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  1. well my 7676 RGS had 2 of the long black technic axles extra (same length as the ones used to build the 2 big cannons).... they were floating around the box outside the polybags
  2. think about the infinite possibilities of a minifigure sized minigun ! .... it can be added to mechs, planes, helicopters , land vehicles
  3. in a island where the local distributor monopoly the market its so shameful i dont wanna name it
  4. and the recent droid gunship would complete the kashyk battle
  5. thats the flashlight .... watch the clone wars trailer and ull know .... theres a scene where the clones enter a dark cave with a metal door like jabba's palace in the movies
  6. everything is perfect except the rear of troop cabin .... seems so flimsy with only 2 2x1 white brick holding everything together ....
  7. its worst over here HSD retails for USD$58 fighter tank retails for USD$72
  8. too many pictures .... we dont need to see every step
  9. no i didnt bought it the only ep3 set i got was the clone scout walker ....
  10. i wonder if the only way to have a "functioning" open/close cockpit is with super-glue
  11. around USD$110 in todays exchange rate ..... lego is sooooo expensive here .... 1 "children's toy" can easily exceed a low-middle income family's daily wage
  12. i remember seeing a wookie catamaran with LUL sitting at corner of the shelf ..... for a few times that i been there (back in 2007) seems like a unwanted (and overpriced) child that nobody wants to adopt & bring home ... released in 2005 .... still sitting there in 2007 poor thing
  13. around USD$77 over here .... not in the US
  14. saw this in the store on the 26th .... overpriced ... ill pass
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