Everything posted by Khaled Yousef
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
I really hope this Construction figures stuff is a hoax, it’s a waste of essential minifigs that should be released in normal sets. Also I don’t understand how are they going to make those, I mean a Vader or Boba might work, but what about characters with normal human head? Is it going to be like Galidor head or something… shudders
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
I don’t watch the Rebels show, so could the Imperial officer in the Assault Carrier be one with black uniform or is he normal grey or dark tan like the one that comes in the TIE-something set from January wave? Do the black uniform officers appear in the show at all? I’ve just replaced all the grey hats of my Imperial Officers with the new ones, and I hope we get a black one so I could update my black uniform officers. One of them is already yelling at me: “Bring me my new black hat… you Rebel scum!”
The Matrix: Welcome to the Real World
Amazing work; the arms solution delivers the creepy fluid motion perfectly, and the diorama is just full of awesomeness, like the tent for cape on the Technik Neo, and the green lighting effect… this is great on so many levels. It’s also very courteous of you to mention your inspiration; you know I just bought LEGO from Bart on Bricklink and I never knew he was such an amazing builder until I followed the link you posted here.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Tribute to 15 Years of LEGO Star Wars
I'm glad I could make the original yellow SW miniigs fans happy. I think the people who criticize early sets for being inaccurate are looking backwards at this issue; because back in 1999, and compared to sets from other themes, the Star Wars sets were revolutionary! The designers did a magnificent job showing us that the LEGO bricks we used to see building the usual bright-colored world can also build a dark gritty world... it was something we never saw before and it opened an entirely new dimension of creativity to us. The grey starships, the trans-black windscreens, the light sabers, the dark box art with awesome life-like photos... for us, this was just an epic transition, and it brought back many AFOLs from their dark ages... and this is why I'm paying this tribute in the first place, not just for the sets but for the awesome designers. My first set was 7150 TIE advanced and Y-wing... everything about this set was mind blowing.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
I love everything about these sets, they might be leaning more towards 2009 sets than the original classic awesomeness, but any new Pirates sets are welcome in my book. I'm also glad we're finally getting the original tri-corn in reddish brown; it may be the last important old part that needed to be redone in the new colors. I wish they could've remade the original palm tree though, it was a lot better than this new Technic solution.
Tribute to 15 Years of LEGO Star Wars
Thank you very much guys for your comments, I'm glad I could evoke some warm nostalgia in this cold weather. Smitty500:YES! I saw yours earlier and I was inspired by it, I thought your idea was awesome Lord Tyrus: I know, it's a little longer than it should, but it was the only hair that has center part which resembles Solo's hair, the original one is just absurd. I wish LEGO would give him a new hair mold, but they never do, and it's really frustrating.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Hello! I'm Khaled from Egypt
We already have one, my friend, and it's Eurobricks. I've been lurking around here since 2008, and I've never felt more like being home anywhere else.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
If the UCS Falcon didn't have minifigs with it, then maybe it could exist on shelves alongside the System scale one, just like the X-wing, otherwise it might be confusing. Again I hope I'm completely wrong and we get the Falcon in all scales at the same time. On another note; we got prelims of summer sets in January 1st this year; I don't remember who found them, but do you guys think we might be surprised again in a few days from now with 2015 pictures?
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Hello! I'm Khaled from Egypt
Thank you very much guys for the welcome And Mazin, I appreciate what you said very much, and I didn't even mention the awful recent events we're going through here because I didn't want this to be my own whining thread, but you seem to understand; we've lost what's beyond normal everyday commodities, maybe to the extent of losing mental stability altogether sometimes, but I still think I can manage, by clinging to the little things I love, and the support of friendly people... so thanks again man.
Tribute to 15 Years of LEGO Star Wars
I can't believe it's been fifteen years already since the beginning of the best thing that ever happened to LEGO... can you guys believe this? How old have we become! Fifteen years since the awesome Star Wars was honored by being officially represented by our beloved brick, and it' been a match made in heaven... and I just couldn't let this year go without paying tribute. And I couldn't think of a better way to do it than to honor the original logo that was created by the LEGO designers when the theme was launched back in 1999. This logo is so original, iconic and exclusive to LEGO, unlike those new yearly unified logos we get these days which are the same across all other Star Wars merchandise. So, without further ado, I present my tribute to fifteen years of LEGO Star Wars and the awesome original logo which was there when it all began. Here is the 15 Years tribute with the original yellow minifigs, for those old enough to remember and appreciate. You'll notice I used a new Vader instead of the old one, only because I thought it represented the one in the original logo better. I also know the new sand green Boba would match the original logo better buy I couldn't resist using the old Boba out of sheer nostalgia. LEGO Star Wars - 15 Years Logo (Yellow) by K Yousef, on Flickr And here is the same tribute but with new improved flesh minifigs for the newer generations to enjoy. (and despite being an old fart myself, I actually prefer this one over the yellow version... something about the color balance) LEGO Star Wars - 15 Years Logo (Flesh) by K Yousef, on Flickr Here is the logo in its original form with yellow minifigs. LEGO Star Wars - Classic Logo (Yellow) by K Yousef, on Flickr And the original logo with fleshies. LEGO Star Wars - Classic Logo (Flesh) by K Yousef, on Flickr A comparison with the original awesomeness. LEGO Star Wars - 15 Years Logo (Comparison) by K Yousef, on Flickr I hope you enjoy.
Hello! I'm Khaled from Egypt
Hello EUROBRICS My name is Khaled Yousef, I'm 33 and I'm from Egypt. I'm an engineer and a photographer. I've been a fan of LEGO as far as I can remember, and I've never stopped being so. I got my first set (FABULAND 3660 Fisherman's Hut) as my fifth birthday present from my parents... and once I opened that lovely green box all my other toys faded to the background, and LEGO became my one and only interest. My favorite themes were TOWN and CASTLE in the eighties, PIRATES throughout the nineties and then Star Wars took over in the early 2000s up till now. So here I am... a lurker no more... and hopefully an active member of your awesome community.
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