Purist Superhero Figures
Hey autorazr, long time no "see". I also love that Granny, Numbuh1Nerd. The Fourth World from Kirby has always been some of my favorite comic art. I did a bunch of the characters awhile 5 years ago. I think they are somewhere around pg 20 in this thread, haha. So many better parts are out now, though, I have thought of revisiting them. Good to see you guys are still so active here.
Purist Superhero Figures
I am having some trouble posting from Imgur...can't find how to resize my image on this site, after dragging. I feel like it used to be easy. It's probably my own incompetence, haha. Anyway, hope you enjoy this shot of Clint (aka, Hawkguy) and his buds, Logan, Pete, Matt, Tony and Steve. Don't mind Tony's odd skin complexion. This is an 80s rendition, so he may have some...well, liver issues.
Purist Superhero Figures
Thanks! I'll def repost when I get a chance...had to run to dinner (and now my wife is glaring at me while I try and type this at the restaurant).
Purist Superhero Figures
Edited for resizing
- My OVERWATCH minifigs MOC
Purist Superhero Figures
Here is a Ka-Zar with the new Batman pants on. Maybe not the best pants, with the print, but I thought the boots made it worthwhile (now I need to brick build a Sebu, which I know I've seen in this thread, years ago):
Purist Superhero Figures
Hey Big Red Cheese, that "psycho gangster" head is great for the Toyman...thanks for the suggestion.
Review - 70904 Clayface Splat Attack
Noce review...strange set to start with! This is actually my favorite set in the movie line, because it is so unique. I wish Clayface had a few more expressions but it was a fun build and looks great on my shelf.
Purist Superhero Figures
Here is an obscure one I worked on over the weekend for my 4th World collection...I'd like a better hairpiece but for now, this'll do. Virmin Vunderbar:
Purist Superhero Figures
Duncan Young, love that Azreal. Great use of the Hyperion legs (which I happen to have an extra set of...zoink, stealing this idea!!).
[MOC] batcave for the micro-batman !
Great build and a very creative idea. I wonder if a Fortress of Solitude or a Hall of Justice is around the corner??
Purist Superhero Figures
Been awhile. I think it was around page 25 that I last contributed to this most excellent thread. Big ups to all those who've kept it going over the years. Anyway, here are some attempts at making a Toyman: My BtAS version: A "creative" version, using some movie parts:
- Marvel Superheroes 2016 Rumors And Discussion
Marvel Super Heroes General Discussion
I apologize if I'm posting in the wrong place (seems to be a big issue at Eurobricks), but I was just wondering if anyone else finds the Silver Centurion minifig in the new Avengers game to be the sexiest minifig of all time? The arm printing, leg printing (even on the sides!), the black eye...such a quality figure. Props to the designer and thanks to TLG for making him available!
- LEGO Dimensions Discussion
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