Everything posted by CommanderCody77
Key chain texts
Wow, I never knew there was a text for the Key Chains. Looks like they're quite funny
[Comic] 222nd Legion Chronicles - Dedicated Topic
Great comic! But did the Commander in red die? Also what will happen to Commander Davy? Also you said the next comic is ready, so will you release today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
REVIEW: 7133 Bounty Hunter Pursuit
Awesome Review I have this set also and I think its great! I really the printed pieces. I'll give this set Outstanding
Mystic Of Death
Very good! It looks like it is in Halloween. I really like the cat For the black and white, Did you put the black and white after you took the picture Sir Nadroj?
Acclamator Class StarDestroyer WIP
Wow! The main engine looks awesome and cool at the same time! Will you put anymore fighters than the V-Wings?
A very cool idea I also like the color scheme you did. But who is that person in the cockpit? Also what will be your next Wing in the alphabet project?
Green Couch and Lamps
Looks very nice and smooth Really like how you made the lamp and the couch
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Yeah it does look like that but I think it might be a jedi robe because it said "Minifgure not final"
Republic Anti Tank Artillery (ATA)
Great way to make a Artillery tank I really like how you put the republic symbol on the wheel Also great solution on how to use the binoculars Good luck on the contest!
REVIEW: 10195 Republic Dropship with AT-OT
YES!!! Finally the Republic Dropship landed! I can't wait for your review! (Since you're so good in reviews ) I also really like the new 2009 poster they made! My favorite pose in the picture is the pilot droid and Dooku
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
No there hasn't bee any news about the Pirate Tank or the MSMF so they will probably be Limited editions
Medium Armored Speeder - Heavy Recon
Lovely vehicle of the Large Division! The front looks very smooth and I really like how you designed the guns! Good Luck!
[Comic] Episode 3 of the 313th's Clone Wars
Sorry, but I won't tell anyone what happens
REVIEW: 4475 Jabba's Message
Great review as always Mischa07 I really like the printed eye piece on the door but I thought Bib Fortuna's headpiece was all one piece but I was wrong
Wooly Mammoth
Lovely MOC! Great use of the Indiana Jones hat and castle basket
Imperial All Terrain-Personal Walker
This looks awesome!!!! I liked how you made the admiral Also, very nice details on the AT-PT I also really liked the front cannon Good luck on the contest!
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
You're lucky! I'll have to wait much longer since I don't live where you could buy from S@H and it would probably take at least a 2 weeks We have 200 pages!
REVIEW: 7141 Naboo Fighter
Another great review to add to the index I thought the Naboo Fighter looked weird when I first saw it when I was browsing on Amazon. But now I think its a Good set. Good things: Printed pieces! Bad things: The things next to the engine look too short, also whats with the green light thing?
REVIEW: 7111 Droid Fighter
Great review I've always liked this set but missed it since it was released in 1999 Good things about this set are: All printed pieces and no stickers Bad things about the set are: The Vulture droid or "Droid Fighter" as you call it looks weird when you put its head on top.
[Comic] Episode 3 of the 313th's Clone Wars
Lovely comic And finally theres a lot of action! I just finished reading Episode 4: Trap on CABG (Clone Army Builders Build)
REVIEW: 7126 Battle Droid Carrier
This was a set I really liked before the new guns came out. But when the new guns came out I bought tons of the Droid Battlepacks because I really liked the new guns. Even though it looks a little bit ugly, I still say this set isn't too bad.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Why did you put that picture there Super Cheese? Was it because that is where you're going to put your Hoth Battlepack?
Coruscant invasion Midnette
Lovely diorama! Like how you used the vulture droid and how you made the window I also liked how you made the huttlets raise their arms so they looked scared. This diorama reminds me of Hostage Crisis
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Palpatine is getting blond hair? I thought he was getting grey! Here is a pic:
Not all of them, the most easy to see that it is fake is Saesee Tinn's starfighter because the box art doesn't look smooth and it doesn't have flick fire missiles
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