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About CommanderCody77

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    Lego Star Wars, Lego Pirates, Lego power miners and basically everything lego except space.


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    Hong Kong

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  1. I really hope that the star wars battlepack will include at least 4 clone troopers as I am need of more of them. Also, will the Naboo Battle have Theed Guards?
  2. The lineup for 2011 doesn't look too good so far. I wonder what minifigs they would put in The Battle of Naboo. I don't think TLC should make a V-Wing Star fighter perhaps they could do a droid fighter of some kind???
  3. Signed with no question.
  4. I would say a Clone base because it would be much more interesting and you said you don't have much Separatist leaders so Clone base all the way!
  5. This is a awesome MOC! The front cannon looks like it could produce a lot of damage and those legs look very sturdy. And the blue you chose for the color scheme is great also
  6. This is a wonderful review Copmike! Although you surprised me a little when you said:"ITS A TRAP!" After your review I think I am going to get it soon, and I think the set is absolutely amazing!
  7. But if it was a Brickmaster exclusive shouldn't we already know about it? Or is this set just a Promotional set?
  8. These are awesome pics! I really like the Venator Hanger it just it so awesome! I also really like the chrome stormtrooper on the skateboard.
  9. Great! I really like the structure and that engine at the back looks pretty nice The cockpit also looks like it has enough space for the pilot. But I wonder why you don't like the engine? Is there a reason? I would say it looks pretty nice and sleek. So... Good luck on the contest!!!
  10. It IS probably true that SOME Star Wars sets will come early but I think the majority(it means most if you don't know ) of the Star Wars sets will come out in August. Also I think for the AT-TE Brickmaster set has the two front and back legs too small which just makes it look weird
  11. I am officially declining the prize of 100 points and everyone keep working hard!
  12. OH! No wonder. baby, could you show us your droid army now? Thanks! It also looks like you have a lot of pilots
  13. This looks great The horns and the silverware makes it look ~snazzy~ The shape of it looks quite good and it doesn't look boxy Could you take a pic on the engines as I can't see much of it. Thanks!
  14. COOL! The Motorbike looks nice and sleek and the front wheel makes it looks awesome! The idea of making a Trooper Appreciation Day is quite good This is a great MOC for your first one
  15. Well if you want to talk about these unconfirmed sets you should go to the Future Star Wars Sets topic. Here is a link: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407 Sorry KimT if I was doing your job. Anyways back on topic, I can't believe TLC didn't change Mon Mothma's hair! Does anybody know why they didn't change it?
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