Everything posted by CommanderCody77
It says the folder is not public, anyways how is there a cargo bay inside a Vehicle?
clone wars commader bly
Love the decals But it would be better if you colored the under side of the Microbinoculars white also EDIT: I also see the word mad at the last picture
"The Fate of Ahsoka"
Stop posting very inapropriate things! Anyways back on topic I think she'll either die in Order 66 or be killed by Darth Vader Edit: Inapproriate content removed from the quote above. Removed by WhiteFang
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
You subscribe for it on But I think TLG is unfair because they only let the americans get the brickmaster
Venator MOC
So are you going to make instructions?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Good find, but the review has only one picture of the set
Jabba's Cantina
Love the Cantina and I liked how you put a chef hat on Jabba's head. Well thats why its called Jabba's Cantina because its his restaurant
MOC: Republic Interceptor
Looks sturdy and sleek and I also like the engines which look really neat and the controls inside the cockpit
Ye Olde Soldiers Fort
Very good Like how you switched the palm tree with the forest tree
Is there a interior? I didn't see any interior in the the pictures deeplinked and the pictures on your Brickshelf gallery
Rook, one question... what will be the Wing you will do next?
Disney Minifig Collection 12
The Genie looks quite scaled and looks very like the movie character
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Great! It looks quite good and that background is from Downfall of a Droid
Darth Vader's Tie Mauler
Nice Looks very sleek and sturdy and looks like you used some pieces from the Tie Crawler
Very good MOC I like how you designed the droids head and the shade area for Anakin
Snow Speeder Crash
Why is there a scout trooper if its on Hoth?
Venator MOC
Lovely! I never knew the AT-TE could be built this way, could you give us instructions so we could also make this ship of beauty? Is the landing gear also made from the AT-TE's parts? Yes I got 400 posts!
Snow Speeder Crash
Amazingly detailed! Love the scenery!
Great MOC! Looks very sleek and it even has white armor to match the weather in Mygeeto!
OMS (One man speeder)
Looks very good so far Good luck on the contest
Mobile Unit Transport M-U-T
Looks great But I suggest if you have light grey base plates change them around with the black ones
I agree with Oky Wan Kenobi that the Venator you're making is not micro, anyways why do you need finish it by the end of the week?
Republic OpenAssaultTank (OAT)
Very good MOC! Looks like quite a sturdy tank
[Comic] Episode 1: The War
Great comic Love how you started off at the beginning Can't wait for the next comic
Lovely MOC Rook Does the speeder in the last picture come out of the T-Wing?
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