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Khaled Yousef

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Everything posted by Khaled Yousef

  1. I don't know if you remember or not, but five years ago I made a similar 15th anniversary logo and I told you back then that it was inspired by your awesome MOC. This one is also inspired by yours (especially the Death Star from the Planets set), but with more dramatic lighting ;-) I thought about adding effects to the lightsabers, but I love the transparent parts so much and I didn't want to hide their natural interaction with light.
  2. Hello everyone. This is the logo I designed based on the original 1999 LEGO Star Wars logo to celebrate twenty awesome years of pure joy. Although this celebration makes me feel so old, yet the fact that I'm still here and still a big fan and still excited about continuing the journey brings warm feelings to my heart. I'll be using this logo on all my upcoming celebration MOCs this year; and I have a couple of those coming up very soon. LEGO Star Wars - 20 Years Classic Logo 1 s by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr Tell me what do you think :-)
  3. Thanks a lot Aggron44. I wish I could make instructions; but I still have much to learn about LDD before I could embark on such an enormous task.
  4. Thanks Brickdad. there are 10 years separating the original UCS and the upcoming one; I really hope LEGO designers found a solution to the interior, and decided to put more attention to the hull finishing like Marshal Banana's MOC, if they did then the new UCS would top every other MOC including mine. Thanks Globemaster8, I also think this is the best size, and my design goal was to combine the right look with the playability we all want to have in our Falcon sets. Thank you very much, I'm glad you think my MOC bested the retiring UCS, the new UCS however might change that score. But until that happens I'll enjoy your great complements as much as I can.
  5. Thanks Pateras; I'm using a combination of Technic links and hinge bricks. Download the high-res pic shown below; I think it might give you a good view of the connections. LEGO Star Wars - Star Destroyer 17 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  6. Thanks a lot blbills for your offer to help; I still have much to learn about LDD. I will be recreating this model physically, and this time I'll make sure to count every piece and show every step from the start. Thank you Smack. I would like to see the one you'll build :-)
  7. Actually this is a good idea, and it's not impossible at this scale, though it would just be 2*2 opening and won't fit a minifig through, but it would still be a nice detail and play feature to add.
  8. Thanks jhaelego; I'm following the progress of your awesome Falcon too on Flickr, such an incredible build.
  9. Ooh, that's interesting. I bet one of those is a thumbs-up-lighter-thingie
  10. Thanks. I will be re-building the whole thing again to achieve a stronger frame and create more space for more interior features, and this time I will be taking WIP pictures that shows every step inside out. Thanks for the complements
  11. Of course, my target is to learn LDD and redesign the ship in a more professional way and be able to make instructions and part list. Now for some more pics. LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 12 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 13 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 14 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  12. Thanks, if I learned how to make instructions some day I'll send it to you for free; you'll need the money for buying all the expensive parts My MOC got blogged today by BrickNerd Check it out. http://bricknerd.com/home/the-fastest-hunk-of-junk-in-the-galaxy-2-2017
  13. Thanks Raskolnikov, it's your turn now to build a better Falcon like your AWESOME Star Destroyer with interior too.
  14. WHAT, no worries at all, criticism is always welcome in all shapes and forms, and I value your input. ... and WOW, this castle is HUGE! Thanks, and yeah, the minifigs have pretty damn weird proportions for anyone to be able to come up with a correct "minifig-scale". Thanks Commander Turtle, I thought about doing that, not because my model is that good but because people are anticipating the UCS so bad, but I didn't think people would buy it, even if I used all the professional photography and photoshop in the world. It would only provoke the mods on the pictures and rumors thread to ban me for spreading false rumors
  15. Thanks, I wanted to build a Falcon I can "live" in, not just a display model. I knew fans would love the detailed interior as much as I do. So much nice complements from a brilliant designer. Your complements makes me happy :-) I'm glad you like the easy accessible interior; designing the removable top hull was really tough because I wanted it to look good closed AND opened, and keep it tough so it won't flip open every time I swoosh it around to escape from TIE Fighters. Yeah I know; the Falcon is just a space burger with a pickle on the side not the most inspiring design of a space ship. I'm glad you liked my model despite all that. Thanks, but you need to send me 40% more grey parts and increase my storage area at home by 40% and extend my free time by 40%, only then I can build the model to the standard you like But seriously, maybe the photos don't show how big this model is; it's huge, about 64 cm long (25 inches) or about 80 studs, you want it to be 112 studs long (90cm)? While this might seem to be the correct scale on paper it looks ridiculous in reality next to minifigs, because minifigs are not proportionate to human body, you need to compromise and put the "chibiness" and tubbiness of the minifig in mind to make a minifig-scale model that doesn't make minifigs look like dwarfs. I generally use a scale of 1:40 and then drop 20% off the overall measurements to compensate for minifig distorted proportions. Now, as promised, the pictures of the bottom hull. LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 11 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 10 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  16. Unfortunately, I don't use LDD, so I really can't give an accurate piece count. Maybe when I make the size comparison I can get a rough estimate, but we're talking about thousands of pieces, heavy Technic frame, double plated hull, interior deck and details, play features and tons of greebling, so it's quite dense. Thanks man :-) Your wish is my command. LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 5 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 6 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 7 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 8 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 9 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr More pictures of the bottom hull coming up next, and more pictures of details and play features coming up after that.
