LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I think that the venator class republic cruiser looks amazing can't wait to get it . Really like the separatist shuttle too.
REVIEW:8018 Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
Got this set this morning took me just under an hour to build and I was surprised by how big the tank was. The new Yoda is fantastic!! Great review, helped me make up my mind about buying it.
REVIEW: 7752 Count Dooku's Solar Sailer
just ordered this set today! Great review helped me make up my mind, love the new Dooku minifig and think the ship looks awesome with the wings spread!
Star Wars sets anyone?
Hi People Went into my local TRU in the UK last week to pick up the limited edition separatist spider droid but it was £24.99 and i thought that was a bit too much for what it was so decided to take a look around there other sets and there I found this, I could not believe my eyes have always wanted and had never realised it was a limited edition set and so without a second thought I bought it for £49.99 (about $94) and its well worth it. Included in the set are 7 minifigs 2x Snowtrooper 2x Hoth Rebel Trooper K-3PO Luke Skywalker (Pilot) Dack Ralter You also get a probe droid which is pretty cool and a Snowspeeder. The base itself is a little small but you get a rather large rebel turret and one for the Snowtroopers, a small docking station for the Snowspeeder which allows you to move it 360 degrees, a little radar station and a crane you can use to take the side engines off of the Snowspeeder. I love the opening doors just big enough for the Snowspeeder to fit through and they work perfectly. The build didn't take very long but i liked the fact there were so many different little things to build like the probe droid and the turret. Below I have posted a few pictures the quality isn't very good because i took them on my phone but hey. Overall I would rate this set 9/10, would just have liked the inside of the base to be a bit bigger. If you are a Star Wars fan you need this set.[/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img]
MT-201 Ultra-Drill Walker Review
This set looks amazing! Cannot wait to get it, however I saw it in a local retailer today and it didn't have the limted edition mark on it, does anybody know if there are differences in these sets? Great review though.
Storage Solutions
Hi Just wondering where you guys keep all your Lego as I have quite a few sets but I am quickly running out of space as I only have one shelf! Please help!!!
Clone Wars: Republic Attack Gunship
Thanks for the help! More Pics Below, sorry about the quality on some of them.[/img][/img][/img][/img][/img] Enjoy!!! Heres a couple more!!![/img][/img]
Clone Wars: Republic Attack Gunship
Sorry I'm new to this. Yeah sure will add some straightaway. Definately worth it, cant really tell from the pics but it's a very big set and like I said earlier the new minifigs are great! Sorry, can anyone tell me if there is anyway i can add more photos it says i have not got enough space???
RDG31 started following Clone Wars: Republic Attack Gunship
Clone Wars: Republic Attack Gunship
Got this set on Wednesday from Woolworths and it is everything I hoped it would be. Love the new Obi-Wan-Kenobi and Asajj Ventress minifigs. Took me about half a day to build and was relatively easy. Best part about this is all the sliding and opening doors that it has, two sets of doors cover the main compartment in which the minifigs go. Another set covers a small computer terminal under the cockpit and finally there is a type of escape pod hidden by two small doors three-quaters of the way down. The set also comes with a small spedder bike, which is pretty cool and that fits into the back of the ship via a drop down door at the back. The wings and the engines look really good and they don't fall off very easily which surprised me. There are only a couple of problems I have with this set and they are, the flick fire missiles at the top fall out too easily and you don't get enough clone troops with it because there are loads of places for them to go in this set. Overall this set is fantastic and would give it 9/10. Hoping to get the AT-TE tomorrow as that looks equally as amazing. Thanks for reading
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