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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by shaggysanchez

  1. I mean do you really want to pay $475 for Diagon Alley, because if you buy it again this is what you will be doing. If you are just planning to take the money from Diagon Alley and use it on other sets I think you are better off just keeping what you have and saving for future sets.
  2. Silent Mary is currently on sale at toys r us for $168.00 if anyone is still looking. https://m.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=121030866&irgwc=1&iradidTRU=221294&camp=aff:TRU:10451:Slickdeals LLC&irpidTRU=10451
  3. Amazon will have them on sale from time to time you just have to catch them at the right time.
  4. These remind me a lot of the Kubros from Mega Bloks which average around 150pcs and are priced around $10-15 depending on where you buy them.
  5. My only question though is will the final set be similar to what the model currently is or will it end up being just the facade similar to a city set and not be a full enclosed building.
  6. You can't really compare the two sets though. Big Ben also has no mini figs which we know drives prices up in sets, Big Ben is also not a licensed set which again adds to the cost, and the good majority of those pieces in the Big Ben set are very tiny pieces. The Death Star has a lot of large plates and weighs a lot more than Big Ben. You can't just say set A. has 150 more pieces and set B. and cost half the price. There is a lot more involved in it than that. Something else to think about Tower Bridge has more pieces than the original Death Star and was just about half the price of it but I never really saw people saying the old Death Star was overpriced. If you are only looking at price and number of parts you can do that all day. The Sydney Opera house only has about 400 pieces more than the Parisian Restaurant but cost $160 more. The UCS Tie Fighter is 1685 pieces compared to the Pet Shop which has 2032 pieces yet it cost $50 more.
  7. You should really just go hang out in a Lego store for a few hours and I think you would be surprised. At least at my local store I have seen many parents buy the old DS for their kids that ranged age 8-15. There is a reason a $400 set was on shelves for 8 years and it's not because of just afols buying it. I bought the sandcrawler and the hellicarrier for my 6 and 9 year olds last year for Christmas. It does happen.
  8. It might be antiquated but that doesn't mean it isn't true. As a father of two boys who are 9 and 6 I can assure you that they would have no interest in the girl characters that would come with this or any other set. To be honest when I told them that Lego was making a Cinderella castle set they had no interest just because of Cinderella being in the name they said it was a girl set. I don't know if you have kids or not but most young boys in my kids age range want nothing to do with anything that seems like it could be a girls toy.
  9. I am not so sure they have pulled the set. I was at my local store this morning and picked up copy of the set which was from the first batch that they had received the other day. While I was there UPS dropped off another 9 copies of the set so they are still shipping them out to the stores at a pretty normal rate. When talking to the manager at my store he had no idea there was even any issue with the set him and all the employees were going on about how awesome the set was as they had one built in the back for display.
  10. shaggysanchez replied to Takezo's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Honest question here but how is what he posted about the price any different than all the stuff that gets posted by J2G or any of the others that leak stuff early all the time. I get that they are being fed info to leak early by their sources but how is that any different then someone showing PP the document and him leaking it out. Granted I have no idea maybe he was under the same embargo as those who got the press release but if he just happened to see the document then how is he under the same confidential restrictions. I am just curious, I get your side of things but I also see where he is coming from and think that the leaks and which ones are "confidential" could present a slippery slope.
  11. As with anything I know this can change but I was told by the manager at my local lego store that they were not going to be getting more after the first shipment as Disney wanted to sell them at their parks and stores and that all the rest would go there. I am a regular at the store and they have never really been off on the stuff they have told me in the past and they knew I had no interest in them so not a story to make me hurry and buy.
  12. I have both sets and if you go with either I would go with the QAR, while I agree it is not a perfect set I like it much better than the black pearl. I also feel that the QAR has more detail than the Pearl.
  13. I would prepare to be disappointed then because printed parts are becoming more and more rare even on larger sets. The Hellicarrier ($350), Sandcrawler ($300), Ghostbusters ($350) all have stickers and plenty of them. I would assume that unless Porshe demands that there be no stickers this set will have them just like everything else sadly.
  14. I want something that doesn't feel like 3 sets that would normally run like $40, $40, and $90 when I am spending $270. I thought I would grab a couple sets for example in the same part and price range. I know not all of the sets I list are licensed sets but still you can clearly see that these sets are way better priced for what you get. I am a HUGE batman fan and have been waiting for this set but the problem is look at the actual build of the sets I listed and then look at the build of this set and tell me it should be $270. If I am spending $270 on a lego set I want it to feel like I am getting something worth $270 and I know its all subjective to what you think is worth $270 but still. I mentioned it in another thread but they have all the computers and science lab stuff and it has no where to go how do you sell a set for this price and then say oh and you just need to randomly set all the extra stuff on the side somewhere. It would be like them saying here is the new modular and here is all the furniture we made for it but doesn't actually fit in it anywhere. Simpsons House 2523 parts $199 Parisian Restaurant 2469 parts $159 Sea Cow 2741 parts $249 Sandcrawler 3296 parts $299 Temple of Airjitzu 2028 parts $199 Detectives Office 2262 parts $159 Brick Bank 2380 parts $169 Ghostbusters 4634 parts $349 So to answer your question about what do we want well I can't speak for everyone but I think this set should have been $220 at most.
