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Khaled Yousef

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Khaled Yousef

  1. Oh don't worry, a lot of people thought the same, it's the sharp images and high contrast lighting that gives this effect. But when you look at the high-res images on my Flickr you'll be able to see the dust and fingerprints. Thanks Azrielsc, of course you can use any ideas, it would be an honor. The hangar is my favorite part of this ship actually. But in order to place it on your 10030 you might need to move the second supporting leg a few studs to the back I think, or remove it completely and bring the first leg forward to the center of gravity of the ship. My ship stands on one leg which gives me a lot of room to place many details on the bottom hull, but I still think it's possible for 10030 too if the legs were brought closer together. You might also need to counter the weight of the hangar bay build by adding more weight to the bridge so that the ship won't tip forward.
  2. I'm sorry I don't have an LDD file because I don't design on the computer, I'm an amateur builder who just puts a couple of bricks together an see what happens. all I know is that the ship is roughly 3.2 feet long (1 meter) and VERY heavy due to double layer plates on the hull and tough Technic frame, plus all greebling thingies and tiles, I say not less than 5000 parts.
  3. WHAAAT! No man, you’re the master here; the top side, greebles, bridge and engines area of your model is 100000000 times better than mine, there is absolutely no reason to think the bottom would be less impressive. I wish you built your model first so I could steel some of your ideas
  4. I built my Star Destroyer to that same scale, and I thought there couldn’t be any more details to be added at this size. Then you come and take that scale to a new level and you manage to put loads of impossible details in it, and this requires a true genius builder. I can’t wait to see what you’d do with the bottom side and the docking bays.
  5. Beautiful build; epic as usual with all your MOCs, and worthy of the 40th anniversary celebration indeed. I love how it looks perfectly finished. I hope to see more builders of your caliber join the celebration this month.
  6. This looks absolutely fantastic. all the details are there while maintaining the correct scale. I particularly love the clever use of parts, especially the helmet for the belly.
  7. ... and for all them shy members who couldn't look at Leia without pants; here is the update with a nice slightly revealing skirt thanks duboismerci for suggesting the snowtrooper kama, this inspired me to use the skirt from the CMF Greek goddess with a slight trim to the edge. Star Wars 40 Anniversary Logo 3 (small) by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  8. OK, calling this just a set MOD is an understatement; this is a terrific MOC in my eyes.
  9. I was actually going to ask you to build a Han Solo to go with the Princess, you just made my wish come true before I even ask, and you exceeded my expectations with yet another terrific build. And the goggles on top of his head, clever touch.
  10. Thank you guys so much for all the nice comments
  11. Amazing work Miro. The characters are beautiful and the corridor build is terrific. I love the picture with the red lighting the most. I’ve seen those earlier on Flickr, and I’ve been following you ever since. Can’t wait for the slave Leia.
  12. Inspired by the tribute to Carrie Fisher that was shown in Celebration Orlando this year, I decided to dedicate my April Star Wars 40th Anniversary MOC to both Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2) by building the most iconic scene that introduced them both in Episode IV: A New Hope. Rest in peace Carrie and Kenny; we love you both very much. LEGO Star Wars - The Princess and the Droid 1 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr
  13. WOW, that's awesome. thanks Will 4-Lom's detailed bug-eyes looks amazing.
  14. Wait; is there a finalized picture of the bounty hunter battle pack or is this Bossk description just from the prelim pic with placeholders?
  15. Thanks Martinouchou, better start saving from now.
  16. Since the rumors of the Falcon are pretty much solid now, is there an estimate on the release date?
  17. Alright, my X-wing needs a nose-job I think the problem you’re talking about can be fixed if LEGO would make a 2*12 wedge-plate, which would work better than the 3*12 I’m using, and might make it little less chubby. I’m working on it anyway, at least to fix the gaps between the wedges and the mid-section. Wait… now my X-wing is crying. You keep saying bad things about her nose and you hurt her feelings. What am I going to do now?
  18. Thanks FTG, but what's wrong with the angle of the canopy? Looking at the source material, my canopy looks closer to the correct angle tilting upwards compared to say, the official set, which is flat and wrong.
  19. Whatever MODs you’ll do to the MTTs I’m sure it would be great. I’ve always been fascinated by your dioramas since I first saw them in 2007… WOW, that’s ten years ago! Keep up the great work.
  20. I can't wait to see the finished MOC, you're the master of these epic scenes. Love the Fambaas and Gungan catapults, are you going to make a new design for the MTT too?
  21. VaderFan: thanks alot for your nice comment. Ellisss: thanks, the x-ray shot was inspired by Inthert's Cross-Section shot, and I'll be adding engine details later. Flandy: I'm glad I could bring something new to the table, alot of builders have been flexing their muscles with this particular model lately and the competition is tough, they're all amazing and each one brings a new idea. I got some ideas from your awesome X-wing too.
