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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. RaZeR replied to RaZeR's post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    We changed game name due to our plans, so please rename this topic to "LEGO Combat 3D"
  2. Looks good. And the graphics will be better - looks like they added ambient occlusion or using lightmaps (look at the shadows at the bricks around the studs, etc.) I hope that this is actual footage, not just the rendering
  3. Sorry, i may posting to wrong forum I'm and my friends from Russian Fan Forum LEGO are making a 3D first-person shooter with our forum members. You and your enemy are LEGO heads Currently we are implemented only deathmatch, but in future we will add campaign and other things Current version - 0.46b. To play you need to have .NET Framework XNA Framework 3.1 and .NET Framework 3.5. There are some screenshots: Game features cartoony graphics, effects, and LEGO objects! You can download the game at SourceForge. Also you can post your thought at our special forum for those who don't speak russian P.S: Here you can read more about our team.
  4. I recently seen a minifig named "Beatrice", which contacted me and said that he/she are from EuroBricks too, and said that will PM me here
  5. RaZeR replied to SаM's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I already seen it on RFFL, it's time to comment here Nice work, SaM I love the cartoony style of this drawing. Reminds me of comics from LEGO Adventures and others
  6. I'm in Beta test too :) My nickname is RaZeR, and nickname of my brother is Drakon.
  7. RaZeR replied to Andeh's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Press the U sign with a tool on the bottom-right corner of the screen, then click "Graphics". But there is a bug wth it - all buttons will slide to top-left corner, so close "Settings" and type /reloadui to fix that. Then you can change the resolution (but you will need to set it every time - settings don't saving at this moment)
  8. RaZeR replied to Skipper 24's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    I have received a beta key in this Thursday and started to play. Game is very interesting, but have one major con: settings don't save, so i can't set up advanced graphics settings like HDR or bloom, because they will aply after game restart, but every time settings are sets again to the defaults! I tried to edit config file, but it's not helped. I asked to support, they said me that they will fix it up later. But you can set up the resolution (playing 1024x768 on 1920x1080 FullHD monitor is crappy), though Also, there is a tip: When you click on "Settings" button, game blink one time and all buttons go into the top left corner. Type /reloadui into the chat window and you can access the settings
  9. RaZeR replied to Skipper 24's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Hey pals, i think i figured out the days when open beta-testing would start! I looked at "Help The Minifigs" page on Lego Universe site that talks about that one million minifigs will be launched after 72 days (after date of this post, 19 January), if it means that "minifigs launch" is start of open beta-testing, so open beta starts at 1 April 2010! The beta launch is coming closer P.S: There are two nice missions on "Help The Minifigs" page
  10. Thanks for the photos! I hope i will buy 8049 Log Loader, because i havn't got pneumatics in past (but now i'm collecting some money to buy...) Thanks!
  11. Hello I want to show you my latest PF car - Acid Monster. Why monster? Monster because it can ride up to 7 KM/H I also added "custom stickers" :skull: Also features "return-to-center" steering, which makes controlling the car much easier On-board speedometer 8287 Race Buggy motor connected to PF using custom wires (in Russia there are no converters) OMG, what a big car! RC-like remote I hope you like it Comments, please
  12. I hope i will enter this contest
  13. This is my first MOC that posted here (other my MOCs published on Phantoms) You can view previous my BS (on RU forum) here: BS-01. I decided to build next version. My sorter sorts 1x2 bricks by red and blue color. This version is faster and smaller My minifig (RaZeR) with his creation From other view: This thing sends red bricks to right slot and blue bricks to left slot "Pushing" part NXT bricks shows the progress I hope you like it ;) *waits for comments*
  14. RaZeR replied to ZeeK's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    Awesome review Nostalgic Technic "bending part" lookin' good Кстати, что-то я его на РФФЛ не замечал
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