Everything posted by CommanderCody77
Rebel modified AAC-1 hovertank
I think its a great MOC! But where is the background story
Rock Monster MOC
Very nice! But it doesn't look all that scary
Custom Ki-Adi-Mundi
Very nice yet very simple, I'm totally going to try this
RIC-920 w/ Rickshaw
Great! I love the droid you made
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
Anybody else getting this error?
Wow, great find anyways I didn't know that LEGO would make that many errors
Wookie Catch Walker
Good, but I don't really like the background story
Custom "Clone Wars" figures
Thanks, love all the names you gave the figures
When are you going to add the legs to the body? I want to see how it looks like
Self-Propelled Dewback Dew Drinks Dispenser
In the first pic, I don't know why but it looks messy
Very good Are you going to make the legs?
Self-Propelled Dewback Dew Drinks Dispenser
Very nice I love the pieces you made to make the word DEW P.S. I might vote for you
8017 Review: Darth Vader's TIE Fighter
Great review I voted excellent
Future Star Wars Sets
I would also like huge battles, for example on is the Battle of Endor
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Can you show me a pic?
Elf Archer Art
Very nice! Very realistic!
[MOC] Piranha of V.E.N.O.M.
Looks good! I see that you connected both things so they are detachable
Build a Star Wars Land-Based Vehicle
Looks like I'll probably enter this contest
MOC General Grievous
Good grevious But the tan droid head doesn't fit with white
Star Wars Forum Contest Prizes
Very cool! Love the decal at the back saying Eurobricks Oh yeah are you going to make a clone version of this?
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Is the Republic Emblem a sticker or pieces? I can't see it that clearly because today my laptop is not working that good
Freeco Bike, full and final!
Very good! I see what you changed. Keep doing good MOC's
Skaak ti vig
Very good vig! Those decals are very good!
TUTORIAL: Decal application
Thanks! I'll try this
MOC: Freeco Bike!
Good you make clearer pics and post them please I can't really see the Bike
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