  15. While I like the look of the set and the minifigures I have to admit I am a bit let down when looking at it in regards to the price. I will still most likely end up getting it mainly because my 8 year old has already asked for it for his birthday but I don't think the value is there on this one. I don't normally complain about prices but just looking at this one it falls between the Ewok Village and Sea Cow on the low end and Sandcrawler, Ghostbusters, and Hellicarrier on the high end. I own all of these sets except the seacow and when I paid for them and then built them I really felt like I was getting what I paid for. The builds for all of these sets were impressive and the size and detail of each model made you think wow this is impressive. When I look at the Batcave I just don't see it. The office and house facade is nice but everything after that is really no different then the other batcaves we have gotten in the past for way less than this. It is a big set with a lot of pieces and I get that will add up to a large cost but if you compare it to other sets of the same size it is really lacking in my opinion. All of the lab stuff and the computers don't even have a place to go in the set which is frustrating in something this size and price to me. It would be the same as building a modular and saying here is a bunch of furniture but none of it fits inside the building so you will need to build something for it to go in. Like I said the minifigs are great, the vehicles are nice, and I like some things about the cave itself but this could have been so much more and for the price I feel it should have been.
  16. shaggysanchez replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I know that Lego says they do not plan to re-release sets but we have seen it a couple times recently between this and the Lego Technic Race truck. The technic set was actually identical to the set that came out in 2010 (8041 vs 42041). I have to wonder with the huge growth in Lego popularity the last couple years because of the Lego movie if we might not see more of this in the future. Lego is as mainstream as it has ever been right now and with the insane amount of new fans both old and young you have to consider that releasing older sets with a few tweaks here and there could be a huge profit gain for the company. They spend less money on design, testing, and everything else that goes into a new set while getting both new fans and even old to buy the sets. I am not saying this is what will happen but its not like toy companies have not been releasing the same thing for years with tweaked looks. I know that to most all of us on this site we look at sets as a collectible but that is not what Lego is in business for they are a toy company and if releasing an older set will make them more money and get more people hooked on buying more that is what they will do. I mean most of the people on here have said they will just use their WV money on another set so Lego still wins even if you don't buy this toy shop. If they really were killing off the WV sets which seems to be a solid theory this would be a really easy way to see if all the new lego fans are interested in older sets that have since retired. Maybe all the new Lego fans out there go nuts over this toy shop and they see that its worth bringing back the series.
  17. shaggysanchez replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    True, but we also know that if one of those sets are released again it will take the spot of some other set that could be a new set. I mean if they put out a new UCS Falcon I don't think they will say since this is a remake lets make 3 UCS sets this year instead of the normal 2. I get what you are saying and would have loved two christmas sets this year but I am not sure that would have been good from a sales perspective. This way they get all the people who didn't get the first set plus we all know there will be a lot of us that buy it even if we have the first because that is what we do. If they put out two sets they lose a lot who might already have the original plus the casual fans who can afford just one each year will have to chose. There are always a lot of leftover christmas sets at my local lego store and I am not sure it is a theme that could handle two sets in one year to be honest.
  18. shaggysanchez replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    There is nothing that says Lego can't recreate old sets and even make them 100% the same. I wouldn't call that a lack of creativity by any means. Sure I get that is upsetting if you already have the set but at the same time there are a lot of people who might not have had a chance to get the original for whatever reason when it came out. We see posts pretty much everyday about people wishing they would release the UCS Falcon or the Green Grocer and Corner Market again. I am sure there are just as many people that would love to have the older winter village set released again or whatever theme they are into and missed out on. I am not saying that anyone is wrong for being upset by the re-release of this but can you say that there is not one set out there that you would be excited if it got a re-release. I have to think there is some set at some point you might have missed that you don't want to spend a fortune for on bricklink. I know there are a few for me. I just look at it as money I can use on a different set and am happy that someone who can't afford the aftermarket prices and missed it the first time can finally get it.
  19. Well this would make the $100 price I was told about make more sense.
  20. Just going off the info I was given, I was expecting it to be more around the $119 price of the VW Van which was also in the 1300 piece range but I was told $100. I hope it is correct and have no reason to the think the person would give me wrong info but I thought that seemed a bit off as well.
  21. I don't know when it will be revealed but I know it is on early sale for VIP next month as we all already know. I was also told by the person who gave me the other info that it would be priced at $100. I tried to get an image but was only offered the info I have given here. I was told to expect a Ferrari in the same style as Mini Cooper and VW Van that it was this years version of those. I wish I had more but that is all I have sadly.
  22. The set is around 1300 pieces and is similar in size to the Mini Cooper and VW Van. I can also confirm that there are stickers.
  23. I was asked when I bought the BTTF set on sale which was December 2013.
  24. It was on sale for $27 around Christmas of 2013. I picked one up for my son as a Christmas present. If you look on brickset you can see the min price it got to was $27. It doesn't look like the graph goes back far enough.
  25. I picked up a second BTTF set on Amazon in the US when it went on sale there. I think I got it for $27 which isn't a huge sale but it was a sale. I have also seen Ghostbusters and the Birds sets on sale at my local TRU, again not huge sales or anything but like 10% off which is better than nothing. I also think Ghostbusters might have dropped a few dollars on amazon at one point. My local lego store has been stocked with Exo Suits for a while now though which is amusing since I tried to buy 3 the day they came out as both my kids wanted them as well as me. Now that I can buy more of them my kids are no longer interested as every time they tried to play with the one I bought it fell apart.
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