  22. Here is my take on the iconic X-wing. Lots of builders have been bringing out some incredible models, and I decided to hop on the X-wing train and see if I can bring something interesting to the table. The objective of the project: To build the perfect minifig scale X-wing and make it look like a mini UCS X-wing, not because I'm a genius, but because I'll be using the best design ideas inspired by the best X-wing builders out there. The design guidelines: Accuracy in overall shape, scale and proportions. Convincingly accurate color scheme. Abundance of details. Sturdiness. Working S-foil mechanism. Modularity and easy assembly. Using the new windscreen. Detailed cockpit. Convenient R2 slot. Storage compartment. LEGO Star Wars - T-65 X-Wing 0 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - T-65 X-Wing 1 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - T-65 X-Wing 3 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - T-65 X-Wing 4 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - T-65 X-Wing 5 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - T-65 X-Wing 6 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr LEGO Star Wars - T-65 X-Wing 7 4K by Khaled Yousef, on Flickr The build: The ILM model used in the CGI work is dirty white, while the life size model leans towards grey, so you pick the one you prefer; there is no definitive answer to that question. I chose white because the X-wing is a lot lighter than the Falcon, and the Falcon is definitely grey, so there is no other choice in LEGO except white. I tried however to darken the overall tone a bit by using grey and tan parts whenever possible to give it the battle scarred look. I used red and dark red for marking to give it a dirty look while at the same time be able to use the original Red Five striped 1*4 tile on the wings. An all dark red markings would just make it look dark not dirty; dirty is more accurate. I found that L-DI-EGO's and Inthert’s idea to use the 12*3, 4*2 & 3*3 wedge-plated to illustrate the nose to be the perfect solution. I just wish LEGO would make a 6*2 wedge plate so I could use it instead of the 4*2. I also think Inthert is the best builder to incorporate this idea to achieve the perfect overall shape. I had to use the new windscreen because it's just gorgeous. The only problem with it is that it ends in 4 studs and doesn't taper inwards; it should taper inwards to 3 studs to fit seamlessly into the wedge plates of the nose. This caused a slight unavoidable gap between the wedge plates and the top of the nose. I’m working to fix this issue. The build of the body is sturdy enough, and the wings are removable for easy maintenance of the s-foil mechanism and for easy storage. Psiaki was the first to inspire me to think outside of the box when it comes to designing the X-wing body; he was the first to use SNOT techniques, modularity and angled plates to make a more accurate overall shape for his X-wing than the official set. The nose tip is a new design, I hope I managed to make it look as smooth as it should. I used LEGO's S-foil mechanism with rubber bands, it's the best and most professional one to use, it opens easily with a twist of the top 2*2 round plate and snaps right back perfectly. I improved on LEGO's design by concealing the rubber bands so it won't look stupid. I consider this model to be a work-in-progress, so any ideas to improve on this design would be much appreciated. I intend to improve the S-foil mechanism by connecting the opposite wings to achieve more balance while keeping the core rubber band system, which is tough considering the tight space I have. I also want to add retractable landing gear inside the engines and the nose without compromising the shape or the integrity of the structure. I hope I've succeeded in building a better and more accurate X-wing, worthy enough of the 40th anniversary celebration this year, bringing together the best ideas of the best builders out there with professional techniques from the official sets and some personal ideas of mine to make it look like the perfect minifig-scale X-wing. I wanted to take more time to improve on this model, but I don't want to cause delay to my next MOC, which is going to be my best work ever, so I think I'll move on immediately to my next MOC, which will be "on the way at the speed of light".
  23. FTG Prime: thanks for the kind words. Kit Bricksto: dude, thanks and all, but seriously, stop wasting your time commenting on unworthy stuff like my Star Destroyer and spend some more time working on your awesome Falcon. WE CAN’T WAIT ANYMORE!
  24. Dude, move your Star Destroyer to the side for a little bit; it’s so unbelievably awesome that it’s totally over-shadowing mine.
  25. Thanks Jhaelego and krisandkris12 for your kind words. About the edge connection, well, I couldn’t find a better way to connect plates of different alignment “officially”, but I’m sure my connection is not “illegal” also since nothing is strained or bent, and it holds very well considering the large size, I don’t know, maybe an LDD model would prove me wrong, but I’m certain it’s not. As for the gap between the top hull and tower, it’s there since the entire tower hovers over the hull and not connected to it at all to preserve the modularity and prevent any stress on the hull, the entire tower bulk only connects inside to the chassis, but you’re right, I should’ve added an additional plate underneath the tower till it touches the hull.
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