Belated post here due to severe registration problems. This thread inspired me to take on the challenge of a 3-wheel forklift again, but at a smaller scale than my previous semi-failed attempt. Mine has no gearbox so all four functions (drive, steer, tilt, lift) have their own motors (the tilt is not so prettily placed on the top of the cabin so far), thus the body is slightly larger and bulkier, especially with the battery box on board. Anyway, the reason I thought I'd make this post is the rear wheel drive and full steering that I set as my chief prority for this model. It's not perfectly rigid of course, but with the drive M-motor sufficiently geared down (it has to be for a reasonable degree of control anyway) I have no problems with gear slippage. This picture is half a month old, but this part of the model is still the same, I just have more on top.