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  1. Jedi_Scum replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Based on what I gathered. They're given out in the Hong Kong The Clone Wars Premiere. The money gathered from the tickets sold will be donated to Orbis. After the premiere showing is completed, there will be a lucky draw, 50 lucky people will be getting one each. They're bagged directly by Lego's Asia Distributors. You can see a quick glimpse of them - Here. That's all I know so far. Just passing on the news.
  2. Jedi_Scum replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    My Bad, I misunderstood. There's only 50 of the 212st made. Each is supposedly "Not for Sale" and is for charity. Source's speculated 2nd hand market price is around 80, but he's sure that there will be people scalping it to the 150 or even high areas. Though there's more than 50 shown. Only 50 will actually be for the public market. The extra ones are for commercial publishing and advertising means. I'll see if I can get my hands on them. It's through special "Not for sale" charity early screening of TCW - and a lucky draw after the show (As far as I can tell). I'll update as I get more info. I'm definitely going to want this ... Must resist... The power... of the... Dark... I give up!
  3. Jedi_Scum replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    They're the 212st in Phase 1 armour. Since I'm over at Hong Kong, I'm going to "try" get my hands on them. My source was saying that his suggested price was $150 USD! Ridiculous!
  4. Jedi_Scum replied to KimT's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Not sure if yall have seen them yet. But these are going to be in a Charity Promotion limited to 50... Just found out... Going to be tough to hunt down!
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