chronicler is my BZP alias. I seem to have lost the ability to sign into my Helden account when the forum made its switch over, so I registered a new one.
  13. Hah! As a dedicated Warhammer player of 5 years now, I like it - alot! The face on the gun is a nice bit too :-D
  14. It goes from worse to terrible.
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