  17. Thanks a lot mortesv; I will be adding many more pictures of the bottom hull and interior details ASAP, I'm working on them as we speak. Thanks very much roadstermatt and Flandy; I'm sure the LEGO designers will make a much better looking ship from the outside, I'm not sure if they could beat my interior though
  18. Thanks RogueRecon. I don't have 10179 but I'll try to Photoshop a comparison photo with both the UCS and the System sets to show how my model fits between those two. Of course, I'll be taking tons of close-ups, I made a really big effort trying to put as many details as possible in this model, so I'll be posting details photos until you guys yell at me to stop. I was just in a hurry to catch up with the 40th Anniversary date so I took a couple of quick photos last night; a couple of Bricklink orders got delayed so I had to work till the last minuet.
  19. Happy Star Wars 40th Anniversary everyone. This month, I decided that my celebration MOC should be the most iconic ship in the entire Star Wars universe. And while everyone is waiting for the new UCS set to be announced I thought I could ease the anticipation by giving a slight taste of what I wish we would be getting this year. I’ve been working on this ship since early 2015, and I had to re-design it several times to be able to achieve a frame that could accommodate an interior without compromising the ruggedness. I also tried to keep the ship at reasonable minifig scale, not too big like the UCS which makes minifigs look like hobbits, and not too small and inaccurate like the System sets. I tried to capture the exterior as well as I could, and of course I used the epic models of Pepa Quin and Marshal Banana for inspiration. But I had do re-design everything to maintain the playability and opening top functions without sacrificing any exterior details. The top opens easily and closes firmly using magnet connections so it won’t flip open when the ship is upside down. For the interior I had to rely only on the cross-section images to get all the details right, and I tried to capture as many details as possible especially for the engine room with the hyper drive and the main hold. The corridor and compartments layout is also accurate, and I will be uploading more images comparing my layout to the actual model later. Also the bottom side of the ship is complete and fully detailed like the top, but I didn’t have enough time to take pictures of it. I will be uploading more detailed images showing the landing gear, freight elevator and opening escape pod hatch, a detailed boarding ramp and of course more lovely greebling. I hope this model is good enough to ease the waiting for the official UCS set, and that it lives up to the special occasion of celebrating 40 years of Star Wars awesomeness. LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 1 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 2 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 3 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - Millennium Falcon 4 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  20. Oh come on, you're torturing us. At least tell us when we would see it and we won't bother you with questions, so you can focus on building.
  21. and a new one I just edited. I hope these two shots are helpful. LEGO Star Wars - Star Destroyer 18 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  22. There is this shot that shows the hangar from the other side with the three docking bays. LEGO Star Wars - Star Destroyer 7 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  23. So by “to scale” you meant actual scale… hmmm… you’re not building a Death Star to actual scale now, are you? Anyway, I can’t wait to see it. If it’s half as good as this awesome Star Destroyer, or your other equally impressive ships, then I’d be a happy man.
  24. Oooh, to scale? like with minifigs? I hope it is what I think it is, and that it has an interior. This is so exciting, I can't wait to see it. and here's the hint number four: - It will be AWESOME!
  25. Will you give us a hint about your next project, pleeeeeeeeease
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